i need gore ammo for tumblr raid send anything that will disgust whales.
Tumblr raid
Other urls found in this thread:
>send anything that will disgust whales
how many more times do I have too see this picture before I die
79.456.234 times
here have another one
user pls
the ride never ends
3 demonettes of slaanesh appear
Please kill him
they are legion!
Why not send info graphs about crime and kikes
Blacks n Jews
Monkeys n toucans
Gangsters and bankers
>Why not send info graphs about crime and kikes
>Blacks n Jews
>Monkeys n toucans
>Gangsters and bankers
slaanesh demons
they avoid /b/ now for a reason,
we just have to kinda ask for the help of /b/ to spam their degeneracy at a rate that tumblrinas can't compete with
They are ugly as fuck, if this fucker would've tried this faggotry here. He would be lynched till death. Same with africans who kills stray dogs and then eat them.
Bring your bullshit to /b/. We're gearing up for the mid-term & The Great Salt Harvest of 2018.
serious question, what does the sex life of a creature like this (or Trigglypuff) REALLY look like? are they legitimately sexually active, and if so, with whom? and how often?
only hands dildos or their dogs