“Is this the Crusty Crab?“
“No this is the leftist Cringe Compilation Center“
>t. Patrick from Spongebob
Leftist cringe thread
You're like mere babes.
Watch this.
>leftist Cringe Compilation Center
What are opening hours
Thank you for finally give me the courage to kill myself.
This one's quite strange. I hope this people don't have kids
The absolute state of protestants
>You will never suffer hypertension from the sheer salt leftists generate from the Trump presidency
God it feels good to be an American
What's worse is he's just a person on Alderaan
They do, Moshe, they do
That google guy looks like Richard Hendrix
Yea but no more than one or two for a family
this confirms the articles that came out here these days, that there are most children quoting fiction than reality and that points to mental health problems
I'm kind of glad some of them actually think war with us is a good idea now though. It's a lot easier to genocide a group of people when they were the initial aggressors.
I don't understand how people can constantly watch dave rubin or joe rogan.
>guys guys I really really really really don't like Trump but I want him to succeed.
every. Damn.time.
not all of them will be this retarded, but it is encouraging
lmao I retweeted that (and a lot of other leftist shit) because it's hilarious, I hope my followers don't think I'm actually a fifth columner
they're rational thinkers
not everyone has to be contrarian or radical
>Armed kids fighting an insurgency against a corrupt and compromised bureaucracy and press
>"Drumpf is Voldemort and we're the good guys!"
How stupid are these people?
This is the cringiest shit I have ever read on the internet.
>mfw I like Harry Potter but I’m not a liberal sjw psycho
>I’d rather have a wand
>still anti gun
1 and 3
Holy fucking hell how can they NOT see the irony in what they say. What the fuck do they think the lefts entire structure is??
The fact that there even has to be a fight to have a free platform for public thinking is why these people have shows. If you hate them so much blame the people going after your verboten thoughts.
leftist equivalent of navy seal pasta
Your hero's name is dumb the dore
lol 100%
The Empire are actually the good guys fighting for human dominance and survival. The rebels are traitors to their own species.
>Right wingers commit acts of violence
>Russia arms US
>EU arms US
What is this guy on?
The progressive platform is gaining security in exchange for liberty.
These people are complete retards
This is why God doesn't love us any more.
>I’d rather have a wand
>still anti gun
This. A wand is beyond any fucking "assault weapon". In the right hands it could be like a damned nuke. That these commie cunts can't even see that just confirms my suspicions that they're all fucking retarded.
You are like a little babby.
This cannot be topped
Isn't the government always trying to do some shady ass shit when big news appears out of nowhere?
Happened with Gay Marriage, Columbine, the Confederate Flag shit
But nows Trump's in office
literally every child in hogwarts was armed
how can they be so unaware?
>The Democrats take the side of foreign governments fighting inside the US from the UN.
Literally traitors that want to wage war on America and destroy the borders to get rid of America and be part of a global government
Exactly what Right Wing Christians have been predicting for years and years
>Post-capitalist society like Northern Europe
>Market economy with gibs
>Develop new technologies and go to space
>Gib mo monay fo dem programs for Latoncondriogisha Washington's 14 kids
Holy fuck! What are they smoking?
>I saw this post was posted to Jow Forums and downvoted
*Teleports behind you*
Nothing personal kid.
I really hate that so many lefty plebbitors know about this place now.
>Reason 984598459854895489 why plebbit fucking sucks
Nothing will ever beat election night 2016
Only oldfags will get this joke.
> No youre a russian
Theyre insane lol even the smartest russians can barely speak english
>this post was posted to Jow Forums and downvoted by a bunch of actual Nazis
wow libtards owned epik style XDDD fellow gamers
Fear not brother, our flock grows
>t. salty leftie who is also a Harry Potter fan
Lurk more
t. summerfag with epic cringe compilations
kys faggot
>free trade
When did the left because advocates for globalist capitalism? I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I remember in my childhood and youth there still being Democrat politicians who were really anti-illegal immigrant and supported protectionist trade policies.
>t. Triggered leftie who pretends to be an old fag
Lurk moar
>wow libtards owned epik style XDDD fellow gamers
Cool your jets, ridiculousness is amusing and thus we amuse ourselves.
What amuses me about it is that they think they'll be living the livestyles they do now under such a system.
Eh, not too bad but personally single posts just work better.
Oh please.
he doesn't know what free trade means anyway
he never read hoppe
>t. faggot who thinks wands are safer than guns
>the EU is very adept at urban guerrilla warare
>Russia is not
what planet do these morons live on?
that's actually a good thing
place hasn't toppled yet
>biggest buffon
>manages to win everytime
also liberals arming themselves? Lol, wasn't there two months ago a push to again restrict the second amendment?
I don't hate them, it's just so repetitive when they talk about trump. First disavow and then talk, so silly that this is even necessary. I only absolutely hate sargon because of his voice.
>The Empire are actually the good guys fighting for human dominance and survival.
I don't remember Star Wars being that interesting.
>reading 1984 prepared me for this
>books not guns
>all the things they see as bad or apocalyptic are the ones that would actually make me want to truly enjoy life
I wonder if this is the same way fags felt in the 80's when right wingers predicted that if homosexuality would be accepted then kids would be mandated to be gay in school and other apocalyptic shit that turned out to be true
Your globalist is showing
Well actually I have to agree with you, but it's difficult to admit you support Trump or voted for him throughout much of the U.S. even for regular people. If Rogan or Rubin appeared to condone him they would be punished harshly in this current climate, although I personally sense that is changing rapidly.
Admit it you've compared coloreds to orcs before.
Books and other entertainment are supposed to be escapism from reality. Maybe those nerds should go back to reading.
>we will just watch them die off from our condos in the big cities away from all water sources and food production
This is what american left actually believes
Those are based on real headlines, not just "DAE Drumpf is Voldemort xD"
Leftist memes are never grounded in reality because they live in a fantasy world
These people are children. The right has been working for years to make sure the Supreme Court is on their side. The Tea Party was putting up primary opponents ten years ago, but the dems are only now realizing how it works. They are pathetic.
More of a reactionary but whatever faggot
Well the EU tried to import syrians so maybe that's what it's based on, but still dumb since they only got stinky pakis and africans
>I read some poorly written childrens fiction and a few mandatory entry level political fiction books in highschool
books and guns is a good combo but clearly these retards have neither
>pic related
>leaving out the G in LGBTBBQ
Is it humanly possible for the left to not, even once, eat their own?
>When did the left because advocates for globalist capitalism?
When they abandoned the white working class in favor of gibs for browns and corporations alike. It's a smart move in the long run, they just jumped the gun a little on the demographic transition.
>then kids would be mandated to be gay in school
>turned out to be true
Citation please
>This is what american left actually believes
No but really.
I'm sorta hoping they'll try something.
Honestly, I think Joe Rogan's approach is a relatively sane one.
As much as someone who goes into complete meltdown at someone going "...I-I don't really care for weed" can ever be called sane, that is.
Exactly. A civil war must be started from the left so we have morality and the law on our side.
Anyone ever gone on the Crunchyroll forums? The mods there do actually allow people to talk about politics, and you do see some redpilled people there, but I've seen some incredibly cringy shit there too. There was this dude who actually wanted the genocide of whites in South Africa.
christ almighty
The left never aged out of adolescence; is it any surprise the left falls back on children's literature? Then again it's hard to grow up when your only mental stimulation is the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Based ALMSIVI poster
How come every single one of them is ugly as fuck? Even the girls I know on real life who talk about harry fucking potter all the time are uggo gewk girls, a couple of them are even incels. What's the deal?
Couls you imagine if this was their real plan
>Russia arms right wingers, 2nd largest arms dealers with stockpiles that would make China horny
>EU totally incapable of financially supporting a war
>United "Definitely haven't been involved in urban warfare for the passed 20years" Russian Fed. miraculously trains guerillas
>EU special forces still incapable of financially supporting city dems, not enough avocado and toast
>"Wow! This is 80%? Guess Obama did something about that 11% budget on military. Atleast those drumpfkins only got 20% of the defectors and dissentors!"
>NORAD wondering why the fuck they are getting airstrike requests from folks asking them to use their proper pronouns
>"Wow... it takes alot of bombs to deforest these flyover states"
>"What do you mean we the Appalachian mountains are worse than Afghanistan? Xenophobia much???"
I'm waiting for blackwater to go there after they are done protecting based el bronco against the cartels
>The Russians are the reason Trump is here, not his resistance
Do libs ever fucking read? Russian social media campaigns played BOTH SIDES to create polarization and division.
The conceptual problem with free markets and free trade is that extra-governmental interference in markets is just as, if not more, onerous than government intervention in markets. Also, trade and markets are practically impossible phenomena in the absence of some authority that essentially has all the traits of a state power, however ad hoc and temporary such an authority claims to be.
you forgot the crucible in shit tier as it was made as communist propoganda against huac
>while we maintain control of all major cities
>you know, the places where food is produced
>what do you mean supermarkets don't make the food?
It would be hilarious af.
If Russia gets involved on American soil Iran might decide to chime in.
Cue Hezbollah-run Ork infrastructure starting to cover everything like fucking cancer and shoestring budget rockets flying everywhere.
I'm not pro free market, I just think hoppe is important reading. Protectionism is right in some cases and less trade regulation better in other cases.
The CIS from the prequels were basically space ancaps.
based dullposter
not really, they were space dixieland, and they were right