Is there a non christfag reason to be against abortion? What's the problem, it culls the nigger and poor population and acts a sort of soft eugenics policy.
Is there a non christfag reason to be against abortion? What's the problem...
If I don't like you it shouldn't be murder if I kill you, since my life would be better off if you were a corpse.
That's the level of reasoning you're at.
Why do you disregard religion completely?
Also, to answer your cynical question, (((culling))) people is just putting out the fire while the arsonist is still shooting from his flamethrower. The solution is to setup the environment where abortion is seen as a non-practical option for a woman.
You may as well make murder legal then.
Same thing.
I don't like double standards.
>users of abortion
>being against abortion
Chrstfags are a scourge
It more eugenics than murder you faggots
Not really; besides the fact that we're a special snowflake species. Each one of us so incredibly important & unique.
no there isn't
if you really care about the white race pay couples to have children, the younger the woman the more money they get
you have to fight kikes with kikery
>some piece of shit growing inside you that wont gaint sentience for another 4-5 years is alive
you really are retarded
Micro scarring of the uterus. Decrease the woman's fertility.
>why can't I have a baby the natural way?
The sanctity of life has nothing to do with a little Hebrew death cult and their little desert devil totem
>The sanctity of *human* life
It's murder as you're killing an unborn infant without justification.>>some piece of shit growing inside you that wont gaint sentience for another 4-5 years is alive
It's literally no different to a newborn or a several month old. You only gain what can be considered self-awareness at 3/4.
You're not human so it's not murder to tortuously dismember you, skin you alive, and watch you slowly bleed to death while being eaten by several hundred centipedes.
And if you argue 'no brain function' and that shit, then we should be able to 'abort' full grown tards too.
Also, the unborn child is expected to survive to 4 years in most cases with proper care.
So, you're cutting a life down.
>Is there a non christfag reason to be against abortion?
It's a violation of rights and causes inequalities of rights.
It motivated and helps sustain the sexual revolution.
It's killing babies, m8.
>What's the problem, it culls the nigger and poor population and acts a sort of soft eugenics policy.
Violation of basic human rights, enables the sexual revolution, and lowers the majority population as well too.
Women use abortion as a form of "birth control" and I've had bitches tell me "I don't use a condom because it's more fun without one and if I get pregnant I can just have an abortion"
It basically promotes sex before wanting a kid and the more sex a person has the more likely they are to not stay married.
We need more unwanted children, their lives fill our news feeds and our prisons. What would we do without them?
Abortion contributes to subreplacement fertility rates leading to population implosion and mass foreign immigration and also destroys the institution of marriage and the family unit and allows women to behave like absolute whores leading to the spread of venereal disease and moral corruption and a surplus of fornicators and adulterers with broken pairbonding mechanisms further leading toward marital instability and demographic extinction as well as a surplus of childless women who project their maternal instinct onto toxic ethnic minorities they see as their own inferiors (i.e. their children) causing them to hate the majority demographic who they see as threatening their "children" causing the spread of liberal and leftist ideology among women and the children they "raise" and "educate."
Who said anything about torture
There is a case for putting down months old, just as we do with strays.
little known fact: more abortions are had by white women than black women.
>without justification
most people have a reason for abortion that would probably make them a shitty parent moron (eg cant raise the kid/dont want him)
nobody is doing it for "fun"
Get sick of ass cancer soulless husk, die in you're shit
Sexual revolution is rampant even if abortion is illegal.
Yeah, we should honestly. It'd save a lot of headaches, money, and time.
This doesn't mean anything or tangibly exist and is once again religious garbage. What sanctity of life? Decreed by who? Your lord and savior?
See, the Estonian is talking sense, and his country is far nicer than ours. 100% white and beautiful.
Because religion is something that we cannot prove to be objectively true so we shouldn't use it to influence legislation or control people's lives. It's more of a feeling than a fact, so it doesn't work in a logical argument
>There is a case for putting down months old, just as we do with strays
You run into the problem that the months old will be expected to make it to the 3/4 year mark.
So, you're aware that this child will survive to self-awareness. Hence, you're actually murdered a human (since it's almost always going to achieve self-awareness).
Again, murder should be legal for all or none.
It gives w*men a choice.
If they were to abort all the downies, we wouldn't get the best greentext stories
MMMM, yummy tummy! I wanna force feed her til she gets a potbelly!!
You're right - calling it torture is to use moral language in regard to an animal. Watching you bleed out - no matter how you get there - is merely a leisurely way to pass the time.
You should really consider killing yourself. Seriously consider it senpai!
>And if you argue 'no brain function' and that shit, then we should be able to 'abort' full grown tards too.
Yes, we should.
>Because religion is something that we cannot prove to be objectively true so we shouldn't use it to influence legislation or control people's lives.
The Bible has never been wrong.
The people getting abortions would do a terrible job of raising their children and are usually unfit parents. Plus it's mostly minorities getting abortions, so really who gives a fuck
There is no problem unless you're a Christfag, and even then it's really only Cathocucks that believe life starts at the moment of conception and that every sperm is scared. Face it, there is a discernable point in the development of an embryo where it stops being a lump of cells and starts being an actual human being. Im not a doctor so I would leave it up to them to decide when this happens but I think the concensus nowadays is around 20-24 weeks. If a woman has an abortion before this point then it's not murder. The embryo truly is a lump of tissue and is not a life. After this point the embryo is now a baby and to abort it at this point would be to end a human life. This is the late term abortion you hear about, Having a tiny peanut sized clump of cells vacuumed out of your uterus isn't murder.
What allowed it was:
>free love movement
>no fault divorce
>the pill
Abolishing one of the major ones would help dramatically.
It's fucked up and devalues life and encourages reckless sex
People aren't robots, we can't make "pragmatic" decisions without having it stain our humanity in a myriad of ways, the values we enforce upon eachother and pass on to our children.
Slippery slope is very very real and we're now paying the price for letting the left spread the meme that it isn't.
The overwhelmingly agnostic rationalist community believes in something called Moloch for a good reason.
There has been a lot of discussion about origins of Christianity
Let's see what Jow Forums thinks:
That's not a justification for killing a child.
If they can't look after the child, then big government can.
This way you also remove the "we need immigrants" argument, as immigrants just go on welfare anyway.
It fosters a culture that disrespects motherhood and the value of life, as well as promotes promiscuity and trivializes sex
I don't buy the argument that abortion = murder, because even people who are against abortion do not treat it the same as murder, or react emotionally the same way. So there is clearly a difference but they are both wrong
Because shit like Thomson´s violin argument is stupid. Generally, why we consider killing wrong is because you are taking away someone ability to have a future like ours. This is why we consider murder wrong if you genuinely think about it.
A fetus has just as much the ability to have a future like ours as a living being. As such, abortion is wrong. This does not include cases of rape or risk of mother´s health.
Source: Marquis
>The people getting abortions would do a terrible job of raising their children and are usually unfit parents. Plus it's mostly minorities getting abortions, so really who gives a fuck
They have means to give the children to adoption. The chance for them to have a hard life is not grounds for them being killed.
Giving them no consequences enables and justifies degenerative behavior.
>mostly minorities
51% white.
Or you could just limit it to when the baby is 18 weeks old and doesn't have a developed brain stem. It would be no less moral than butchering a chicken.
How the fuck you get such beautiful skin without any marks? I have little spots and hairs everywhere. Is this a male-female thing or is this just photo quality
*as a person. Not a living being. My bad.
What the fuck? Big government? More mouths for our tax dollars to feed? You're just making me support abortion more.
The value of life sounds an awful lot like "the sanctity of life", a religious argument
What "value of life"? What objective value is there?
>This does not include cases of rape
Rape babies have a future too, at least try to be consistent.
only satan wants the death of children and human lifes, they have souls people.
>Is there a non christfag reason to be against abortion? What's the problem, it culls the nigger and poor population and acts a sort of soft eugenics policy.
just saying that statement alone you want an eco chamber where everyone not a Christian you know will support you, you nillist satanist prick.
Yes, it's a matter of weighing. The mother is not responsible for the creation of the child. It's like forcing you to adopt a child.
May God give you several fates worse than death, corporate drone.
Because killing your offspring brings about the extinction of your group. Unless you lay thousands of eggs. For humans, it's a death sentence, and it shows on total fertility rates charts.
That's where you wrong kiddo.
Why the emphasis on total morality and hypocrisy? I don't give a fuck what the enemy does. If he wants to destroy himself, I will encourage him to keep going. Niggers and other minorities are not our friends.
So the solution is simple. Abortion for whites should be illegal. For minorities it should be encouraged. Late abortion till the 200th year oft age aswell.
Buddhafag reason:
According "Precious human life" idea
Abortion decreaces posibility for someone to be incarnated as human being, so you literaly taking away grom him ability to leave sansara.
>believing in an old jew book about a bearded man in the sky
I didn't think Squatemalans were this dumb.
>pro-choicers have absolute no (0, zero) good arguments
>tend to be the more unscientific of the bunch
>pro-lifers are pegged as wrongheaded and ignorant, clinging to "God says" alone
Because the legality of abortion (and contraceptives) creates bad sexual incentives for women and men.
If women and men think that sex doesn't have any risks or associated responsibilities, they will be much more likely to engage in degenerate sexual activity.
This leads to higher rates of divorce, STD's, single mothers, crime, drug addiction, and old maids
>b-b-b-but it kills nigger babies!
the problem is there are nigger babies in your country in the first place
abortion isn't the solution, it's a half-measure
>Yes, it's a matter of weighing.
Well looking at how you liken destroying abortion to murder, and murder generally speaking being worse than rape, then the mother can get fucked a second time by your morals.
But of course you won't be consistent with this.
the abortion should be legalized in terms of rape and incest
Because everyone must be held responsible for their actions and their choices. Abortion is one of things that lifts responsibility, and lifting responsibility only breeds degenerates at the expense of honest decent people. Don't want children? Don't fuck.
>deliberately getting things wrong
Jow Forums is majority Catholic/Orthodox.
>degenerate sexual activity
You know, you basicaly involved in degenerate internet activity.
Why should things i don't like exist? Give me one good reason. No rich guy guy or nigger wants things he doesn't likes to exist. Why should i live with things i don't like?
Christianity on Jow Forums is majority catholic/orthodox, I should say.
It's literally Moloch worship.
Who is this
Jesus christs from heaven shill, and so are all our souls.
Our society is diseased. I am improving the Jow Forums hivemind and pushing us ever so slightly towards a more wholesome and sane society.
>Why should things i don't like exist? Give me one good reason.
You have no involvement in them coming into existence and no authority to take them away.
It incentivizes promiscuity which is one of the signs of a crashing society/empire.
But abortion is not the real culprit here. The pill is. Damn that thing has fucking changed society forever.
Kill yourself and find out for sure.
i am pro-abortion for misanthropic reasons
Not true, abortion is illegal in Poland. Girls are just as promiscious as the rest of europe.
It is however humane contrary to culling and murder
If you're an animal without God there's no reason for anything you do or think at all. You're worthless, and will die a painful, stupid death as an animal.
Besides being murder. Abortion encourages irresponsible behavior out of men and women. Leads to an increase in the breakdown of families and fatherless children. I understand that shit happens with regards to unwanted children. If abortion is always on the table why would men want to be responsible even if the mother wants the child?
aka American freedom. Why do you want government to limit your money and freedom what to do with you body while at same time you promote sexual freedom and rich people stealing money and hiring illegals? Because you are greedy, you steal people's money in name of Christianity, you hire illegals in name of Christianity and you don't allow abortions in name of Christianity because the dumbest people need abortions and Christian capitalist need a lot of dumb people so their tribe can rule.
That's an empty observation, user
Degenerates can recognize degeneracy and simultaneously resent the conditions that led them there without being hypocritical
>It is however humane contrary to culling and murder
but that's what abortion is
adjust for population size, brainlet
Negative eugenics is still murder
So if i have no involvement in government, rich people's lives, niggers then niggers shouldn't be told when they should abort. We have no contract between people because muh individualism and yet you try to restrict my abortion.
It also makes a country's birth rates go to shit
They already have massive benefits for single moms. In essence women are already financially encourage to have babies and to not have husbands.
can't, killing yourself is against god's will, god doesn't want anyone to kill them selfs only wants that satan.
No mordern christians have perversed the defenition to fit thier false sense of morality.
Willfully ignoring that the bible is astoundingly pro-childmurder.
Humans kill animals all the time, disrespect humans all the time, you just want cheap labor, all this is. The whole reasoning behind pro-life is the same reasoning as behind refugees, so rich people can disrespect my life more and replace me with dumb niggers.
What are you even saying, m8?
>Girls are just as promiscious as the rest of europe.
>51% white
That includes Hispanics, plus you’d still get a 49% increase of shitskin births. It’s best to sacrifice a few whites anyways.
Abortion isn't bad; the woman's ability to choose is the problem. Abortion is purely the man's choice (because the woman is property).
>inb4 butthurt whores
all trash burns in hell.
Im not talking about hypocricy, but about emptiness of "degeneracy" itself. Things became "degenerate" only if some degenerate call them degenerate.
I agree that, as currently used, voluntary eugenics is in play. But still, it really jars with me when feminists smugly proclaim the foetus is "part of muh bodeh" - no it fucking isn't, the foetus is demonstrably a genetically distinct organism. The female is merely the "host". No entitlement to kill the "guest" organism exists.
Bring on the artificial womb, and take procreation out of the hands of these dumb femme fatals.
To what degree?
And no, a sacrifice is not okay. They have a right to life as all humans do.
Why stop by abortions? Ban condoms and other contraceptives. A none birth is a none birth.
God is a worthless myth created by barbaric shitskins. Anybody that’s anti-abortion is anti-white. Because you’re securing the existence of shitskin rodents rather than whites.
>you just want cheap labor
No, I want my God to be obeyed by His own creations, and for people to not murder one another.
Talking about moral principle to an animal is pointless though.
Actually hiring of illegals is a leftist cause and a way to drive down wages. Elites want their cheap nanny's and gardners...
You know what i am saying retard. We have no communities, we have individualism. Come back when government won't force shit on me and i can vote for laws, then we can ban abortion, but as long as rich people can exploit me and government doesn't needs my vote, so long we have no community and pro-life doesn't exists, since it's about individualism, abortion is also individualism.