What was their fucking problem?

What was their fucking problem?

Attached: kkk-members-with-child.jpg (600x775, 48K)

they glow

they were disgusting racist neo-nazis

Silly uniforms

>low iq
>Heavily Inbred
>mostly made up of uneducated white trash
>The people immediately threatened by having to share the lowest rung in society with blacks
>Except those whites are in the rung because theyre low achieving
>Low iq whites with a persecution complex become scared and flash out
>Kkk is born

You nigger

Attached: black power.gif (239x214, 1.89M)


Attached: hitler smile.gif (300x260, 1.2M)

They just wanted to play as "ghosts"

They were the first ever "Casper" fan club

Democrats cant into logical thinking.
