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Is pornography a good or bad thing?
Gavin Lewis
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Ryder Wright
Obviously bad
Eli Perez
It's a good thing developed by Protestant faggot Satan worshippers in Indiana. Ofc it's healthy for you, you stupid consumer fuck.
Elijah Gutierrez
>fapping to fully clothed models and beautiful women
>fapping to porn or nudity images
Jack Ward
As already proven multiple times by science - just a thing. Abuse and overpartake at the cost of other things in your life and it'll be bad, but use responsibly and not to make up for your shortcomings and it will be a healthy tool for release.
Jason Watson
no fap usually causes people to seek real pussy
increasing white population or something
Porn also leads to Gayism and degeneratism
Andrew Howard
Good shitpost, have a you.
Josiah Baker
Eli Bailey
It's an object, and it isn't sentient (or to be more precise, doesn't act of its own volition either benevolently or malevolently), and therefore isn't good or bad.
Isaac Peterson
I think it's ok but the ease of access and sheer amount of it these days is dangerous. Our brains can't keep up with Information Age tech, you can go so deep down the porn hole that you stop finding RL women attractive, which is degenerate by definition.
Xavier Jackson
It's bad for you though, in the same way smoking and cocaine are bad for you
Michael Garcia
Being shot in the face with a 9mm handgun is bad for you, doesn't make bullets bad.
There's a difference between inherent properties and emergent properties. Porn is "bad" in the sense that its viewers are likely worse off after using it, but porn itself isn't anything.
Anthony Powell
Camden Wood
Yet selling cocaine and shooting people in the face are seen as bad actions, but producing, selling and hosting all sorts of fucked up porn isn't.
Caleb Walker
Babbys first redpill, you should know this by now. Porn is bad for you, don't watch it. Keep the fapping to a minimum too.
Owen Stewart
Slide thread. Sage
Dominic Powell
how do I stop watching it?
Chase Martinez
Just don't open it at all. If you can't do it seek therapy
Liam Peterson
It's a terrible, terrible thing for society and for the individual.
That said, I've gotten to see more naked women than probably all my ancestors since the left Africa combined.
This is a tautology, a non-argument. You can say it about anything.
Wyatt Young
Those are perceived evils, món pote. The objective evil in selling coke itself would be defined by the motive of the seller.
I will admit that there's a plethora of double standards in the realm of perceived evil, like for instance what you described, but that's just how humans work unfortunately. Gotta draw that line in the sand somewhere.
Bentley Lewis
The poison is in the portion. Some married guy with 3 kids watching porn once in a while to whack off is fine but when kids and teens get into it and they stop wanting to find that human connection, it ruins them socially and psychologically
Benjamin Ramirez
>you can say that about anything
That's my argument. Objects in general aren't inherently good or bad. What gives them the property of good or bad depends upon the intentions of the user, the creator, the context, etc.
Cameron Turner
It was caveman drawings of people having sex that got us where we are. Porn literally built civilization. Porn has also literally built the internet. Streaming video, avi, mp4, eCommerce, java, cookies, html...all came from porn.
Charles Evans
You dont need therapy, it''s doable by yourself (unless you fap 8 hours a day or some crazy shit)
For me it helped alot to keep reminding myself why I'm doing it - to not get impotent, to get rock hard by actual women, get aroused by women in the streets, confidence, master own sexual drive, last longer, bigger dick (flaccid, but still), deeper voice, less sick, not turning gay due to watching more and more fucked up porn etc etc. It's worth it. And don't beat yourself up if you relapse, just get back on it straight away.
Distract yourself with something else, when you feel the urge to open up porn.
Good luck svenskbro
Dylan Taylor
I wonder if people had never encountered porn would they still be degenerate? sexual urges are powerful drivers, porn might exploit that, but sexual urges are still there regardless!
Colton Thompson
meant for
Samuel Flores
William Ward
thanks I will try it
but seeking out actual women is too much for me
Cooper Jones
You will desensitise yourself to love, intimacy and sex. I know a lot of people whose marriage failed because of porn. The husband would literally rather wank to porn while his wife went around and fucked dudes. He probably would have preferred to watch her fuck other dudes if he was man enough to ask her to do it. Porn is a gateway to cuckolding. Eventually with enough porn and degenerate wanking, you will get erectile disfunction. Porn also rewires your brain and changes your brain to that of an addict. The brain of a heroine addict looks the same as that of a frequent porn user.
Parker Wood
I don't want to get married
is porn still bad for me?
Jose Collins
You probably will after you stop
Andrew Sanders
Here you go Bruce.
Christopher Evans
Yeah before porn horny guys banged borderline chubby chicks thus inspiring them to feel good about themselves and get fit to get banged more often or find a permanent mate. Porn is the real reason for land whales, not sugar or fat.
Luis Nelson
If you like being an addict and having erectile disfunction, then no. Porn is great for you. Humans were not created to live alone and cum in their hand. The process is harmful to you psychologically more than physically. Just because you don’t recognise your psychological illness doesn’t mean your not sick.
Porn addicts like you also suffer from depression, social anxiety, extreme sexual fetishes and other neurological disfunctions.
Tyler Wilson
so getting married is a necessity?
Colton Bell
>Jews own the porn industry (basically the majority)
>In Israel porn is banned
Really makes you think
Brayden Murphy
>but seeking out actual women is too much for me
kek. what's the point on nofap then?
Jeremiah Collins
It's good for the Jews, bad for everyone else.
Jonathan Wilson
to not suffer from depression or anxiety?
I don't want to watch porn nor do I want to chase or marry women
I want to be free of this burden
Elijah Torres
Don't worry, that comes later when you get the confidence. Work on yourself now and try to just strangle the porn demon.
Research Daoism if you need something to replace it with. Helped me find the magic in sex instead of the mechanic shit you see in porn.
Heres a good place to start
Eli Nelson
But jews invented everyone else.
Lincoln Davis
why do you even try to make sense?
it's the internet, make a shitpost like the rest of us...
Charles Brooks
Both degenerate idiot
David Ortiz
how can someone invent someone?
William Brown
>There's nothing bad about cyanide; just don't drink it.
Ayden Hernandez
ahh now i understand. do a söy diet. it will kill your sex drive after a year and free you from this burden.
Xavier Flores
You don’t need to marry. You would probably better off as a celibate. You would find yourself with lots of energy which you could put to good use. I have seen addicts struggle. The biggest struggle is what to do with all their free time. I recommend hobbies, business activities and being social. Being social seems scary but you will be fine after your brain reboots.
Leo Flores
Porn only does it first because its helmed by Jews who want to make more money fast. We would have all those things anyway, I abhor retards who think the first people to do something are the ones that matter
In most cases they are just the Jewiest, the ones obsessed with material wealth
Chase King
if it was really a good thing, why are there so many jews involved
Jace Wright
how do I become a celibate?
Aiden Morales
Do you want to get cucked
Brody Robinson
I paid up for pornhub prem after an almost 10 years long relationship ended. Thought I'd just fap away the pain. Then I realized what I had already thought about for some time by then: actual porn (like high quality videos of famous stars getting fucked in the ass for hours) is so fucking fake that I don't, I can't even enjoy it. But I actually needed to have an access to a huge catalog of said films first in order to fully realize that.
Now I only fap to amateur stuff and only when I really feel like that I'd go the extra mile and start dirty chatting with those few girls who would be into it anytime. (I don't need that atm, I'm better off with a nice schedule, lifting, hiking and freelancing as a side job.)
Henry Cox
Bad, maybe bane of western world, but I want Abby looking wife.
Kayden Brooks
Kapitolin aka anjelica aka krystal boyd
best pronstar
Sebastian Cook
I'm on the noFap thing for 59 days now, I can't say things have changed a lot, that's why I'm waiting for 90 since that's the milestone everyone says you'll notice differences in behavior/motivation etc. Sadly I keep having this little voice in my head that kinda says that once I reach 90 I'll go back to it, maybe that will change who knows.
Mason Johnson
keep at it, bro. It's mainly about resetting your dopamine reward system. Don't you feel that simple tasks done, already make you feel better about yourself? When you watch porn and edge, you burnout your dopamine receptors which in turn make everything feel mundane.
Angel Green
Porn is a lifesaver. Without it, I would have to deal with roasties / whores.
Samuel Perry
Hey, cocaine isn't bad
Ryan Edwards
>Don't you feel that simple tasks done, already make you feel better about yourself?
I've been depressed for a long time now, also my motivation was ------0, and I can say there's a little bump in motivation, but I believe it takes time until everything is back to normal(if it's back to normal).
Charles Stewart
Beat them user.
Beat one into wife/maid like submission and beat her when she gives roastie advice to your daughter. Make better than what we've got.
Anthony Kelly
There is a video of her before porn, when she was like 17yo, talking with a friend in a restaurant and she looked like such a nice girl...
Easton Jenkins
no it isnt
Eli Edwards
After going on nofap for a while then using lube, I don't see the appeal anymore
Adam Murphy
>mfw there are women like this in America
>mfw the inevitable fate of said American wormen is to turn into Resident Evil blob after sucking down Starbucks and Smoothie King for a decade
It's not fair.
Justin Ortiz
im rooting for you bruh
im in the same shit
Samuel Russell
managed 1 week no fap! it's really difficult, it seems porn-provocation is all around! see pic
Joseph Lopez
I think it's not bad, but it's dangerous.
Pornography stimulates your brain, and it causes similar feelings than drugs. If you see so much porn, your brain will need more and more every time.
What's the problem of that? :
1. You could be an addict.
2. You won't see desirable real women.
3. Reduces natality and sex between couples.
4. Depression (when you realize that you only feel that rush in that way, it won't be good at all...)
5. Neither normal porn will stimulate you when you're brain is used to that rush. You will need more weird and disgusting things to feel again the rush.
6. It's an effective tool for make people believe how desirable and hot is to mix races. It's inside the agenda agaisnt white men.
7. That industry is totally controlled by jews. That should say something to you that this is not a good thing for or society.
Anyway, as I said, I don't think it's bad. Just dangerous. So be careful.
Julian Sanders
uhhh can i have that
Isaac Campbell
Make all the laws how they were 100 years ago to stop the destabilisation of society. That includes a ban on pornography.
Wyatt Perez
Thanks , good luck to you too.
Aiden Rivera
how do you go back to fucking girls after watching porn non-stop for 10 years+?
Lucas Thomas
Fuck that guy. Disgusting.
Dominic Scott
I guess we are supposed to find one girl at a time.
Logan Lee
I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
30% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn, the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.)
30% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "Aren't you feeling tired, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling (and replying, like in this thread), posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
30% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 10% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them. They're quite often the most useful and helpful among the lot.
Evan Miller
Daily reminder hollywood jews said “i cant be free in the USA if u cant make porn”
John Taylor
More like
>fapping to lesbian or solo women
>fapping to women getting fucked by men
Kayden Hall
The biggest homo projector of all time. Just because that faggot secretly wanted to suck cock doesn't mean everyone is "kinda gay".
Landon Fisher
Who is that guy ?
William Watson
100% agreed with Spaniardbro
Nathan Mitchell
High-fructose corn syrup
Christian Ross
Went for 1 week of sports vacation.
I did not fap for a week, no effort required.
I got horny looking at girls' thighs.
Daniel Martin
It's a double edged sword. It messes up kids- no doubt. It also makes monogamy possible for me. I can remain faithful while virtually slinging dick.
Liam Jackson
/ourgirl/ recently made two videos about it.
Jacob Hernandez
Fuck off with that kike.
Bentley Parker
This. Porn is like saltwater. The more you drink it the thirstier you get.
Joseph Johnson
Its bad, leads to an incel mentality and an addiction. Kind of like mental meth.
No fapping... get a girl to do it for you fag.
William Lee
Angel Richardson
Xavier Nelson
How long until I nofap the gay away?
Nicholas Hill
kill yourself in minecraft
Alexander Reyes
Noah Lewis
Brody Harris
didn't he go to jail for murder
and he's calling anyone ELSE subhuman?
Josiah Johnson
Love that sentence. Brilliant.
Jacob Sanchez
acceptable, but as usual jews screw it up
Jayden Gray
a juicy ass kike
Landon Turner
Rocco Sefredi