Are Somalis the worst kind of immigrants?

Are Somalis the worst kind of immigrants?

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Yes in terms of being unable and unwilling to embrace other cultures.

Shows cute girls instead of every lumpy-headed parking valet in America

ugly as fuck too with their pea heads.

Unironically yes.
That unhappy mixture of being African, Muslim, and headfucked from growing up in a failed state. Totally unsuited to any first world country.

Had 6 somali peeps move into my street over the past year. 3 have already been arrested for stabbings. One stabbed another somali, and the other 2 ended up drunken fighting locals. Then they got stab happy.

Beutiful culture

t. Ottawa

they look weird

yeah, somalis are the worst, low IQs, easily angered, and quick to be violent! in short, the essence of somalia!

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Um that's not the worst of it, Sweetie.

Pic I forgot.

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Second worst, only beaten by gypsies.


Time to fap

Everywhere they go they are terrible.

After them it's Pakistani's, Maghrebi's,Bangladhesi, Arabs(general), Blacks(general)


Just Africa tings. They also iron their tits. As in take a red hot iron, and burn them to stop them from developing.

Another European exaggerating the gypsy problem

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t. Columbus resident


the men are a bunch of mishapen autistic gnomes that hurdle up against one another but their women are cute sometimes.

The women look good its the light bulb head men that are abhorrent.

They are an Arab-Nigger hybrid.

Decide for yourself.

Yes. I know a half somilan, he told how they sow up girls vaginas until they start their periods. Most of them die of blood loss once they are “freed”.
He told me as well their funerals are seriously weird. They bury the body, basically through it in the pit then they all gather to put mud in the hole to cover it up like frantic animals then they just all walk off and go back to their normal life. They are barbaric.

where is Siad Barre when you need him ?

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They integrate so well it's hard to notice they're even here.

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This. It would be better to take abbos than lightbulb heads.

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Rare based leaf.

Is Doug Ford good btw? I won't be keeping up with leaf politics until we annex you guys

>Are Somalis the worst kind of immigrants?
They immigrate legally?

Yes. They also look the worst.

Racewar when?

The tiny nigger cranium needs to be brought up more often, especially to women who fetishize these animals

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you have no idea of how bad gypsies are, they are way worse than niggers.


> in terms of being unable and unwilling to embrace other cultures

Why you didn't do that when you are all over the world? Hypocrite rotten teethed bastard

i'm greek. they are CANCER

They have the highest unemployment of all the immigrant nationalities

Send them back

Move now before more arrive

untill we get a regressive party saying we should shoot gays and trannies on sight it wont be enough. also if we become one country your country is over. you have no idea how retarded everyone here is. my 10 year old little bro spews marxist propaganda because its all hes ever heard. even the adults are children. if you guys have canadians voting in your elections its completely over for you.

I used to have somali neighbors who threw their garbage out the window and once one of them took a shit outside their apartment door. Which was weird because they sort of extended their apartment just outside their main entrance and put furniture and shit
outside their door.

Like they had no concept of where their apartment seemed to start and end. So essentially one of them took a shit on the floor of what they perceived to be their own apartment.

>that amerimutt who never had to deal with gypsyes and belives that they arent a problem because the TV told him about "muh exotic culture" and other bs
They are worse than niggers even commies hate them, and thats for a good reason

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Hey don't get mad Mehmed. You got a mayor for London.

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Shouldn't black include all those other categories tho

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no, but they are like black gypsies IQ wise, and they don't usually steal, but they are being used as fodder and need to go home

they want to go home, but the US keeps bombing them and the Japanese steal their wealth

You mean female Jews? We should be encouraging those two to breed as much as possible.

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I have some wild gypsies near me. There's 2 men who herd like a pack of 12 women. A mixture of wives and daughters i assume.

They strategically place one of them near every crowded entrance to beg.

Funny thing is, they don't move their props, so one day one of the daughters might be placed at the station with a picture of her family back home she needs to get back to, and the next day it's a wife using the same picture.

Another prop they use is a set of crutches they split them between 2 stations so every day there's 1 with a limp right foot and 1 with a limp left foot.

And another station uses a bible as a prop. So bizarre to always see a different person reading the same bible in the same spot all the time.

Sometimes the 2 men have to step in because i assume they're a girl short. So they sit there really half assed.

Then at the end of the day they all gather in one area then the men collects and pools the money and then the men go off and buy cheap wine for themselves.

These gyppos man

God I hate Somalis

Woah that's not very halal but I'd tap.

We will take three mexicans for every gipsy if you want them.

Somalis are an absolute nightmare to deal with. I'm a med student so I have to deal with these kinds of people way too much. You have to explain things really slow to them and they usually get it after the third time. I'll say this about Somalis though. They're usually not malicious just stupid.

where the fuck are sudo's in this list? they're pretty bad as well

Somalians are barely worthy of being called humans.

They are genuinely scum of the earth. I hate these fucking animals with a passion. I'm not a hateful person but these cunts are the worst of the worst.

In London where I'm from I have genuinely only seen two Somalians with an actual job (bus driver and security) the bus driver let on fellow somalis for free during Ramadan whilst charging whites and the security Mali didn't get a fuck about his job.

Honestly disgusting niggers, they are violent, Muslim, retards, their language sounds fucking disgusting they are unhygienic. They chew this shit that makes them high and gives them mental health issues on top of their existing mental health issues and low IQ. Fuck there is actually nothing good about them.

>enlighten half the planet
>hurr why didn't you just move into mud huts
Pls die of dysentery

>exaggerating the gypsy problem
You have no idea how bad gypsies are. Somalians are civilized in comparison.

Fucking animals I fucking hate them. If America could nuke the cunts that would be great

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lmao true

thought the one on the right was a dude

When you say immigrants, you are implying that these "things" are human.

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abos dont migrate

Cushites aren't Arabs. They're a separate race.


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REMOVE CONEHEAD remove conehead

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Key words: all he has ever heard
Why don't you do something about that? You have truth on your side.

gib welfare now

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somalis a shit WHY DO THEY MAKE THE SAME FACE holy fuck just look at these dumb cunts

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As a Somali I have to say it's all true. Somalis are fucking horrible. All ugly, all stupid, all physically degenerated.

Not really sure what can be done if I'm being honest. We literally destroyed our own country so the refugees you see are not even actually victims.

Every Somali is marked with eternal ignominy and they don't even have the sentience to notice it. Somalis literally held Bantu people as slaves before the Italians forced them to stop it. This is why they're all on welfare, they think working is beneath them. Just think about that for a second.

Reversing this is a gargantuan task that no Somali will be able to do. Siad Barre did what he could but not even he was up to the task.

me 2

Yes they are.
My dad, a hard working white man got harassed by some Somali faggot over nothing when he went to get some beer after work.
The Somali started calling him out for being rich and supporting Donald trump (because he’s white) which my dad isn’t either.
He’s no pushover and has beat the absolute piss out of people for less.
But this dumb nigger kept calling him names and harassing him throughout the store and coincidently the based Arab owner called this Somali guy every name in the book and threw his sorry ass out of his store.
To this day, I hate Somalis.
Not to mention they commit all the gang activity here. Always a shooting somewhere with some dumb nigger Mohammed Somali.

Fuck I really hate my country.

Fucking raisin heads.

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Is there any worse combination on Earth than a Nigger Muslim?

Answer: no, thats by far the worst.

Yeah I beat the shit out of a Somalian kid when I was younger. Ever since that beating, the little fucker has been banging on my door day and night for six weeks. It stopped the banging when I showed it my bowie knife.

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>t. raisin head Somalian

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Many Swedes say they are the lowest of the low...some Americans from states being flooded by Somalis say the same.

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>someone who hasn't seen gypsies

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>Are Somalis the worst kind of immigrants?
I remember talking to a Pakistani once about this kind of thing. We were being candid, with fairly honest humour. Apparently, by his words, Somalis are the Pakis of Pakis, no one likes Somalis. Where ever they go rapes and robbery follow.

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because i dont have trillions of dollars and control all the media and schools and lawmakers and judges like the jews do

you are suprised when this breed of shitskins havent had a dictator to contain them for 30 years?

What's kind of funny about Somalis is that aside from their fucking weird ayy lmao headshape, all the men and women alike also sport some serious fishmouth syndrome.

An absolute blight on this planet of ours.

You forgot Haitians.
>My buddy had to take the grey hound from Ottawa.
>There was a family of 6 Haitians on the bus. >My buddy had to sit across the isle from a teenage daughter.
>He's got his head phones in, just relaxing, when he starts smelling this over powering pizza odor.
>He turns his head to witness the girl just puking all over herself. Literally doing nothing about it.
>Has to sit beside this puke covered enrichment for an hour before the next stop.
We now refer to puking as "Haitian Pizza"

>just relaxing
around blacks? yikes...

Good catch.. I will have a chat with him.




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Male afghans are worse scum I'd say.

Women don't give the slightest fuck about intelligence

That would be Jews, the immigrant from which all other immigrants stem from. But Somalis are pretty bad, too.

oh my god that video is disgusting, i want to puke

Canada here...yes...Somalians are human excrement....just vaporize that shithole!

some do

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