Joe Rogan Rants About Immigration


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nigger its 17 minutes
recap that shit

i dont give a shit
the only joe rogan shit worth watching is the few episodes with graham hancock and randall carlson.
the mushroom guy was pretty interesting too.

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nigga i aint watching 17 minutes of some drug addicted who cooked his mind rant
i agree, recap that shit

More like Joe Rogaine.

basic gestalt?
i aint feeding these people views motherfucker

>poor babbies
>separated from parents worse than hitler
>would not happen to white babbies

i dont understand why they think a child not seeing his mom for a few days it doesnt make any sense at all.

they were also separating them because they didnt know if its their real parents

its just not a big deal.

>its scary :((((((((((((
>its fucked up mannnn :(((((((((
>i started doing lsd when i was 16 btw


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>commit a crime
>be detained
>can't see your kids

wow so sad womp womp

>>would not happen to white babbies>>

Well then his argument is fundamentally flawed to begin with. White people do not haphazardly attempt to emmigrate into 3rd world nations illegally.

The issue has much less to do with muh chillens muh feefees sheeeit open all borders nao, than it does to do with respecting the laws of the nation you want to move to.

A larger consideration must also be given to the WHY these people feel the need to invade 1st world nations, and the propensity these people have for latching on to welfare services, which are a burden for the native 1st world citizens, a weight we never agreed to carry when we already have existing domestic issues like homelessness and the poor.

Rogan sounds like a brainlet.

>All they did was cross an imaginary line
Yeah and all the US military did was cross an imaginary line when they went into Iraq. .

>imaginary line

Borders are certainly more tangible than human rights.

Because he's a jew and it's show business. How fucking new are you?

>breaks into your home
>woah dude all I did was cross an imaginary line
Oper border morons should be shot from a canon into Mexico

he looks too retarded to even be an op just a dumb goy serving them without knowing like most people. if you ask any dumb stoner about hte immigration shit they'll just go
>mannnnn that shits fucked up maaaaaannnn
are they a psy-op? no just retarded

Can't wait to see a majority of Joe's audience turn on him.

The opinions of a meathead stoner with a below average IQ mean nothing to me

Full blown Shit-Lib regression. The bigger he got, the more he became a sellout.

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Rogan is a knobcheese... the end

When a rich hollywood type supports illegal immigration, what they're saying is "I want to keep my cheap housekeepers and kitchen labor". If you substitute that for their every argument, it all makes sense.

>white illegals arent separated

Really, where does the law carve out exceptions based on skin color? Also, the cops log as these illegals are white anyway.

>Imaginary line

Which is why we need the wall. Then it is a real line.

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>muh psychedelics
>muh LSD
God damn man, druggie faggots need to shut the fuck up. Sitting there pretending like they're some enlightened son of a bitches, hahaha.
Faggot ass motherfuckers.

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WHY do these manchildren think that crying and righteous indignation is a proper way to act? It's like they've completely learned and incorporated the timeless art of kvetching.

Louis Theroux and the Weinsteins were great too. The Candace Owens one was cringey as fuck though.

He was born and raised in SanFran, wasn't he? He lives in a fucking bubble. His colored friends are people with money and a career, he just doesn't know reality. That's why middle-upper class people will die soon. Either by their overlords who won't want to sustain them anymore or by the disenchanted lower class who's tired of their shithead reasonings.

Aaaaand /thread

He's from Newton, MA which is just south of Boston and nicknamed "Jewton" for all the wealthy Jews that live there.


These guys are braindead. Why don’t they move to the shitholes they’re talking about?

Duncan Trussell is Brendan Schaub tier retarded. I think Joe just likes having people dumber than him around, which must be a real chore for him.

I don't understand this.
Is he also against kids being taken away from criminals in general?

>I did drugs and now IT ALL MAKES SENSE

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Joe Rogan is the typical Hypocrite liberal. Dumb at best. A fake snake at worst. And a COWARD to boot. Remember, he is a millionaire. Constantly whines bout hating California being too populated, too dirty, too unsafe for "HIS KIDS".

He has moved out of California numerous times to isolated (mostly white) communities. Where he builds himself a nice little mansion, or farm, living in tiny city, where there are no black people, or any "migrants". He loves living in this places, hunting, the fresh air, safety it give HIM.

BUT, then this millionaire says he wants open borders for the plebs not rich like him. That can't move out of liberal cities like him. That he is "pro unlimited immigration".

Typical liberal. Virtue signals, but is too much a fake, or a coward to live the consequences he wishes for his less rich citizens.

Then he moves back to California just to work in entertainment and make money. Collect millions. Then again he will move his family and his hypocrite ass once California becomes more of a liberal sanctuary city shithole of illegal invaders.

Just like every other Hollywood celeb that live in isolated, private gated communities in Malibu. Or have the money to buy themselves gated mansions in Hawaii, away from the plebs, the illegals, the cartels, the negroes of Chicago, and the homeless.

NEVER trust any lberal that tells you they are for illegals, or immigration. Because they are etiher fakes, hypocrites, snakes, or cowards.

Joe just thinks he is a "good person" bc nobody tells him he is a fake piece of shit to his face on this.

basically this. joe rogan is lost

You're a dumb faggot.

>Asylum seekers and their families who turned themselves in to Border Control agents were charged with criminal entry. If the asylum seekers had children, the children were forcibly or deceptively removed from their parent’s custody and placed in detention centers.

These aren't people hopping the border so they can't become illegal residents for the next decade, they're fleeing violence in their countries. To you that's "haphazardly trying to emmigrate". Eat a dick.

>WHY these people feel the need to invade 1st world nations

Nice word there "invade" when you're trying to escape shitty conditions so when you opine that white people would be treated just as harshly I am so very certain now those words aren't being typed by a white supremacist and aren't the least bit biased.

they are safe in mexico, they can stop there

Rogaines wife is bitching about not being able to whine about her army of nannys like the other rich ladies at her daily spa appointments.

Rogaine is like we have 5 landscapers , 4 house/studio cleaners and 2 nannys now you want 3 more nannys? Ok, Im going to have to go demand more illegal immigration because 100,000$ per month for spic slaves is too much.

Why is it so violent where they come from?

need to blast rogan on twitter with pics of spics and the caption, "WE ARE NOT YOUR MAIDS"

Reminder that there are truancy laws which means families are legally separated every single school day.

fuck these protesters but that's a pretty retarded argument user, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would laugh you out of a room. Use prison instead as a legit example.

iirc mushroom guy was called Paul Stamets

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The ones who turn themselves in at points of entry aren't separated and can leave if they want, only the ones who got caught sneaking across the border get detained and prosecuted.
They're also supposed to stay in the first safe country they reach, and since Mexico isn't at war and doesn't have mass government repression, it qualifies.
Also I thought there were no shithole countries?

Oh, aww jeez, who'd have thought your kids wouldn't go to jail with you after breaking a federal law.

Listen to the episode with Robert Shoch
(((They))) are lying to us about Egypt

now post this on jewtube my dude

I wish he wouldn’t conform so much to the views of his guests.

>flee from domestic violence
>home country has shit police
>America's problem somehow

>you're a dumb faggot

Stopped reading there. Emotionally unstable people don't have a dog in this race. I wouldn't trust anyone who places their feelings ahead of simple economics and rational understanding of how much burden a country can bear before it becomes a socialist hellhole like Venezuela.

When you grow up and actually have something to lose, you will understand that nothing is free. Absolutely nothing. Until then, you're just some millenial clown who is easily brainwashed by MSM clickbait, showing some kid in a cage-media stunt. If you were an actual adult who went out and earned a solid education, even an actual trade of value, and had time and money heavily invested, you wouldn't be so dismissive of parasites sneaking in to your country so they could exploit your hard earned tax dollars.

Race has absolutely no bearing here, whatsoever. That you would imply otherwise suggests that you're the real racist here, and you hate white people the most; because they have the most to lose from economic migrants who couldn't make society work in their own nation and surely will not make it work here.



its "horse in this race" or "dog in this fight" not "dog in this race" you fucking simpleton.

>how to troll no-argument liberal brainlets

Door is that way buddy.

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Feels over reals is getting fucking infuriating. I cant even listen radio while I drive its the same bs.

Good argument, can't you homeschool though?

there are no doors on the internet grandpa.

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Let me guess he thinks we need open borders?
Viva la raza right?

>i cannot into analogy


simple enough for you kid?

>they're fleeing violence in their countries

Your spic is showing, fuck off and die.

Rhona Patrick, too.
I really don't care what a rich, stoned meathead thinks about anything.


Like virtually all liberal champagne socialists, they don't really 'care' about what's going on in South America or Mexico, nor do they care about any political drama, violence, the causes of such or the criminal backgrounds of these immigrants.

No, they're just worried about losing that $7 per hour wage slave, or the cheap contractor labor, or who is going to mow their acre-lot backyard for 50 bucks and a 6 pack of beer.

All this virtue signaling is just for show. Liberals just want slaves, making them the actual racists.


whatta fucking idiot
"you shouldn't separate children from their parents, even if they're criminals"
Prisons are full of parents separated from their children you moron

>graham hancock
fuck graham though. butthurt faggot

>>would not happen to white babbies
latinxs are white in fbi murder stats

Top idea
>bro we need unlimited immigration bro weed doesn't harvest itself lmao

I posted it to his twitter. And many of his liberal fans cried. Of course, none can refute it. Because the liberal elite millionaire celeb like Joe cabron Rogan is ALWAYS a hypocrite in their own life.


Put sugar on the floor and you get ants.

please, for the love of fuck, i can only suspend disbelief so much so stop redditspacing while you larp. takes me out of it entirely. enough.

>stop redditspacing

There is no such thing you fucking little kid.

So was the Mushroom guy making shit up or is there something really wrong with Portabellos that he cant talk about.

Somebody should shoot him for treason. If he doesn't want America to be a country, too fucking bad.

The guy lives in an expensive closed condominium in California.

>joe sks about portobello mushrooms
>he says it has a couple bad things in it
>"oh why's that?"
>can't talk about it otherwise he fears for his life
>likely some spook shit

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>joe is a fag
>joe has gone too far
>joe is going to fall off the radar in under 2 years

Joe "made it big" in the Casting Couches of show business...never forget that.

>shouldn't separate children from parents.
They aren't though? Most of the children's parents were killed and raped in Mexico.

needs a Jesse Lee Peterson mashup pronto

Don't forget Dominic D'agostino

No they don’t, you are constantly creatin fake situations to be outraged out. Jow Forums is just the neocon version of twitter.

Sòy Rogan

>Wow! Dude!

>The goverment don't allow people take LSD because they can wake up and see how things really work.



fucking druggies rambling about fuck all.


couple of potential things he might be referring to:
1) the chemical in it that can be used in explosives (hence his wording)
2) MMH, used to synthesize suritozole, which was a cognition enhancing drug that looked promising, but its research discontinued for some unknown reason.
3) Preliminary research suggested the above might have acted as an scopolamine-counteracting drug, which the spooks supposedly use to inhibit people's free-will.

Its discontinuation would fall along the timeline that the US began their anti-bioterrorism programs after 9/11.

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Are you me?

I hate it when the fucking idiots care so much about illegal fucking aliens but dont give a shit about working stiff Americans who not only feel the full effect or the worse aspect of illegal immigration drugs and gangs, the so-called best aspect of illegal immigration cheap labor, actually kills their wages too.

They really are. God damn yids are hiding the secrets of the past.

>i was only pretending to be retarded


Whatever you say, grandpa.

If plebbit didn't exist















absolutely libwashed

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mushroom guy was god tier
I want to know more about the portabello mafia