Foreign football fans, stop fucking our girls and go home

Foreign football fans, stop fucking our girls and go home.

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Your girls are public property like a public toilet. Theyre gonna get bred by everyone while you watch like a cuck.

just came back

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>MFW Everyone who had sex without a condom with a ruski whore gets STD's

Don't worry Ivan, they will learn.

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Honestly, I don't understand why your women do this.

They even fuck ugly Saudi and MENA fans, is it because they have money?

Russian women hate Russian men.

I have one date tonight, and two for tomorrow night. u mad?

Russia is fourth-world tier, even a MENA country is better than it.

>is it because they have money?


I haven't seen my GF since June, 14. I hope she will come home sooner or later.

russia and ukraine still have more women than men. this is why their women are very cock-hungry. its a weird mix between being traditional and being cock-slaves out of fear they will not get a man

Because we are not foreigners, I guess

LOL! my Autistic friend has a Russian GF, she's an illegal as she's overstaying her Visa here, while she's a prostitute here but my friend doesn't care.

The Germans literally just went home

Russian girls: bringing down the price of blowjobs since 1992.

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yeap that's going into my degeneracy compilation

translate plz

No, they should breed even more. Every DNA is superior to r*ssian shitty genes.

going out with men (more like dudes, a bit derogative, but meaning a man) while my husband is gone fishing

she's walking with men while her husband is on a fishing trip

in Russia, to go on a walk together is often to go on a date

unlike the West, everyone ridicules these women. sure I'm a foreigner, but at least I'm white and I live here.

when the world cups over and everyone's fucked off home these cunts will be getting wigged in the streets

If you could satisfy them then they would not cheat on you.

They think you will take them with you to your country

I thought Russians were based?


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Lol are there really that many with that mentality?


write to any russian chick online and make it clear you are from australia. see how she responds. or visit a mail order bride site

Its not just the foreigners the problems, who fuck you women.
But your women for letting them fuck too. Your women need some values and stop being whores


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you're exaggerating by orders of magnitude dude

I was always under the impression that aside from mail order brides who are clearly gold diggers, Russian women were generally quite discerning with partners.

What the fuck is this degeneracy. Russia, explain yourself immediately. Papa Putin is surely not impressed.

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every single one lol
but oh boy when the world cup is finished
the women wil get some nice beatings for that sluttery lmao

ok i didnt watch the entire video, it has some feminist bullshit, but there was another video i was trying to find, which was all about how pretty country girls can go to moscow and go to a night club and attract an oligarch so they can become his mistress. they see western men from rich countries the same way for the most part

True enough

Person between them is a trap from Kiev.

Communism did a number on them

Also lots of shilling online to make Russia look bad

>Russian women were generally quite discerning with partners.
yes, they are quite adamant about him making a lot of money. but that isnt something bad - all women are like that.

This is what Hitler meant when he called Russians untermensch.

Unlike the Germans, Russians were renowned for being low IQ, disloyal, easily exploitable, gullible lackeys for the Jews. Hardly surprising their women are slutting it up with foreign cock at the first opportunity.

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Because they saw in some Hollywood movie or in the internet how trendy American and European girls fucks with blacks and browns and they want that too. They think it's cool and exotic.

hey that sounds a lot like the Anglo’s predicament as well!

>Russians were renowned for being low IQ, disloyal, easily exploitable, gullible lackeys for the Jews
i think you spelled brits wrong

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Found Jow Forums

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I’m not even denying it at this point. A great nation we once were...

Not anymore.

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At least the russians made it past the group stages you kraut loving inbred

Russias largest export 2018 will be HIV.

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This is something every women need. Not specifically this training, but similar educating would do wonders,

That's the reason why my sons will get their ass kicked in if they hook up with a Slav women especially a R*ssian.
Your women are worse than the German ones!

>gullible lackeys for the Jews
The Jews took down Russia with the Bolshevik revolution because the Orthodox monarchy was traditionally one of the strongest European bulwarks against Jewry.

Have you seen Russian woman, AND HAVE YOU SEEN RUSSIAN MEN?

>Your women are worse than the German ones!
we both know this isnt true

But Austrians are Germans.

Hitler didn't call Russians subhuman he called them inferior after explaining that jews exterminated their clergy, academics and Germanic ruling class.

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there was this one girl i knew that fucked with a nigger
i started shaming her so much, she would burst out crying and i would get shut up by the others politely
but i kept on going and others joined in
she hasnt had a boyfriend for over a year and the rumors spread like wildfire
whenever i pass next to a place/park where people hang out in our town and drink, play guitar and just sit on benches, if i see her in a group and there is a man next to her, talking to her, i yell from the distance, HEEEY YOU, WATCH OUT, LEAVE HER ALONE, SHE FUCKED A NIGGER
the entire group shuns me, tells me to fuck off, which i do since im only passing by, but i know that the man changed his mind about her
i managed to talk my friend into writing on her social media when she posted her picture of luggage, sunglasses, sun cream and bikini saying some shit about vacation, he wrote, yeah, go where the niggers are and dont bring anything home please
she has thousands of followers on Instagram and i dont know how many fb friends, if she uses it anymore
she is ruined, nobody wants her, nobody will go near her, the entire town knows
her work associates have to be professional about everything and not care, but they dont invite her anywhere
i hope she leaves the coutnry

people like this oic related need to be gased, so that they cant promote and spread their degeneracy amongst healthy individuals.


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thats not nice user

>Free fart

Mein Kampf Chapter 14

"By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacy of the German element in an inferior race.

Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition."

Subhumans "exist in every people as a leavening agent" .. and "can be found in all tribes" .. according to Himmler and Goebbels. The 1935 SS cover blasted around here by JIDF is about ethnic German communists.

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Oh boy it is, you can fuck R*ssians easier than Germans.
And the best part is, that the vast majority of hookers/pornwhores/easy to get sluts are Slav women.
Worked in Vienna and talked about the racemixers there with people, and surprise they laughed at me when i said that the Austrian women do that.
They said most racemixers are Croatian, Czech, Russian.
The Austrian racemixers tend to be fat chicks with coloured hair, so nothing of value lost.

Good job. Race traitors get the rope first. Then the Jews.

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You did more for white race, than anyone here.
If what you said is true.

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maybe you should look up to us instead of bowing down to whatever the master orders you as you did for all your existence
but then again, if you rebel against your master, you dont exist
whats the worst thing that can happen? you lose your black mans paradise title?

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They found a Mexican lawyer who was missing for 3 days at a local womans apartment in Moscow. He met her at a bar and they'd been fucking and partying for those 3 days.

They found 2 Nigerian fans with 3 local women in a house in St Petersburg.

It's probably just prostitutes and low self esteem whores hoping for some rich guys just like how most of the "glamour female fans" are actually escorts showing the goods off at the stadiums. We'll see how extensive it is/was in 9 months I guess but with Russias extremely high abortion rate even with it cut down by nearly 60%, I think the long term impact will be minimal.

You're doing God's work user

we both know i dont need to even post the video

russians men are literally dog tier. which is why their women don't care how they fuck

Major demographic crisis. Declining birth rate, more women than men. Women are migrating abroad for breeding partners. Tons of them are prostitutes in Turkey and the middle east especially Dubai.

Plus they have a gold digger mentality and with the influx of (((western values))) they've become even more whore like.

Kek, although the rumours about slutty Russian girls fucking foreigners are probably exaggerated or are about plain hookers, this still shows that you should keep women totally in check

Maybe Iran isn't wrong after all to forbid women from entering sports stadiums

Why is she so moley?

No. You'll raise my half celtoid bastatd offspring and like it, Ivanovitch.

Checked. Germans confirmed inferior

Some 9/10 roastie sat down next to me on a bench with her pet nigger the other day. Another white guy walked past and did a double take by looking over his shoulder. She was visibly embarrassed. I asked her pet nigger if she recognised the portrait of Robert E Lee on my iPhone background. Then I told her to her face that she’d spoiled my day and that if she has daddy issues she shouldn’t take them outside, especially on such a sunny day. She looked at me with her mouth agape and her pet nigger did nothing.

Put those race traitors back in their place. It’s the only remedy.

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Lol you're so pathetic. Russian women are disgusting. They are the epitome of cheapness. Just looking at them makes me feel like I've contracted herpes.

>Only second to Africa when it comes to people having HIV
>Seriously giving them the dick
What the fuck.

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Nigger cumdrops do that to white skin when solidified.

It’s the curse of the eternal thot

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Good job man!
Reminds me of an old fucked up story from where i live.
1970's Nigger comes to Austria to study fucks her and impregnates her with a mutt.
Paren't find out dissown her, Nigger goes back home.
Gives birth at home to avoid embarrassment from her town.
Dad cuts the throat of the creatura and burries it in the woods.
Every body finds out about what she did with the Nigger, no man wanted her.
Everywhere she went people yelled at her "Hure" "Schlampe" "Negerficker".
Comitted suicide later on, state had to pay for her grave because the parents dissowned her.
I miss old Austria!

Just for your information, the "most beautiful female Russian football fan" claimed by mass media was turned out to be a porn actress.
I feel really ashamed.

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Dude that's one, and i could post you more slavs racemixing with chincks and monkeys.
Come on.

Sad Ukrainian shill from #1 whore exporter bantustan keeps trying.
Aww, it's almost cute.

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This. I doubt it's anywhere near as prevalent anyone here would have you believe. Just another blackpill demotivation thread designed to sap your energy

Prince Harry isn’t even white. He’s a ginger (anagram for nigger)

theres hookers and porn actresses. what poor nation doesnt have those? the problem with german women is that the ones who arent hookers and porn actresses are literally insane. the russians may be gold diggers but at least they are more sane

He isn't even a Windsor, his das was the Tennis coach of Dianna.
That bitch whored around alot!

U cant stop because russian girls with the most 10/10 majority and thats wht sex sells rlly good in ur country also foreigners coming in paying more than usual they will suck cock right away and even more. Ukraine girls 100/10 russia girls 50/10

I remember that, ((((((RT)))))) posted the info!

What a story! Her father is a true hero

Burn the coal, pay the toll. This should be tattooed on every coal burner’s forehead

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Ho oн пpaв. Haши Haтaшки coвceм ёбнyлиcь зa вpeмя этoгo чeмпиoнaтa. Я иcкpeннe нaдeюcь, чтo этo тpиггepнeт нoвyю вoлнy Pyccкoгo нaциoнaлизмa. Hyжнo бoльшe шлюхoвaтых Haтaшeк, чтoбы y пpocтых людeй вoзниклo oтвpaщeниe кo вceм нe-бeлым.

My English seed is already been planted in so many Russian wombs! Enjoy your cultural enrichment of gobby bad teeth batboys. comrade..

Don't be user. Better a pornstar/prostitute who's job it is to be a slut rather than a normal Russian girl dressing like a total slut just because she feels "comfortable"