Arab Chads make White Thots cum

When women are surrounded by cowardly men, these women will inevitably fill the power vacuum with other men. They will despise their own men and actively seek to kill and replace them. When women pave the way for Islam and immigration, that is presumably because women want Islam and immigrants. They do not want freedom or democracy, because they are more attracted to subservience and domination.

Feminism is just one big shit test. The object of feminism is to see which men will end it. But Western men just keep giving inches and their bitches just keep taking miles. The best a Western man can do is damage control, but they are never in actual control, and their women loath them for it. Now come the Muslim migrant hordes; barbarians who treat Western women like the whores they are. Finally, someone is here to pass their shit test and fulfill their desire to be dominated. Feminists will do anything to defend such men. White men will be exterminated and white women will be stripped naked, lashed, and then auctioned off to Muslim men.

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Nah. Ill kill them with my guns

> reading
> burger
Who are you kidding?

you're not even trying aren't you ?
you also forgot to put the meme flag on

Chads make thots and non-thots cum, femakes don't see colour like men do, they don't care about black, white, brown etc, they see status, health, strength and dominance and if you have those things you have the women.

That's a Leb.

Also Myanmar 2.0 is coming and it's going to be glorious

>"arab chad"
>manlet under 1.70
>small upper body size, low hairline and receding chin

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wrong women can be much more racist than men
they just don't show this like men do

Swedish thots are definitely the most racist: black cock only
> tfw ur a white swede
> b-b-but muh height

Weak body and very Negro appearance. If you're attracted to vomit then go ahead

Well guise I guess we better hang it up

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That’s the chaddiest Chad of all chads. Just looking at his face gives me a broner

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You should be having that conversation with your women; those notorious nigger fucking sluts.
But you won't. Coz ur a Swedish coward.

>believing the memes
swedish women rarely date or marry men of other races

But they sure love to fuck them.
Lol marriage and dating are for cucks and betas.
No one does that shit anymore.

You spend too much time with Tinder sluts and not normal people, retard

milk sven for the kroner
fuck ngubu on the side
the swedish way

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I go to all the clubs where whi*te bitches hang out here in Istanbul, they are always dtf because I have perfect skin color and head shape like the Arab in OP, not to mention Turks are completely uncucked and chads compared to wh*te beta cuckbois. Tall dark and handsome is not just a meme.

>But they sure love to fuck them.

You do know it's just a meme, right?
Even though I hate my eternal enemy, race-mixing is pretty much non-existent in Sweden.
Just like rest of Scandinavia.

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marriage and dating are the only things that matter actually

This is a load of bullshit. Women are even more racist than men it seems, even despite all the Jewish brainwashing. Turns out in-group preference and peer pressure is a very strong social force. Who’da thunk?

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no homo but he looks preddy gud

>things cucks say

>he was so hot I mostly love his disgusting accent, how he smelled like shit covered in body spray and the clumps of hair on his shoulders

All women are some form of slut thesedays. Tinder or otherwise.
It's not the 19th century anymore cuck.
Ur playing a rigged game as if it were fair.

What's Chad about short skinny-fat potato headed inbred welfare parasites who smell like fried goat and garlic, are scared of dogs and chimp out over cartoons. Yuck. Can't think of anything worse. Islam is the most effete religion in the world, those frequent rages and temper tantrums are deeply off putting, they aren't masculine, just a sign of deep insecurity and low IQ.

>All wh*te women

Someone is on denial.
I guess u don't spend much time around ur own thots.

>gay in dismay