What do we do about the hookup culture? Its so disappointing, anons...

What do we do about the hookup culture? Its so disappointing, anons. My parents grew up in a time of monogamy and when people had a moral compass. Degeneracy was shunned not welcomed. People assumed that when they fall in love its gonna last a lifetime. They dedicated to each other, had romance between them, their bond was strong and they knew they had someone in their life they can count on for everything. I thought i was meant to experience the same until it slowly hit me: "No, user. You are meant to live through the era of decay and degeneracy where nothing lasts and nothing is sacred". It was a hard red pill to intake and im still coping with it. The romance of before is never coming back. Sex is nothing to most. I used to think hookup meant meeting someone new, getting to know each other and spending some time with them before you decide if you want to take the next step. Instead i found it out to be this soul crushing primal mess of an experience robbing you off the ability to love someone unconditionally. I used to love and cherish women, now im afraid to even like them. My friends say "Of course I'll cheat in a marriage cant imagine fucking one woman for the rest of my life" My girl friends dont even want kids and are damn proud of it, vigorously supported by their surroundings. They think they'll be in their 20s forever. This generation will end tragically and in just 10 years severe depression will hit us.Women will end up overused and unwanted and men will be left broken, unable to maintain a serious relationship for the life of them. The situation status is purge tier. Question is what do we do if we dont want to sink with this ship?

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get in on the fun or miss out, incel faggot

You’re the faggot who is willfully destroying everything your ancestors worked for.


Cant seem to adapt. Too degrading

Poles are responsible for everything bad in Europe.

Take some time to read this


If not for Poland there would be no World Wars at all.

DON'T PARTAKE. It's that fucking simple. The fact that you're struggling means you're weak and should probably not pass on your bloodline.

t. been with wife 17 years, took her virginity and we neither of us understand people who hookup. There is no sex as good as with someone you know you can trust.

Advice on asking a girl out and any red flags to look out for? How do I know she will be the right one for me?

I recontacted some old friends of mine that I had gotten sick of and cut off a few years prior. This isn't related to hook up culture, but socially similar.

They came over to my house and everything was pretty cool, though we just sat around doing nothing for a while like we used to. I suggested we go fishing. Friends want to do some dabs before. Even though I quit, I decide to try it just once. I took one, then they proceed to do the rest of what they have. Then we decide to get food before going. Halfway through doing that, they decide we should just play videogames instead of going at all. I told them I'd rather not so I just went home.

It's just really strange being transported back in time to when I was seventeen like that, and very disappointing seeing neither of them have changed at all since high school.

These sluts are lost causes and when they go out and party, they are going to fuck something. At least I'm white so I decrease their chances of having a mudbaby.

>What do we do about the hookup culture?
Nothing in particular, just stick to your guns while working hard to become a succesful person worthy of emulating and if others want to behave otherwise, let them, instead of attempting to force shit on people and getting bad reputation for that. Currently it seems that slowly more conservative attitudes are on the raise globally so with enough good examples for new generations, things will change naturally.

>hookup culture
Whats wrong with having fun with babes?


Fuck you, not everyone who dislikes your degenerate whoring out hates it because they're an incel, in fact this whole incel thing happened because of the commonality of casual sex
I sincerely hope you're a woman

Our ancestors invented hookup culture.

Don't look for a girl based on looks. Look for one based on common interests and values. Get to know her. Become friends with her. Then, if she's right for you, one day you'll realize she was more attractive than you first thought. At that point, chad that shit with confidence. Don't be afraid to push her further if you know she's on your level. I won't lie: you are ALWAYS taking a big risk. However, it's a risk with a mind-blowing payoff.

Go out with her somewhere there are blacks. Does she seem relaxed and comfortable?
Get to know her friends. Are any of them sluts or mudsharks? Do they constantly have "girls night out"?
Check her parents and siblings. Weak father? Domineering mother? Any older siblings that are fuckups?
Young women are blank canvasses, at least up until mid 20s. If they are reared in the right environment up to that point they can be kept on the path, but if not, even if they have some kind of crisis and decide to stop being degenerate whores, they'll never stick to it.

Don't try to slide and go with nationality based attacks rather than attacking the arguments. It only make you seem like far-leftist as it is literally identity politics. Unless you have reasons to assume that that user personally affected politics of that period, for better and worse.

>These sluts are lost causes and when they go out and party, they are going to fuck something. At least I'm white so I decrease their chances of having a mudbaby.
This is preconceived cuckoldry,

True words, user. There is nothing better. I tried to partake just to see what its like and i could just never completely get into it. It was unnatural and strange. I hope i find my luck like you did. All the best to you both

Tits or gtfo

You misunderstand the meaning of cuckoldry.

there is jackshit we can do about it, might as well get some fun out of it before it collapses.

Talk with her. Without providing much of your own opinion at first to prompt her response, but encouraging her to share hers you'll know what things she believes in. Even if the girl is duplicitous enough to just agree with what you say to appeal to you, average extremist isn't and will gladly welcome an opportunity to spout her extreme bullshit.
Check her social circles. Not in a creepy spying way but as her potential partner it's alright to see what kind of people she hangs out with.
Get to know her, take your time. If you'll take things slow and won't let your infatuation with her make you assume all the best or your fear of being lured - all the worst, over time you'll understand how compatible you are naturally, what's her attitude and what she believes in.
Become her friend. It's a good advice no matter political leanings. When infatuation dies, lots of romance and even physical attraction goes with her and infatuation almost always dies after a couple of years of a relationship. But if during that time you'll create stronger bonds, see each other as pretty great person even without sex or romance, you'll relationship will be sturdy even when the passion dies down a bit. Plus, when you'll become comfortable with each other without putting on airs, you'll know who the other person really is, what are their shitty flaws and what are their wonderful traits.

Where do you meet girls though? Literally every single person I have ever met so far my age uses Tinder. I don't want to use Tinder. I have heard multiple people say it's great because it's like "shopping" for a date, you can just scroll and pick out what you like. Sounds abhorrent to me.

What's the alternative?

No, I don't. When you're making excuses to fuck sluts, you are pre-cuckolding yourself. You are willingly risking disease and child support nightmares of raising another man's child. You go ahead and dip your dick in the communal toilet if you want, but don't pretend you're not contributing to the core of degeneracy in doing so.

Once you're together for a bit it will be also easier to talk about things where you have differences of the opinion without having to limit oneself. Approach it casually, intellectually, exchange opinions, debate things without bashing their stance as much as finding arguments for why they'd like to see things differently and change their behavior on the basis of their own shared principles and then you'll know what the other person is about.
Make sure to underline from the get go that cheating is bad not just because you screw your partner over but because it means you never really respected or cared, that if a person is mature and committing themselves to a relationship, it's either staying in it or ending it rather than going behind each other's back.
Make sure she agrees before going into a relationship. That way you'll ensure that if she cares about you, then she'll be less likely to have fun on the side and if she will, she'll take into consideration that it's fair to at least make you know about it and end things properly. You wouldn't believe how much easier things are when rather than forcing morality onto your partner, you simply let them adopt it on their own, on the basis of their own principle (and if their own principles are this much different, you know that you're that much less compatible and may want to reconsider the relationship).

You are dumber than I thought.
I'm not risking disease or a child, because I wear a condom. I know you think condoms are not 100% effective but those stats include idiots who don't even know how to install one. I'm not that idiot.
I'm also not risking child support for another man's kid. Most of these sluts I don't even know their name, or remember it, or care. They don't know more than my first name. If by some chance they get pregnant around the time I fuck them, and they somehow find me, it isn't like I'm going to pay anything without verifying paternity.

Cuckolding necessarily requires some form of committed relationship between two of the people involved. That is not present in the scenario I'm involved in. I know that is hard for you to understand so please post again so I can explain it again but with different words so as to drag you along the path to understanding kicking and screaming.

I've started a few relationships myself in my own time online (even if then moved them IRL) and I don't think you have to limit yourself to full-on normie services. There are communities built upon shared interests, attitudes, hell, you can even meet people in some games. The important thing is to not let it be permanently online thing and not getting to know people just looking for a partner - if you won't just start pursuing them like a completely thirsty person but just build friendships - you may realize that not only some of the people you got to know are pretty alright, but they're even willing to take things further. and if nto, hey, you just got yourself some acquaintances to have awesome gaming time with.

Of course, offline may be even better place but I thought I'll cover onlien as well as it became quite a decent (even if with its own risks) tool. Now, IRL there are also groups you can join where you can meet new people through whatever you share - there are usually some clubs related to hobbies in every medium-tolarge sized cities, there are conventions. Then there are friends of friends - getting some get together, even pretty simple and tame one like "hey, weather's good, mine or your house is free, let's throw a BBQ, invite some folks of either gender if you know any".
Opportunities are nearly anywhere, you just need to use them. Approaching people without being creepy, just casually to see where things go, making new friends through hobbies or even circumstances (exchanging some words with people at work/school) and without worrying about failures when they just won't be interested, but also not pushing and again - not approaching them just to get it on but to meet them - can get you quite far.

Holy shit, today is the day of me giving people on Jow Forums advices. It's a third thread like this.

My wife of 8 years was virgin at the age of 21 when we met. Most of my female friends had one or two tops bfs most of which for more then a year that they dumped for being beta mail video game playing pussies. You just need to look past the 110IQ crowd. Below it there is only chalga, mtv and tinder desu
The only way to solve people capitalizing on the weak minded is to pull a transhumanism and raise the collective IQ by 50.

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At this point I think the only thing that could fix hook-up culture and the overwhelming freedom women enjoy, would be a war.

After WWII the USA went to a very patriarchal, traditional phase. Which was in turn destroyed by the sexual revolution of the 1960s. WW2 ended the degeneracy of the 1930s

Okay, I think that works. I go out pretty frequently anyway, because I'm into fishing and kayaking. Sometimes I just hope I'll meet someone that way but I know that's not going to happen. I'll try to find more social outlets though.

fpbp as always


That is the worst feeling. When you know you are involved in something that has no potential. Good for you on recognizing that. I don't understand why they just wouldn't want to go fishing. That's how a lot of my friends are right now. They all want to consume pop culture and do "fun" things, but I just want to camp and hike.

That is a fact of life. When I was hanging out with my fraternity bros a few years after school they were still directionless and doing the same shit they did in University.
Eventually you get to the point where you either get tired of it, stop hanging out with them and move on. But yes, it is a tough pill to swallow but thats pretty normal
While they were doing bullshit I made time to study and work towards my goals. I since got into a doctorate program and I have never looked back.
The only people from that group that I keep in contact with is my best friend who recently became a firefighter and the group chink who is going to med school.

As long as you set aside time for self improvement you will either inspire your friends to better themself or they will try to tear you down after which you should find new friends.
But if they see you improving yourself that can be infectious.
Just don't give up on yourself and work to be the best you can be.

Yea, I am still in the process. All I've really accomplished so far is getting in better shape, eating better, and quitting weed, so it's not much. My goals are still absolutely retarded as well, and I don't really see any future for me in college, in addition to not wanting to sacrifice the money I'm now saving because I'm off drugs.

>My parents grew up in a time of monogamy

Sure about that, user? Are you forgetting hippie culture? The sexual revolution? Free love?

Attached: hippies.jpg (1280x960, 450K)

go learn a trade

That shit never really got to us. We were under communism in that time and such behavior was almost on par with being a witch in the middle ages.

It's the result of atheism, basically. It's slightly more complicated because we need to factor in exceptions and everything, but in a nutshell, it's the result of secularism, atheism and hedonism growing.

A society with these things simply will not last.

I have thought about it. I already fix my car regularly just to learn about mechanics, but I haven't done anything that requires disassembling the intake manifold or front bumper like the more extensive jobs require. I'm just not decided yet on if I'd really want to fix cars for a living.

Even if I do though, I'm still just going to use it to fund my other goal, which is kind of too stupid and embarrassing to talk about.


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t. Elliot

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Mind your own goddamn business. You’ll stay sane that way.

>That Flag

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>get in on the fun of capitalist billionaires or miss out, finan-cel faggots
implying genetics dont real

>I know you think condoms are not 100% effective but those stats include idiots who don't even know how to install one.
>how to install one
>install one

I think there's a missing dimension to the alpha/beta dynamic anyway. It literally, assumes, that no men, and I mean literally zero men, actually want to have just one partner in their lives.

There are plenty of very ugly incels and MGTOWs, sure. But I have seen a lot who are above average as well. Even Elliot Rodger, despite being such a brat, had money and looks on his side. But modern life is as brutal as can be to any man who wants one wife and nothing more. That's the entire point of calling men incels: we've all probably been the point of thinking we should just give up and bang some girl we're not that into so we can finally say we've gotten laid. Imagine how many other men out there have actually gone through with that, and now have to live out the rest of their days insisting it was the right thing. These are the same people who are going to be insistent on making fun of other men who haven't had sex yet. It's a self-perpetuating cycle designed to literally force marriage-minded men into extinction.

mind your business retard

so the backlash against hookup culture is just incels who cant get laid? Sure looks like it from this thread

T. Schlomo Shillerberg

t. sad wanker. You know all women arent whores and you can have a normal relationship? I guess you dont because you are fucking beta Elliot who is too affraid to even approach women


find a good virgin traditional woman and marry her

How do you know that a woman is virgin though? You just have to trust her word?

i dont think its a good idea to ask woman whether shes a virgin straight away (how would you feel).
Obvious clues are if she is very shy and inexperienced in anything relationship included (including kissing). After you build up at least some relationship you can ask her. Try to be polite about at and dont make her feel you are angry about it

Maybe meet her friends and parents can give a good indication too.