>anti-racist = anti-white
>pro-racist = pro-white
>hurr durr white people are not racist sweetie
And you dumb incels can't see the contradictions baka...
"W-we're totally not racist i swear!"
smart negro
When you become anti, you often go to the extremes to eradicate such a thing from society, very often mirroring the thing you are set out to destroy. Most people who set themselves as "Anti Racist" are incredibly racially focused and discriminatory, establishing a form of supremacy or forced destruction of a race within an area, awarding people based on race, and punishing others based on race.
Also being pro racist does indeed make you pro whichever race you are in favor of. If you hate all races you're just a misanthrope and cease being racist.
Yeah I hate niggers you fucking idiot
thanks for giving me depression disorder
You're from a mudslime shit hole, don't pretend to be depressed over gore.
>B-but they're racist as well
Doesn't excuse you from making genius statements like one in the op. It's basically the same as libtards saying that saying "It's okay to be white." is hate speech.
I half agreed with the OP post, that being pro racist makes you pro race you're fond of.
If you want people to be given a fair handshake and judged based on character, there are many constructive labels to adopt to fight for that, but anti racist isn't one of them.
of course, you had several ways to show that Africa is a shithole, surely several intellectual ways, or just call him a nigger or post a good meme. but you wanted to be more special and picked gore to prove your point, well done.
I'm not going to waste my time giving a serious reply to this faggot's bait.
>I don't like it so it's bait!
t. incel
Nothing wrong with being racista lmao chill
>autistic """reasoning"""
Yeah, it's bait.
And you're a leaf or a petrol sniffing aussie.
Fuck off back to /b/ or Jow Forumseddit
>Implying that Jow Forums isn't the most highly regarded tourist attraction
You fags have no self awareness do you?
>brainlet can't wrap head around accusation that leftists use words disingenuously.
>must be an admission of racism then
Those who claim to be anti-racist are just as obsessed with race as racists are.
He who fights monsters and all that.
What's the difference between labeling the statement "It's okay to be white" as racist and the op?
stop being such a weak faggot, do your parents know you're such a poof? get beheaded cunt
Because you're correlating something without context. You're asserting that they mean being racist is better. They're saying that anti-racism much like antifa itself is just a dog whistle. They don't give a shit about authoritarianism. They just dislike white people.
>tickles your anus after cutting off your nuts
wat do?
You seriously don't understand what they're trying to say. Even white trash bigots grasp the contrast here, jesus christ. Are you actually a leftist?
are you having issues with the English language pollack jew?
The fuck do you look at ya sick fuck?
Actual solid anwser
You didn't understand basic English so badly that you made a thread to show how clever you are. But I guess it makes sense for a brain like that to then proceed to call others retarded.
Thats how the left would like to portray it