I ask knowing that we are going to de-legitimise feminism in the same way we de-legitimised Shitary, and it's already well underway. I propose bringing all the various men's rights/MGTOW/anti-feminism/incel movements under 1 banner. We managed to meme Trump and Brexit into action, now can we use the power of memes to bring down feminism?
Before you go thinking that this fight isn't necessary, just consider a simple fact: feminism, if NOT taken down, will completely ruin the movements we won and destroy our efforts since 2014. Is that what you want? A lot is at stake here, and we don't really have a choice about this, either we take down feminism (with the goal of removing women's rights in society) or we watch as what we built is burned to the ground by those same feminists.
What are you talking about? MGTOW is feminism. It is the exact same shit just different form.
It sees the relation between men and women as a power game, instead of like normal people - see it as that you are building your life up together with someone through thick and thin.
Why the fuck would we support MGTOW's or any of these other losers who are just pathetic and equally destructive to families as feminists are.
Benjamin Kelly
So much this. Can sensible men and women just band together and destroy MGTOW please.
Alexander Bailey
Wtf are you talking about, do you know anything about MGTOW at all? The relationship between men and women has always been a power game, muppet. If you knew this, you might comprehend why you're ruled by feminists now. You have got to be insane or baiting. I'm sensing you are both roasties. No guy would get this mad about a thread calling for an end to feminism.
Or is Sweden really just full of s.oyposters.
Robert Jones
I want to end feminism, that includes ending MGTOW.
No, a marriage is not supposed to be a power struggle. If yours is, you are a retard.
Lucas Price
It's better to confront the reality instead of getting fucked over later. Oh what am I saying? If you snowniggers knew anything about power dynamics in a relationship, you wouldn't have handed over the reins to your women, who are now leading you to replacement by sandniggers and realniggers.
Levi James
If you had known any women IRL, you would have known that women will follow any strong man, and that they are susceptible to group pressure and subliminal messages.
The war is not between men and women, it is between men and their weak cuck tendencies (porn, video games, junk food), and against modern media.
Be a strong man and wean your woman away from Sex and the City and there is no problem.
Owen Price
Incel purge when?
Anthony Jackson
The reality is the same as it has always been. If you want a healthy society you need a healthy nuclear family to build it on.
Is your definition of a healthy nuclear family when daddy and mommy have power struggles, fighting all day long? Or where the parents work together to create a stable home environment as to create the best future for their kids they possibly could.
Retards that make family dynamics into a power struggle and use the kids as pawns in a war against their spouse of the opposite gender give the kids a lot of mental issues. A mentally ill society is not a successful one in the long run.
Both America and Sweden e.g. who used to be very successful countries were built on those core family values. When you start fucking with nature, and have internal fights in the nuclear family you pay the price for that long term.
Men and women have different roles in the family, women are nurturers, men are providers and protectors. That is the natural order. Feminists are women trying to deter women from their natural nurturing role, and MGTOW's deter men from their natural protector role.
When you have a society where the women don't nurture and the men don't protect you have a sick society. And the ones who pay the biggest price for that are the kids.
I will not support that.
Luke Nelson
OK if this is all there is left on Jow Forums, roasts arguing against movements that want to take down feminism then it's clear to me the next change won't come from here. Its gonna be somewhere else, just don't know where. Fuck Jow Forums. >If you had known any women IRL, you would have known that women will follow any strong man, and that they are susceptible to group pressure and subliminal messages. >The war is not between men and women, it is between men and their weak cuck tendencies (porn, video games, junk food), and against modern media. >Be a strong man and wean your woman away from Sex and the City and there is no problem. Ah the man-up argument. Kys, oh wait your wahmynz are already doing that for you. And for once, I feel you COMPLETELY deserve it. Fuck, not you as well. Though you are not much better off than Sweden right now even with Trump in charge. You've completely mischaracterised MGTOW. Not gonna bother arguing with you, it'd be a waste since you're so fundamentally wrong.