Why don't you go out and get a summer job? That's what I did

>Why don't you go out and get a summer job? That's what I did.

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Too busy making America great again, praise Kek!

get a load of this noskill faggot

It's another lazy millennial talking shit about boomers thread again.

Why dont you? Fucking lazy neet.

>Mom wants me to get a summer job despite being in college
>"We need the money"
>Offer her 400$ on the spot
>"N-no it's fine, you don't have to get a job"

What the fuck

>summer job
I guess its shilling for faggotry on Jow Forums

Nigger rich

*sips monster*


>t. 28 year old boomer

>Its a 16 year old boomer doesn't realize he's too old to be on Jow Forums episode

>caring about money
Rat racers.

Damn I wish I had a girlfriend to "accidentally" impregnate.

explain why you have money with no job

Still not quiet sure whats wrong with this? Looks like the man is living his dream. Good for him.

Maybe he had a job before college.

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So you're just retarded then.

I do financial domination online.

>be me
>dad says get a summer job
>go to local fast food joints
>none hiring
>all are staffed by 30 year old muslim/spanish men and woman

Where do young white people even go to work anymore?

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boomer cope

Well they are living up the life, even if it is at the cost of everyone else.

Depends where you are, but you can get warehouse work. Just expect to be a minority, as in when you arrive you can count the number of white people (including you) on one finger.

>that 14 year old boomer who thinks people will listen to him on Jow Forums

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My dad owns an ATV this image is pretty spot on

Actual boomers got a job at 16 and bought a house and car by 25. Back then houses were smaller, had less regulation, and you couldn't apply a quick coat of paint to double their price on the market.

No clue, I was able to work at an orchard but I had to lie and say I was staying for longer than just the summer

Maybe a teen could get a job at a marina. They always hire young kids for seasonal grunt work

>Where do young white people even go to work anymore?
The 1970's.
Though you'll probably make more money with the time machine required to get there than the basic summer job.

I work in the (((mortgage industry))). All day long, I see nothing but loan applications from spics who are all named some variation of Juan Jose Rodriguez Lopez and boomers buying their third house. Also, my manager is a boomer woman who refuses to retire.
A couple of weeks ago, she put me on a “special project” where said she wanted me to go into our system and verify if some specific loans had been processed. Fair enough. She then spent the time forwarding me all of the confirmation e-mails sent to her notifying that they were processed for me to work off of, not realizing they were confirmation e-mails. She’s the literal embodiment of the boomers get paid $150k a year and they can’t even rotate a PDF file meme.

It's pretty simple. Boomers didn't spend 15 hours a day shitposting.

Holy shit that's a true boomer horror story

Cant do it
High School and College kids took all the jobs
Im 36 and have no work experience to list, and most importantly, No references at all.

Findom should have stayed as an undiscovered fetish.

>36 and have no work experience
>High School and College kids took all the jobs

Well that is the absolute state of things.


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the absolute state of you


I forgot it was summer. Thanks, friendo.

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>that 25 year old boomer, who doesn't understand the boomer meme

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This. My parents have three cars (excluding the classic car) and a boat, and are buying a camper van. But apparently I'm bad with money because I buy a few books now and then.

Just lie on your resume. Make up jobs and companies and give them fake phone numbers or your mom's number or whatever. Employers will rarely call references.

You work at your relatives place or small businesses, alot of places in Britain specifically target under 18's to hire which is great for the average person making and believing in the boomer memes.

Im 20 now and have worked saturday jobs on and off since 13, you just network through relatives and use their businesses to find better jobs

24 year old Boomer electrician here
Do this

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Also try a temp agency to help get your foot in the door. If they’re staffed by competent white people, they’d probably be very happy to see you instead of the low IQ niggers and beaners they have to interact every day. Last time I went to get a temp job, I was the only one in the waiting room that dressed presentable and had a resume. The rest were niggers in pajama pants. The white employees were very excited to see me and bent over backwards to help me out.
This was a few years ago. They might be entirely cucked now though.

Landscaping Company?
(No such thing as kids mowing lawns during the summer anymore)

they code

>15 year old boomer

Every job I've ever had came from connections.
Ask everyone you know if they know about any openings.
Worked for me, 22 and currently working 2 jobs

Leave the house sometime

> grills all year regardless of weather

fuckin a right

I've been doing it for about ten years, I'm not some bandwagoner.

>Where do young white people even go to work anymore?
The Chinese tech sector. It pays more than twice as well, and there are more fellow white males at the office than the states. It's unironically more of a meritocracy than the "land of opportunity."

My boomer coworker plans on making a landscaping company when he retires, but first he has to milk the medical benefits of our company so he can get a new knee and stint put in. I don’t blame him though


All because employers wont take chances on hiring people because theyre "inconvenient"

People either do it themselves or they get a conpany todo it, 20 bucks gets a trio of dudes with an expensive lawnmower and weedeaters to come over on a reliable schedule.

I dont know anyone, no connections.

Do you pretend to be a girl and just prey on thirsty Twitter fuccbois?

Sincerely curious.

You fags are fucking lazy, I’m a 19 year old uni student and already had two internships in IT and currently work a server job making anywhere from $150-300 a day. This shit really isn’t hard at all, you just have to be able to communicate with people in real life


>30 year old boomer

So we now have second generation boomers?

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As much as I hate the meme of “unpaid internships” and the thought of having to work for free just to garner enough experience to potentially get enough to be hired for the job you started as an intern in is absolutely vile usury to me, do one in the field you want to pursue. You will meet people who if you either impress with your ability or if you get them to flat out just like you, they’ll advocate for you to be hired.

I had a 6 month unpaid internship for a tech position, at the end of it didn’t get too much more “knowledge” than what I had BUT I built the connections with guys who worked there and they told our hiring managers that if they didn’t pick me up they would be losing an asset and that I deserved the position for all of the shit jobs I got dumped on me.

And a teen can do it for 15 bucks

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The way I got into being a findom is because I am an actual girl, and guys would start to offer to buy me shit as a young girl once they heard my voice. Of course this gave me a bit of an entitlement issue growing up and I became very spoiled/bratty (especially because a lot of guys liked that) and it just naturally evolved into being a findom.

I don't do twitter or tumblr because I don't use videos/audio. I see those kind of "findoms" as basically glorified camwhores. I like to rely on my ability to train people and how I talk to them for my money. I know it makes it seem like I'm a guy to a lot of people for obvious reasons, but in the end I still get plenty of money so I don't feel the need to put myself out there like a camwhore.


Tits or gtfo

Uber. Target. Literally walk in anywhere in this environment and they will employ you if you can speak English properly in the interview, not on heavy drugs and no felony convictions.

Yeah but they do a half assed job and that's only feeding one mouth albeit a legal mouth.
Lazy kids need to learn some work ethic

>graduate during the recession
>35-40 year old boomers with 10+ years of experience are competing with me for entry level jobs
>say fuck it and work oddjobs and live the semiNEET life
>now I'm the boomer competing with college graduates

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but dad your encino property was only 128k

And how are they going to get that when 40 year old Mexicans take jobs that were originally for teenagers

Who has been enabling your indolence? It's remarkable that a person can make it in his mid-30's without having to fend for himself.

Your taxes are probably paying for his foodstamps and indigent medical plan.

I know autistic people in their early 40s in this position. He's possibly on the spectrum.

I'd rather be autistic than a cock-sucking faggot any day.

You sound like a nigger, blaming your problems on someone else.

>I see those kind of "findoms" as basically glorified camwhores

I draw smut so I'm in a related field. Nice to see another dom enthusiast.

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What? Do you live in detroit or something? Mow your lawn, nigger.

>but in the end I still get plenty of money
how much we talking here

Hard to say because there's not a lot of consistency. I can get as much as a thousand or more one month, then nothing the next month. These days most of my pigs are college students, so during Summer/Winter break I get the most money since they don't have to waste so much on school.

I got about $300 in the last week.

Funny thing is, I'm really a switch, the kind of people I dom are just so absolutely fucking pathetic that they're still below me. This gives me an edge though, since I've been on the sub end of things I know how to push a sub's buttons better than compared to a pure dom. Also a lot of guys get off to the idea of me being a whore yet they're still below me.

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Oh, I think I know this fremen.

what's that pink shit near the car?


I worked a part time job last summer at a konbini. They made me work 90 hours/week overtime.

That's so few hours for a jap

>This gives me an edge though, since I've been on the sub end of things I know how to push a sub's buttons better than compared to a pure dom
I know the feel. Usually I get my sub fix from my canvas and my dom fix from teasing people.

I've unironically debated making up a fake identity and trying findom since I love writing dommy kink shit and money, but I'm not sure where I'd find people or start at.

Finding people is basically luck, you just cruise around porn/ERP discords and websites and see what bites. Keeping them is where the skill comes into play.

I still got it

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Do you keep them interested sexually, or do you just play their lack of confidence and let them get off on their own?

I'd figure a lot of guys wouldn't bite without pics and wouldn't stay if they weren't being told when they are and aren't allowed to cum/etc.

>A firm handshake and look 'em straight in the eye. That's what I did.

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>Look, when I was your age I mowed lawns for the summer and paid for a car and the entire next year of college courses.

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>You need to hit the bricks to find work. That's what I did. Kids these days have it easy.

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This. Cheat2win

>I bought a house in my 20s with a 9-5 summer job.

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Are these shills going to go away after summer? Please say yes.

Why is there a giant pink finger poking the license plate?