The fuck is wrong with these eastern Yuropoors?

The fuck is wrong with these eastern Yuropoors?
They got billions of $ from Germany for free and now when it's time to help someone else, "no thanks"

They should give back all they got from Western countries

Attached: yuropoors.jpg (723x677, 73K)

Shlomo on suicide watch

Attached: 1493893236137.png (949x1103, 920K)

They don't want to follow the rest of us down the drain. Good for them. Eastern Europe is unironically the only hope for the future.

Niggers of Europe.
The gibs will stop flowing soon, you'll see how their tone going to change.

Based Ukrainian understands things
Are all Ukrainians like you? You should join the EU, we can give your trillions to reconstruct your country's infrastructure

it's over they wont budge Merkel will resign and everyone will put up border controls to stop migrants.

You lost.

>for free
>just give us your infrastructure, your tax, your air ports, sea ports if you have them, your institutions etc etc etc.

It's not worth it. It's not worth paying 700 euros a year road tax to dodge fucking potholes. I sincerely hope the "Europoors" absolutely break you.
Lel, enjoy 2019, cunts.

if European Union goes the Visegrad-right wing path, it is best if it is disbanded

European project was a project of solidarity and union

it was never meant to be come a right wing "white" empire

if this is the path it takes, we need to disband EU asap

Excuse me sir. Be invaded by niggers and muslims who rape, kill and create their own criminal syndicates and grooming gangs was not part of any EU deal. And we don't get free money. That cash goes to politicans and some scam projects.

Sure faggot, you can have your degeneracy, your niggers and your kebab back