Why arent men interested in women who are saving themselves for marriage
Why would they rather go on tinder and bang some whore?
Why arent men interested in women who are saving themselves for marriage
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>believing them when they say they are
I want to believe but this place has showed me the true nature of women and I would be too paranoid that it was a shit test
Because 90% of men are fucking weak idiots with low test that go for low hanging fruit and then get assmad when they don’t get it because they’re fat and ugly with no strong moral convictions.
>who are saving themselves for marriage
Often times female virginity is not different from male virginity - simply low sexual market value and overall bad character.
But women can ad hoc pull up the "I'm saving myself for marriage" thing.
It has always had a shit test vibe, and the more attractive she is the more like a shit test it seems. I have successfully fucked every girl who ever told me this without marrying her.
>Often times female virginity is not different from male virginity - simply low sexual market value and overall bad character.
This never happens
a 400 lb land whale will have no problem finding men who want to bang her
what a dumb cunt. you religious psychos are freaky.
>Saving myself for marriage
>Saving myself for YOU with marriage
Usually it's the 2nd one.
Also marriage is a big fucking commitment in today's world, you basically sign the paper that says this women owns half of your shit.
Maybe, just maybe, it makes sense for this dude to at least know what kind of product he's having before buying it? Because you don't want to find out that there's 0 chemistry in bed AFTER you've married.
Where are these "saving themselves for marriage" women at?
Is sexual chemistry real? Do some people just connect instantly with no effort?
If just 25% of men were strong then the west would be saved. People talk about the emasculation of the western male, that’s wrong. It’s already happened. We have to make men strong again. Empower fathers.
funny thing lack of chastity and modern culture is the reason why i dont engage in relationships
>believing that blondie is chaste
HAHA yeah she’ll make you wait for marriage I’m sure, but she gave it up for Chad and Tyrone after a smile and a few drinks
no its a meme pop cultures makes along
there is no magical love feeling
you have to build love with understanding effort and such
>what kind of product he's having before buying it?
If she has sex with you before marriage you know she is someone who thinks it is ok to have sleep with men who are not her husband
the exact opposite for me faggot.
fuck no
ive been to church regularly and associated with "church people" and what you say is ridiculous, these conservatives are among the most obnoxious boomer tier degenerates
This. I can't tell if she's truly serious about not having sex before marriage, or I'm just not good enough for her to break her rule. Would she break her rule for another guy? Knowing women, my suspicion would be yes.
So while it looks good on paper, it gives a feeling that she's not attracted to you.
40YO here (since 2004). It has happened to me once. The woman's looks were unremarkable and we fought all the time. This was in 2007, and she still stands out as by far the best lover I've ever had. (We didn't do anything fancy either.)
Maybe they’re only interested in sex and don’t want to get married. So they move on to the girls that are interested in the same thing.
I'm in love with Anna,..seriously
She has the face and voice of a woman who got absolutely RAILED en masse at college
things that just dont exist anymore
all what you get nowadays are old abused cumsluts, braindead and with with super mileage
>things that just dont exist anymore
Maybe in Germany
There are plenty of virgins in America
>She has the face and voice of a woman who got absolutely RAILED en masse at college
How many women who are “saving themselves for marriage” are former roasties?
yes but europe is very socially homogenous
here we dont have stuff like the deep south or conservative baptists
imagine new york catholics, but a 500 million of them on an entire continent
tinder, aff, fuckbook bitches fuck better and at the drop of a hat. id know
The thing is I have a hard time believing an attractive adult woman remained a virgin. So if a woman tells me she wants chastity before marriage I can only assume she is a "reformed slut" looking for a stable beta faggot she won't give blowjobs to because "I'm not that type of girl."
things the burger never truly understand
>implying I'd ever find them
>implying I'm mentally stable enough for those kinds of women anyway
>Why arent men interested in women who are saving themselves for marriage
They are. As wives. The crazier ones might be more fun to fuck around with. Isn't this question kind of brain dead? This notion of a distinction between two roles for women has been enshrined in many societies throughout time. You've got a wife to manage the house and take care of kids and a mistress for mistress stuff Take the red pill and observe what's right in front of your face instead of living you life in some dull fantasy.
That’s scary. You need southern baptists.
The problem is that these women do not chase men, nor frequent the places men usually visit.
As a result, men never know about their existence.
The only way to access them is by befriending one of their friends, and in that case, the man has more attachment to her friend than her.
I'd leave just after listening to her voice.
well im traditionalist catholic if that counts
She comes across as an uptight bitch regardless of the Virgin thing
That bitch would be trying to get the nigger drunk so she could rape him and would be saying "I'm so wasted I'm so wasted" and constantly falling down so he can look up her skirt. Then the girl in OPs pic she's chaste but she had to immaculate conceptions guiz! Not just one like Mary but TWO!!!!!!! XD
You guys must be low test beta male fat virgins to not want to raise Gods children!
I disagree with the Croatian virgin poster sexual chemistry is 100% real I miss my onitis I've fucked other girls but they're pathetic in comparison.
>things the burger never truly understand
ist's der iq oder is des genetisch bedingt bei dene hamburger?
Nope, there are other reasons not to marry that have nothing to do with whores - like the fact that women have ruined the institution. Anyone who would agree to a losing proposition like that is a fucking idiot. The stakes for a man are way too high.
Men have a biological urge to fuck constantly. The problem is, women have become absolute fucking retards with no standards.
>well im traditionalist catholic if that counts
shush be quiet. you'll wake up the larpagans
only chemistry there is is between your sex organs and hormones you cant control
it cant get anymore retarded than it already is with the stormfags, blackedposters, incels and mansluts
you burgers are dumb
does this count as thicc already?
If you want men to agree to marriage again, you need to make divorce almost impossible. A woman who wants marriage in exchange for pussy access is far riskier than a skank or a prostitute. Neither of them can take half of everything you own for the rest of your life and have you thrown in prison for not being able to pay.
These females don't exist in any significant numbers
It's true. Unfortunately I had a jewess suck out my soul through my thick circumcised goy cock. Never recovered.
No shit.
ist sehr wahrscheinlich doch das ergebnis von zuviel genetischem mischmasch
>pic related, the problem is imported from the us and a
>Freedom to dismember the unborn and use a vacuum to suck out their mangled corpses from my polluted uterus.
There exists women like that actually? Maybe in the bible belt
Why do they all have the whore stare?
Why do their eyes look devoid of any true passion or happiness, just like every run of the mill whore?
Are they just as miserable as the average normie whore? Are they reformed whores? Why do they have that stare?
>wants people to get to know her heart, mind, and soul
>mind, soul
They wouldnt...
WTF user... I was a "chad" banged plenty of sluts...
didnt want that...
all I wanted was to settle down as a virgin with the other virgin church girls...
Guess who was encouraged to "play the field" and that they were "too young to even consider marriage" by their very christian parents?
Christianity needs to uncuck itself.
how much you bet she started paying the lifetime toll?
that's gay af
Had a lady friend I known all my life "saving herself for marriage" she always says. I've been banging her regular for the last 8 years.
She tells all guys and boyfriends the sane thing because she 'doesn't want to be used for sex'. She just visits my wife and I and gets her sex fix. when she gets drunk she always saying "I think I love you", my wife just tells her to find her own lover when she does that.
I think and girl in their 20's or above that claims no sex in lying or has something chemically wrong with them. The sex drive is high at that age and all women will go for a good fuck if they know it will be kept secret.
>paying the lifetime toll?
but she is still not asking for it
All of them. It's another trick.
>Protection not deportation
why does it want the rapist to stay and why does it think the victim get's deported?
>Why arent men interested in women who are saving themselves for marriage
Because nobody wants to get married to western women
I've wanted to get married and start a family with a woman I trust and respect since I was in grade school, I'd love a woman saving themselves but I'm better off working to get rich and famous since it's more realistic unless you're religious or have rock-bottom standards for the 80% of men who aren't good enough for women to do all the work approaching them.
"why aren't men interested" fuck outta here.
fucking cut every 5 seconds cuz she can't argue for longer than that. jesus it triggers me
all modern womyn are fucked in the head, twisted and hippocratic
>gender equality and womyn vote where mistakes
In all seriousness I know a few Christian girls that have been through this. They are rare, but even my wife was like this. Pretty religious blonde but by her mid 20s she hadn't had a serious boyfriend.
These girls are often very reserved and hard to come by... since being Uber religious they often repel men.
you're such a good man
You ruined that woman because of your weakness. You're the problem. Women take the lead of men. Society is a male construct. You are the men who are destroying society. Sure she's a lying whore, but she's a woman, that's her job. You're the slut
where do you find them? I've never met a female virgin over 21
>saving herself for marriage
>already has three bastard children
And you know what "chastity" means for women? It means she only sucks dick and takes it up the ass, but not with the one she's with of course.
"Chastity" means she's cheating on you these days.
agreed, ever since they got the vote society went in the shitter.
This right here family.
A woman who is "chaste" is only chaste for you.
Rest assured, if Chad takes an interest in her, those panties are off the first time they get back to her place.
The problem is the religion aspect. The only women I've met like this were religious. I would just be lying to everyone if I started saying how much I "believed" and "had faith" in the beautiful lie Christianity has to offer. I don't have anything against Christians, I agree with much of their moral code, but I'm agnostic.
Men should take a good look at themselves. You can't complain about evil roasties when you would rather bang a number of sluts instead of committing yourself to a relationship. Modern men are as much to blame as women.
whats wrong with the picture?
Because men like sex and don't like marriage.
wtf are you talking about?
every normal man loves virginal women.
>You ruined that woman because of your weakness.
No, that woman was ruined the moment she was born.
All women are like that, the only solution is to limit their freedom, which will never happen in the west ever again, so you may as well enjoy fucking them on the side.
why would you want to marry damaged goods?
I see nothing wrong with that picture, which is my point. She is being a housewife and not a "I DO WHAT I WANT CUZ WIMEN STRONG REEEEEEEEEEEE" type women while letting them vote gives them a superiority complex and let's them apply house politics to real politics which is why our countries are so fucked up.
They wouldn't. You're letting propaganda drive you to venereal disease.
Because they’re “muh tradthots”. People on here complain about women being whores, and then when a good woman presents herself, they say that she’s only acting traditional for attention. I actually know a 9.5/10, super introverted, traditional, right wing blonde girl. She says she wants 3-4 kids. She’s like my ideal girl.
First post is sadly the best post
Where's grandpa?
I'm not committing myself to someone who can't be trusted, and 90% of modern women can't be trusted.
Well you exaggerated A BIT there.