The left can’t me-

The left can’t me-

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Ya looks pretty Chad

Wouldn't mind deporting Colin Kapernick. Am I chad now?

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Chads dip copenhagen


I've looked at this for 5 min and I still can't figure out what the joke is or even what the correlation they are trying to make, and why it's even meme worthy.

what is skoal?
i see this shit for sale in every servo when i visit america.

>deport an American citizen
To where?

>Chads dip Kodiak

They can't. This meme first circulated in Libertarian and Ancap meme groups

Chads dont use dip.
Dip is for pussies.
Chads chew tobacco.

tobacco. Snuff. Stick it between your lip and your gum.

It also ruins your teeth, gums, and gives you oral cancer. So if you don’t care to ever kissing a girl again, go ahead and dip.

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As others pointed out its snuff, take a pinch, throw it between your lip and gums

Useful for people who work labor intensive jobs, so youre not bent over lifting weight with a cigarette in your mouth and smoke in your eyes, or hacking a lung smoking while having to run x to y, or whatever

Trading lung cancer for some type of oral cancer

99 percent of the processed foods you eat gives you some sort of cancer or heart disease.

Chewing tobacco is weak as shit. Low nic, sweet molasses flavor. Candy tobacco.

>literally calling us Chad

can you stick it in your anus?

>you guys are Chads!

Get real faggots. Real men CHEW RED MAN

Attached: Get On My Level.jpg (400x251, 22K)

Yes. Its called splitting the atom. It gives a massive nicotine buzz.

This is why we can't have nice things

Its way higher nic than dip you brainlet tobaccolet.
Dip is absorbed faster because its forced into your gums.
Chaw lasts 10x longer and gets you buzzed af, especially when you swallow it.

You're killing me smalls

PC Principal is secretly redpilled?

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Literally calling us Duke nukem.

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>when you swallow it.
You sir, are a disgusting fuck.

I love sticking stuff in my anus that makes me light headed, plus prostate cancer is fun

>gives you oral cancer
It certainly increases your risk, less so than smoking, but so do many thongs. Do you drink hot beverages?

You get WAY more nic from dip or snus than chew. Its not even debatable. Who the fuck guts chew btw? Ive met old timers that gut dip, but chew make no much juice.

Yes, exactly. That doesn't invalidate what said though.


desu colon crapondick should be deported.

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It's not snuff. Snuff is inhaled through the nose.

pretty much me but a couple years younger and i use words like "faggot","communist" and prefer snus

That's literally the same as the right wing meme.

left really cant meme
maybe they are all just too stupid or something in there degenerated genes

This really pulls my devil trigger
>Steal pol meme
>Still get it wrong
Chad wears green skin tight gym shorts and a bright pink vest, and he has johnny bravo hair not guile hair.
>Fucking millennial boomers

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Ayy lmao

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American snuff. It says so on the can. (or used to)

his name is guile actually

is ur tumbler raid going as well as you had planned Op?

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>Not naming it the "Listen, you fucking libtard let me tell you-" starter pack or anything remotely funny
Weak effort......

>google chewing tobacco in anus
>it's actually a thing
Kind of surprised, yet not surprised since people stick everything up their asses.

You dont swallow all of it.
You just let it run down, and if too much builds up then you spit.
Plus its a big ass chad juice stream, not that foamy brown puss spit dip gives you.
>concentrated tobacco has more nic per area than loose leaf
Wow no shit.
Next youll tell me things with a higher density have more mass.
Chaw is inherently better in everyway other than "muh instant nic buzz" dip gives, for like 5 mins.
Chaw will give you a clean buzz for like 45 minutes to an hour.

your meme sucks dick

And Colin Kaepernick will be the father of your children

The only problem w this meme is that they make Chad look cool, which is the opposite of their aim. Therefore- they can't meme

>wearing pants that don't fit you like skinny jeans so you don't look like a faggot

And no conservative in their right mind gets a flattop cut unless they're military and we prefer aviator shades faggots and snuff is for hicks

chad? that looks like a marine desu
aka a retard

Cuba since he idolizes Castro so much

>Chairforce faggot

I mean is it really a meme when nobody who meets the criteria of your image would have a problem with the comparison. Literally everyone wants to be a sandy blonde military vet chad with a flat top and Oakley sunglasses

hi r*ddit

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Honestly, is there anything that these faggots can do right? Holy shit.

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This person got carried away a bit.

Yes, although the risk varies depending on the food, even when the causal link has been identified.
I.e. Bacon has a 100% confirmed link to increasing cancer risk, but the actual increase in the cancer risk is incredibly small.

So while I can't quite these kinds of figures from memory, snuff can still be way worse for cancer than processed food, even though both have a causal link with causing cancer.

>not "the chad starter pack"
They still can't meme

Looks like PC Principal. You definitely can't meme.

>They still can't meme
tfw when you'll never learn to meme

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chads kick ass and chew bubblegum

Mental midgets

>only rebbit can make references to beloved classic movies
OK fag

>boomer named Chad
Anyone else think this is hilarious in itself?

>that haircut
find 5 people with that cut and those pants right now

Looks like it yeah.

my hair would fall flkat it hs not this spickyness to pull off that hauircut

I will admit spitting those chaw ropes is satisfying

>Chairforce faggot

The caption does not go with the photos.


Chad realized (((who))) owns big tobacco and exclusively does heroin.

Pretty sure big tobacco is one of the less kosher big industries

You’re a retard

Did they combine the bro country and state trooper memes to form a meta shitty meme?


That's the knee nigger, right? It wouldn't be legal or fair to deport him.
Just get the rope.

Breh. Not even close.

It is literally called moist snuff and has been since the 19th century. Rake yourself

they're right, that's pretty chad

Is this... supposed to make us look bad? They really do think being a stick figure bug man is the ideal.

A nigger made this

There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking like this.

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>I'm here to kick ass and blow up flying pyramids, and I'm all outta ass

The Swedes brought it over. Dipping tobacco was never an Anglo thing which is why you're unfamiliar with it. Only Mericans and Scandinavians would understand.

Wrong, Chad chews fiberglass and asbestos laced with arsenic and a little tobacco.

I think that’s the point, user.

Out. That’s all that matters. We can pay some godforesaken hell hole in Africa to take our undesirables.

I forgot how good young MacGyver looked...

where is the gun tho?

It was never a socially acceptable thing. There's a difference.
Small brown coolies chew leaves, not white men.

Actually I wear chinos, have a fashy haircut, ray bans, and tobacco is for degenerates

Man, wintergreen dip is so fucking good. I almost never do it especially within sight of anyone I know but my brother but once in a blue moon I'll treat myself to that gum-burning goodness

Chad seems based af

>ray bans
Expensive sunglasses are for good goyim

Just buy some gum

Shitty dip.
Only reason skoal is half decent as a company is their SOUR GREEN APPLE dip for the occasional can when you want something sweet or to take a break from your usual flavor.

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who the hell cares about kissing? are you a faggot?

It's funny because it's true.
Chad seems cool.