What does Greece need to do in order to fix her economy? I want to hear your suggestions

What does Greece need to do in order to fix her economy? I want to hear your suggestions

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The rest of Europe is being flooded with niggers and the jews are trying to flood us with Mexicans too. You all need to work that out for yourselves, we're busy atm.

Get off the Euro so you can devalue your currency

1) Immediately GTFO from European Union, and especially the Euro-zone
2) Start a huge program of government spending in order to guarantee full employment and improve infrastructure and services
3) Completely abolish of the VAT for ever and ever
4) Enforce protectionist measures
5) Promote local agriculture

Get the gold back from germans.
revert system back to drachmas.
create incentives for people in tech industries
to move their business there.
legalize marijuana.
music festivals.
film industry incentives.
get the youth to believe in a restoration of the cities instead of burning the cities larping as antifa

pay denbts


Stop being medniggers and get more White blood.

>Promote local agriculture
greece is very proud of their local agriculture.
they need to have people in other countries want to buy their wines and oil over italian products that are made in greece to begin with.

1.get out of the EU and the euro
2.print new-drachma
3.devalue said new-drachma
4.become european pattaya

Invest more on gyros to export it and outsell kebab

Get rid of freeloading niggers.

Legalized hookers and drugs

investigate those currently in power for stealing money and giving contracts to friends/gangs and shit like that. out those corrupt scum (note that wht is happening with greece is happening in california with their economy and kickbacks) then gather the successful businessmen and hire lawyers from foreign nations to help establish good trade rest is up to you

Why is Greece so fucked up in the first place?
I've never seen anyone talk about Greece in concrete terms, whenever people talk about Greece they just spew buzzwords.

The big thing was that we created in the 80's a middle class with loaned money, and we didn't produce enough value to pay back the loans. Add to that the faking of our economy's size in order to get to the eurozone, with the help of corrupt eu officials, thus getting more loans that we couldn't pay back, plus people taking loans for ridiculous reason(to go to vacation, buy big houses etc.) which they themselves hadn't enough income to pay them back, plus the banks making sure that this cycle goes on, until the bubble bursted, and then rip Greece's economy


Leave Macedonia alone for starters you fascist fucks

That's going to hurt tourism more than it helps.
Greece wants to be a destination for family and cultural toursits. If sex tourists want to fuck cheap Balkan whores, they can come to the Netherlands and Germany.

Work hard

There was a global financial crisis in 2008 which also affected Greece, then EU decided to help and the rest is history.

If anything Macedonia needs to either be annexed to Bulgaria and forced to stop LARPing.

Yep, the euro was always going to fuck Greece

>faking of our economy's size in order to get to the eurozone, with the help of corrupt eu officials
I'll guess that none of these people are in jail, and everything they own isn't seized to pay off debts.

>What does Greece need to do in order to fix her economy?
Get the Jews/IMF out of the picture for starters.

Literally work harder. It’s just that simple.

>Greece wants to be a destination for family and cultural toursits
Maybe mainland Greece
with the exception of Santorini and maybe Zakynthos, everyother island is for sex tourists and teenagers that look for easy sex with their peers

I miss the good old /pol days of the burgers making fun the the Europoors and the Europoors being able to make fun of our black crime issues that didnt exist over there at the time.

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Just work harder, works for me

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Kill people who crushed your economy: the Banksters.

Legalize weed. Tax it.

T. Lived in Athens. Tried to get this going.

No, the euro saved Greece. Had they not joined they would be another balkan country. Not that they are not, but with the amount of racemixing the past millenia you can't really tell what they are

The memeflag has some good points. However, music festivals and "cultural festivals" exist and they are shit, apart from some ancient greek plays. Greece has to break this sick mentality that the state should take care of their needs and desires

a war against northern macedonia and turkey, that will jump-start your economy

Have industry that builds things and jobs that demand 40 hour work weeks.

Make us
The same status quo stayed in power after the collapse.
I once tried to explain libertarian philosophy here. All i got was weird looks

They have a gazillion people on government pensions, a huge amount of people living on welfare, and the ones that actually do work do so under the table so they don't pay taxes. The government isn't collecting money but is paying out and promising what it doesn't have.

Greece is fucke dbc their people are retarded communists with capitalist lifestyle, pretty much like american libtards. They are the EU's spoiled child (along with the UK). They fucked up and blame everyone else but themselves. They are conspiracy theory "masterminds" and trying to have a reasonable conversation with the average Greek you'll soon realize that you have wasted your time and would be better if you talked to an actual rock

t. Kike.

Britbongs are Canada/Turkey tier now. You useless fags are dead to me.

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> Implying the whole thing wasn't engineered to keep DB afloat.


This user gets it


let in more refugees so they can get to britain and germany and help their worker shortage which will strengthen their economy which will then fix your job shortage. duh

Clone Vangelis.

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You got rekt by the kikes of Goldman Sachs.
Your gov wanted to get in the euro zone when your economy was already bullshit (huge debts, lot of deficit)
To hide this from the EU and get in, your gov borrow billions of drachme to Goldman Sachs that you will have to refund in euro, the problem is, your gov borrowed it with an exchange GRD/EUR level totally insane.

That's the part from the kikes.

So now :
Leave euroshekel, back to national money. You'll need devaluation.
Leave the EU. Get your gold back from the krauts.
Protect your national economy, the local workers.

Good fucking luck with that. Greeks can't understand anything beyond left and right. Even the center is a novel concept to them. Libertarianism is usually beyond their comprehension bc they cannot imagine living without the state. 400 years under the Ottomans and they still carry an abundance of complexes

>be grek
>live a comfy life with dhrahmes
>decide to swich in €uro
>become poorer than Albania
>keep arguing with neighbors about ancient flags, names n shit


Learn from the industriousness of the Chinese.

>mfw the memeflag has a decent point
we can dream user

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The thing is that if Greece goes back to drachma they will release hordes of niggers to the rest of Europe, and that's something our eu overlords don't want as they want to do it on their own terms

What I tell you that the chinese are looked down upon for this industriousness? I feel like there's not hope, but jumping ship will make it even worse
Give numbers or do what the golden dawn members failed to do and throw yourself in a big fire, refugee cuck
I sometimes think that the eu shouldn't have helped us at all. Being beaten into poverty would actually force us to do shit, and it would be a big push to sort our internal corruption and lazyness problems. Most of us also lack an economic education of any sort, thanks to the state

maybe the british museum could help?

its so simple why cant these suburban retards see the answer?
greece and spain have a job shortage, germany has a labor shortage.
they obviously need a million refugees a year every year forever to fix this.

Tax the poverty whores. Its an epidemic in greece right now. Lots of middle-lower-middle class college educated greek women are homeless and sleeping around for money and a roof on their head day to day.

>pic related

I took this in greece last summer while visiting for tourism. She wanted to blow me for 5 euro.

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Just use those migrants as slaves.. Make them work illegally, for next to nothing, in horrible conditions. They did it to themselves.

1)Demand other European countries contribute a certain sum of money every year specifically to build and maintain a massive Greek navy to sink niggerboats. Greece will be Europe's bouncer to keep the scum out.

2)Sell me Greek waifus with big milkers.

How'd her face look? Did you take her offer?

We could start by making Greece the permanent home of the Olympics.

She looks like she has maggots in her cunt mate