I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
30% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn (like this post), the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.)
30% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "Aren't you feeling tired, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling, posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
30% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 10% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them. They're quite often the most useful and helpful among the lot.
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