Ancient Mediterraneans

>Builders of ancient Greece and Rome
>Amazing scientists and philosophers
>Miles ahead of everyone else in development
>Fast forward
>Greece and Italy are modern day shitholes with nothing to show for what so ever

What did Mediterraneans mean by this? Why are modern day Mediterraneans nothing like their ancient ancestors of old? Gee, it's almost as if the ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordic/Germanic but slowly got genocided by racemixing. Hmmmmm.

Alfred Rosenberg explains this:

Attached: 1236423624.jpg (768x1024, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are even skankish braphogs so captivating? Meh, I know the answer.

>Gee, it's almost as if the ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordic/Germanic but slowly got genocided by racemixing


t. iraqi immigrant
I'm sure you're not even an actual swede

Attacking Italy/Italians is some kind of antifa c&c tactic. Fuck this /thread.

>Swede talking shit about any other european nationality.

The irony.

you are a fucking retard and there is not genetic proof for for false ideas

Literally one if the biggest threats to (((them))), considering Greeks have a unique Africa-tier devotion to Christ that has resisted the waves Communist-Atheist (((science))).

Fuck kikes.

We still have some amazing scientists and philosophers nowadays. Back then most people were plebs as well.


Piece of shit thread, keep crying sven it's not our fault your daughter is getting BLACKED by abdul and his friends, sage

I'm a tiny hairy turbomanlet with an inferiority complex. The man is keeping me from creating great things

The truth really hurts, huh?

How does it feel when you're slowly becoming Brazil? I only know the shittyness of already being there

You have no idea how good life is here Sven, and I'm a Sardinian with 0 jobs opportunities in my island
I wouldn't change my heritage and place of birth with nothing in the world


Give it up Sven, everyone knows they weren't nordic, they actually despised your kind and called you "Barbaric", if you lived in ancient rome you'd either be killing them or be killed

Attached: muhnordick.jpg (1184x1600, 223K)

Nipple clamps? These two have a Whole night planned eh

Attached: 7C355490-5D80-4D98-B134-4A8B85F27618.jpg (768x1024, 164K)

there's also a third option

Attached: default.jpg (400x543, 66K)


Germans happens.
This is what happen when you mix your blood with inferior barbarian races.

>alfred rosen(((berg)))



>Fucker across the Rhine literally called barbarians
>Genocided by racemixing
Yeah, racemixing with you lot and your chief-bootlicking tribal-socialist ways which made generals that gave gibs kill the Empire. Go get a fucking education Ahmed.

Attached: 1528071875667.png (625x773, 127K)

nipple clamps
estim pads
dildo harness
yea, a fun night was in the making.
good eye, I didnt catch any of it when I saw that picture

you are a white nigger kanging out right now

based nip monkey

"Ancient Mediterranean"
The med seldom saw any action as it is highly dangerous to cross, first cross "med" empire was in 500BCE, this is a few centuries before Rome in 200bce, so nothing ancient or particularly tying europe in southern Europe and anything else, Southern Europe had nuch more traffic and trade across the European continent than across the "med".


Attached: augustus-63-bc-14-ad-roman-emperor_u-L-Q10W4360.jpg (281x375, 12K)

>posts a pic of a huge ass like a nigger
Swedes are slowly turning into africans.

Rome and south europe had more horses than ships for trade.

The gauls who got the opposite of that treatmen.

THey mogrelized from pure nords into arab half breeds.


Based Fin.

The oldest hebrew torah is from 100BCE so nothing ancient about Torahism or a centralized cohesive Yahweh religion that was written down.

looks like a regular Italian (from/in Italy) not one of your grotesque abominations that look like fat brown sacks of meat who live in your filthy brick cities

Does he really looks nordic to you? have you ever seen a Scandinavian?

>what is the byzantine empire
>what is the renaissance
>what are classical music and modern comedy
>why is italy part of the big 4
>why do you suck negroid cock every time you get up in the morning

Attached: 1529970290823.jpg (667x1000, 89K)

Attached: The_so_called_“Augustus_Bevilacqua”,_bust_of_the_emperor_Augustus_wearing_the_Corona_Civica,_Gly (338x480, 23K)

Both scandis and romans are indo european horse riders and cow drinkers.


Attached: caesar-augustus-39561-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 138K)

>greasy strands of hair
>big nose
>small cheekbones
>small chin
looks italian as hell

It is undeniably natively European kin to rest of Europeana such as scandis or Germans.

Video not avaivable in Lithuania, wtf

Who really wants to work doing power points and dealing with HR all day? Italy has it right.

Just like Greeks which display the Indo European racial traits

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i agree, they remained the same through the ages

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>reconstructive jewry


This, nobody buys this shit. Just like nobody buys pic related.

Attached: jesustotallylookedlikethisgoys.jpg (370x278, 18K)

> Just like nobody buys pic related.
>t.larping Christ fag Semitic wannabe bitch

Attached: Christ cucks btfo.png (1600x1500, 403K)

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>randomly drawn lines that dont match up

you're a fucking nigger

can someone just post the article about how modern day greeks are virtually the same they were in ancient greece.

Written by a Jew or Mednigger I assume?

The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence for your extraordinary claims.

I'd wager everyone in Europe has forebears who were Greeks and Romans, even irrelevant states like Latvia or Estonia

Obviously more if you're from a former province like Italy, France, Spain, the Balkans, Britain or Germany

Attached: greeks in roman britain.png (1155x657, 81K)


>ancient Sweden
>shithole with nothing to show for
>modern Sweden
>shithole with nothing to show for plus niggers
still an improvement I guess

Except that's exactly what Jewsus looked like. Jewsus wasn't white, you know.

that article is misleading, modern Greeks are not like bronze age Greeks, the latter had less steppe ancestry and more anatolia_neolithic ancestry
there is some continuity, but it's not even like 90%, although it depends on the area as well
would be better to have iron age Greek samples, after the bronze age collapse

Because very few civilizations remain consistently great. I mean, even Indian civs were great at one point. Even niggers had Mansa Musa.
Things change. Things like landscape, resources, demographics, etc. Plus, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, all civilizations were set back a few centuries, and it took them a millennia to get back that technology. The ones that came out on top at that time, just weren't the Mediterraneans. They tried to "revive" Rome through the Holy Roman Empire; but it was neither Holy nor Roman.

you were also, fearless warriors, but somehow you became the biggest cucks that ever existed. Double standards

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>frozen shithole calling one of the richest country in Europe a shithole
My sides


Attached: learn-the-difference-nordcuck-mediterranean-it-could-save-your-life-9317528.png (500x403, 87K)

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le nordic master race

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"southern Europeans are not white"

Attached: 1388786072835.png (694x724, 205K)

Because they have nothing in common with the norse residing in the mediterranean that built the place up

Just like modern day indians have nothing in common with the original white indo-europeans and the chinese have nothing to do with the tocharyans

Attached: medoid delusion BTFO.png (1491x1154, 454K)



Retarded shitskin.

name a more iconic duo


I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
30% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn (like this post), the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.)
30% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "Aren't you feeling tired, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling, posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
30% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 10% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them. They're quite often the most useful and helpful among the lot.

Attached: cia is allowed to post without them.jpg (881x447, 55K)

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Christcucks and their Jewish slavemasters.

Attached: 043.png (1104x927, 73K)

>ancient swedes
>snowniggers who lived in mudhuts
>miles behind in development
>excellent barbarian warriors tho
>fast forward
>very civilized cucks with a good economy
>sven now prefers preping the bull and is scared of guns
Why are modern day swedes nothing like their ancestors?

It's almost like nations can go through high and low points in their existence amd not every single thing is tied to race

Attached: 1514461378156.jpg (989x5094, 937K)

Modern Swedes aren't civilized, their society is an cesspool of liberalism and degeneracy. They may have a lot of material wealth right now, but deep inside they are dead - with no pride or honor in anything. Much like other parts of northern Europe.

Southern Europe is the center of western civilization and always will be.

This is where you cucks keep your prisoners.

Attached: Sweden-prison.jpg (620x343, 33K)

>Trusting (((Roseberg)))

preach it

fuck jews trying to d/c rome


>USA is a country of liberty and freedom for all men
>lock people in animal cages

Attached: 1439973977504.jpg (600x582, 209K)

Its the nonwhite blood, they had it easy in ancient times with the med weather while the rest were preparing for winterdoom. Fast foreward until the pure whites dont have to deal with it and their niggergenes show

because nordic dogs vandalized and destroyed our countries

brb about to commit a crime in Sweden

I see no problem.

Italy is a shithole

Nigger, do you realize that Italy is a small state, with no access to the ocean, no natural resources and still we are the 8th or 9th economy (even if our demography is one of the oldest) don't be ignorant.