Why is this shit 90% of twitter now?

Why is this shit 90% of twitter now?

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twitter is literally a shitpost venting website like Jow Forums is now it's fucking hilarious

Because twitter is 90% faggotry.

If it wasn't about the Supreme Court it would be about something else. These are people that treat life like a perpetual high school pep rally where you follow the chant regardless of the message in the name of victory.

Why is the left so melodramatic?
Why are they so violent?
Why are they such hypocrites and liars?
I can’t stand them at all. They ignore facts, reason and logic and are completely ignorant or uneducated on what the fucks going on.

What about those Central American children?

>the high road
you lefties are totally submerged in scum and excrement, you disgusting faggots

True, but the msm usually start these claims...and Twitter fags follow

>shooting republican baseball practice
>blindsiding republican senator doing yard work on his own property
If that is the high road I am curios what the low road will be.

The whole point of twitter is to control the political narrative by defining people who have opposing ideas as Nazis, and censoring all opposing criticism. The (((echo chamber))) doesn't work because the left has never been able to (nor will ever be able to) overcome human behavior that is encoded in our DNA as primal human instinct. It's their infinite blind spot.

Wait, they thought they were taking the "high road" this whole time?

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>The high road isn't working anymore.


They've never taken the fucking high-road. They constantly employ the most filthy fuckign immoral tactics and this is at least 50% of the reason why they're fucking losing. Can they not see that they're getting fucking rekt politically BECAUSE they never choose to take the fucking highroad and act like fucking monsters cause they see everyone they don't agree with is a fucking nazi? I'm losing my fucking mind, how can you go through life being fucking horrible to people and then go "Being nice isn't working, we need to be meaner!"

twitter has transformed into a soap box for fagots to whine and virtue signal.

it is also being flooded with more and more bots every day, ever since trump won the election, because libtards honestly believe the memes that russia rigged our election by bot-posting memes on twitter and facebook, so now all the liberal NGOs and activists groups are using bots as a 'counter attack' against the supposed army of russian bots. and also, some of the most extreme memes posted are spammed by russians to divide and splinter western liberalism.

basically: liberals went crazy and spam and bot-spam twitter 24/7 because DONALD DRUMPF!

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>we need to stand up for Maxine Watters
Maxine Watters funneled tax payer money to her husband's bank, but sure let's stand up for the race baiter. These people are going to lose so hard in 2018 and 2020.

>The high road isn't working anymore
Wew, lad.
Lad status: Wew.

Democrats are losing, they are trying to cause riots to stop the trump train.

Yesterday was a great work day for salt miners

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>the high road
These “people” are so delusional.

It's all about subversion, my man. If they keep telling the lie enough times, they eventually believe it.

>the road
>status: lowered

They've banned every effective person on the right and now they are doing their own form of purity spiral with no brakes. It will inevitably lead to extremist violence and much entertainment for us.

> The highroad isn’t working anymore

When did it start? They’ve never taken the high road. They’ve taken the lowest, scummiest road imaginable and then CLAIMED to be on the high road


>high road
They have been attacking conservatives since the primaries

>get physically attacked at Trump rally
>get physically attacked at college
>get physically attacked for wearing Trump hat
>Nigger kidnap and torture a white mentally retarded kid because he is a "Trump supporter"
>get physically attacked by niggers in the street and have you car destroyed for having a Trump sticker
>get house vandalized for having a Trump sign
>get shot at baseball game for being republican by deranged burnout
>get called Nazi racist islamophobe misogynist

Guys this is getting out of control why are you doing this


>the high road
Today I learned that murdering SCOTUS justices, smashing people over the head with bike locks and throwing eggs at women is the high road.

Because real (working) people don't do jobs where they can't play on their phone all day

They thought they used the high road lol
Truly the most delusional faggots in politics.

>The high road isn't working anymore
They don't even know where the high road is. Fucking over Bernie Sanders, Spirit cooking, all the Clinton deaths, Maxine Waters, Debate Collusion, Seth Rich (((Muh Russia))).
Liberals are aliens.

>We need to stop backing down
>The high road isn't working anymore
>No more mr nice guy
>NOW we're going to start getting extreme

fuck these people - civil war when

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>We need to call Donald Trump a racist

Bold new strategy there.

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The high road? Fucking hell they just have no self awareness.

Lib bots having a meltdown

>high road

They really think they are on the right side.


oftentimes i wish i could see people like this in a genuine horrible scenario, to see their melodrama abruptly vanish. these faint words of damnation offered by an overtly sensitive cuck are the whispers of a mouse who has never been forced to protect himself fron a pack of wild niggers.

could you imagine what a man like this would do if he were the only one who could save some women and children? he'd piss and shit himself repeatedly and try to find a place to more safely shit and piss on himself.

They were never on the high road. This is damage control since the video and audio proof for their constant low scum tactics are undeniable and coming to light on all corners of the internet and even now leaking into MSM. They want an excuse to keep doing as they do but still claiming the morale high ground.

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>We need to do everything we've been doing but be more annoying and violent about it
Calling someone a Nazi doesn't have the impact it did 20 years ago.

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Because everyone with opposing views got banned and everyone who doesn’t degree doesn’t want to get banned.

>How come when I search all day and night for liberal political bullshit all I find is liberal political bullshit?

Because they are

I'm 99% sure they repeat themselves because they immediately forget what they're writing. I end up doing the same thing when just writing fiction for fun.

nice gif

>The high road isn't working anymore.
>Stating that the only reason they are interested in the high road is because it gave them a perceived edge over their opponents.

These people lack principle. Once you realize that everything they do is about power and dragging the standard down to their level instead of improving themselves to reach it, their hypocrisy loses it's shock value and they become predictable.

up until now we've been playing nice, polite and by the rules

but the moment you appoint a nazi to the supreme court is the moment the gloves come off, guess what trump voters, you're the enemy now, all of you, and its time to fight

when will these pussy liberals actually DO SOMETHING instead of just whine about it on twitter
i want a happening, start shooting leftists please.

to clarify I'm saying I want leftists to start shooting

Where's his blue checkmark?

The left is like one big psyop that people openly subscribe to. If some “altright nazi™“ spoke like that they’d be instantly called a kike and a faggot in that order

The quarries produced much more than their required quotas.

Seriously people were doing God's work yesterday is was amazing.

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Because emotionally driven empty people need to have themselves filled by having their emotions driven into their empty vessels.

Autonomous programming

Please, twitter is overwhelmingly liberal.

>We need to call Donald Trump a racist.

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who cares concern fag. LET the Liberals IMPLODE and shut up about it

I truly wonder how they would respond if all their tactics are used against them. For example, let's find out where Mad Maxine is eating and have a massive protest. Let's go to her house and protest against her. Let's call her contact numbers repeatedly. Let's send her a thousand emails each to her accounts. Let's surround her when she fuels up. If it's good enough to do to the right, she shouldn't have a problem with it happening to her.

Wait, anyone on the right would lose their jobs, be arrested or even killed doing this.

when trump chooses his third supreme court justice, you think people are freaking out now. they're going to try a new tact. mark my words, they'll be sucking trump's dick in public, just to have tried everything. but Don will just keep winning.

>the high road isn’t enough anymore

Jesus, what does the low road look like for these people?

because social media is driving it and silencing the right.
how do you think the 'dox' on ICE employees get leaked?!
Stop using social media, they are harvesting information.

since when have they taken the
"high road?

>high road isn't working anymore
Is he thinking antifa assaulting regular people, politicians insulting americans, fringe groups making demands for special treatment was the high road or he just realized what the rest of his peers is thinking since years now?

the underlying premise of the cultural marxist doctrine of critical theory is that constantly nit picking, bitching, and talking like a fag is on the same level as being a 1910s era anarchist blowing things up with bombs and assasinating people.

These people seek to undermine our society by constantly crying and complaining and criticizing every single thing their opponents do in the vain hope that some day everyone will just shrug their shoulders, walk away, and let them win by default.

They are religious fanatics waging a holy war with the most annoying tactics any jew has ever come up with.

>shitlibs think they were taking the high road all along

dont forget shooting up conservatives while they play a game

Thank you for pointing this out. It's aggravating.

If these people were the sort to actually draw up a plan and start enacting it they wouldn't be leftists. All these pseuds know how to do is to make like a siren and pray someone brave & with convictions comes along to fix whatever they're crying about. They're like a woman witnessing violence in their tribe; something is "wrong" and their instincts tell them to wail long enough for a man to arrive and take care of it. Any time one of them says it's time to get serious you should laugh, because at best all that will happen is a bunch of thugs use their crying as an excuse to put on face masks and kick old women for fun.

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At first I had a bit of sympathy now I give zero shits

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Literally gaslighting.

Remember all those front pages about how there will be riots if Trump loses?

>Hilldawg loses
>Shitskins and leftists riot across the country

because they're morons who only have knee jerk reactions, hence why they lost in 2016, not proactive, just a bunch of shit posters with law degrees who have nothing to say except for 'fuck trump' how elegant and viable as a platform...jesus


They gave us Drumph by going full retard leftist and slowly but surely they alienated at least half of Americans over the past 30 years. Same ol’ leftist intelligentsia failing everyone.

Is "high road" a euphemism for weed?

>We are going to do exactly what we've been doing for the last 2 years, we just need to screech harder!!!
Sounds like a winning strategy to me

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I genuinely think it's because they've consumed too much pop-culture. They want to fight the bad guys and the hero. The problem is there is no actual big bad to fight, so they pick Trump and paint him as some evil dictator. Remember #Resist? That way they can justify being violent so that they can be an anime.

im thinking of starting a folder with shops of this time cover, anyone have some other shops please post them

>reddit spacing

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>the high road


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You can't do anything about the supreme court pick.

Defending Maxine Waters will cost you votes.

You already call Donald Trump a racist.

You already call for impeachment.

You haven't even thought about compromising or being rational, let alone backing down.

What does it even mean to "fight harder"?

You've never even remotely come close to taking the high road. You're always on the low road.

Antifa faggots realized they were only making headway in cities controlled by Jew mayors, so now they're calling themselves Democratic Socialists of America, but they're still royal assholes.

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>get fitted for your Nazi uniform

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>the high road

>it is also being flooded with more and more bots every day
It's not getting flooded, it's already a single botn et with next to zero real user. 1k retweets go for about $0.60-$1.00
>pic related
one of about 400 sellers on a large blackhat marketing forum that runs over 10k twitter accounts.

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Twitter bans conservatives.
I was banned for simply calling for the eradication of all niggers.

This has been the Left taking the high road? No self-awareness at all.

Because twitter is now virtue signaling platform.

Trump is going to replace RBG after 2020 she's not going to last all eight years. Thomas might quit too. Who else is left?

RBG should have quit in 2009 as soon as Obama was elected with a super-majority Democratic Senate/Congress but she held on so she could guarantee Obamacare got through and by then the Majority was slim to nil and now is utterly gone.
They really were betting everything on Clinton.

It's like the high road they're on now but later they'll claim that their actions prove how awful White People are and how we should all feel guilty about what they did.

it was a great day

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Goes well will a desire to virtue signal and receive attention. Anyone who says trump is a Nazi for example is a shill or legitimately a retard if they think they are fighting Nazis in 2018 America.

Because these leftist faggots are experiencing a combination of psychosis and mass hysteria. Millions of people are unironically so disconnected with reality to a significant enough extent that they think they're living in a precursor to Hitler's Germany.
As time goes on the party will purity spiral and splinter into a group that accepts reality, and a group that refuses to. The group that refuses to will become increasingly hostile to the world around them as they feel increasingly betrayed and squeezed. Reactions are going to become more extreme. I'm excited for happenings, hopefully we can get some sick political brawls like last year and an ocean of salt before this is over. Maybe even a half assed self-immolation.
One can only hope.

There we go with the fucking Harry potter bullshit. All these dumb fucks do is parrot fantasy bullshit because they lack any personality or intelligence.

Because of pic related. Also any newfag lurkers need to watch this: youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g

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>fightin da ebil empire just like in muh Stah Wahs thrillogies

This is definitely a factor.

>Harry potter quote
Like clockwork

Twitter is the vanguard of society's mindset. People in the mainstream whose beliefs could potentially align with this sentiment may not currently be there, but they will be soon enough.

Well, what else is left? Actual practical attitude and strategy meant to solve issues even if at the cost of uncomfortable, politically incorrect truths? Don't be silly...

I need the image comparing the character of Harry Potter and the actual Donald Trump pointing out how ironically similar they are. They get constant shit flung at them by the biased media for alerting people to the true danger etc.

reddit spacing on twitter. lol.

Eh, you may be onto something there but I doubt it's just there. Others consumed plenty of pop-culture as well. It's just that diehard leftists are never willing to move on from the pop-culture references - uncomfortable data not agreeing with their naive world view make them reel back into their fantasies till there's nothing but the pop-culture to see the world through.

I really wish they'd read another book series, just for some fucking variety.

Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.