Confess your sins, Jow Forums

Confess your sins, Jow Forums

(Personally, I once dated a jewish girl out of pure antisemitism)

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lul, hey Jow Forums go to a real tradtional catholic priest and have a real confession.

story time faggot

>get together with jewish girl
>act normal on dates and in public
>but during sex become progressively violent
She was fine with the choking, being called a whore, spitting, lead on a leash, even enjoyed them, but after a few weeks I got really weird and started saying stuff like "get pregnant with my goy children, you dumb kike" and shit, so she said we should stop
In hindsight she didn't really deserve it, she was a pretty nice girl. I'm not even 100% sure she was jewish either

I once fucked a muslim woman because she feels the thrill of get fucked by infidels while her parents will disown her if they know it

I hired some niggers to rob my friend in hopes they will shoot him so I can get his mosin nagant

I don't have sins because I am a good Christian man you niggers

My name is emre and my wife is a tranny from kuwait he raped a 13 year old boy and that makes me wet.

Once I made a friend of mine who was angry all the time fall in love with me
But I was using a fake girl account
Then when he took the bait I just wrote to him that he is a worthless faggot and blocked him

my name is reigan and i love playing dont starve and the forest

youre all larping niggers you know that

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Between the years 1978 and 1992 I killed 5 woman in the Chicago area.

sorry wrong flag

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Im taking female hormones because I told my friend that I would give him my sister for citizenship in america but my sister doesnt like him so I must get a sex change in order to marry him and get that american citizenship and provide for my family
And im planning on leaving him 6 months later

I loved a man too much, and it ruined my life

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I lost my virginity to a black prostitute

I like black gospel music

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>Between the years 1978 and 1992 I killed 5 woman in the Chicago area.

Are you the nightstalker?


I have Slavic and Irish genes.

... Christians don't sin? wtf why do we have confession then

If she agreed to such fetishes she is not a nice girl, lol.


If you've seen that pic where it's the white supremacist and the black supremacist in bed together, that's me.

At one time, I believed the holoHOAX lies.

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I have a confession i'm making to my priest tomorrow, but i'm not sure how it'll go. I might have stolen. We went to get Chinese and then as we left (we picked up) my bf started smiling and said he didn't think we paid (I wasn't paying attention so I didn't know). I said we have to go back, he said no, he wasn't even sure if we did or not anyway, and in the end we left it. They are a shitty Chinese and the food was meh. But feels bad, must confess. The priest is going to be very bored by this story

Oh France

You and her are both awful, disgusting degenerates.

I had sex with a non-white woman.

If you let prejudice get in the way of a good relationship , you are retarded


I actually love dick
[spoiler]but never tried[/spoiler]

the prejudice WAS the relationship

>I introduced myself to, and shook hands with, my Jewish neighbor. He's a spitting image of the Merchant.
>most blacks I know are chill, so I relax around them
>I will be on my own side come Day of the Rope. You wanna hang me for being a Christian? Hope you can lasso me from 100 yards out

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I occasionally smoke weed.

My redpilling (I used to be a politically correct leftie three years ago) began with an acid trip.

I have alcoholic tendencies, every now and then I get drunk as fuck.

I've never had sex with a woman I've dated, only one night stands.

I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual

Please help

>but during sex become progressively violent

The jews are distinctly interested in anything abnormal and depraved. It's clear that the jewess made you lose your healthy judgement and almost dragged you down to their detoriated tastes.

I won't confess because priest might try to rape me in the ass while preaching me about the values of diversity and anti-xenophobia.

I killed a tailgater and his passenger (girlfriend).
I told the authorities I stepped on the brake to avoid a dog.

I'm a free-market capitalist larping as a libertarian larping as an ancap.

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I unironically enjoy horse cartoon for 8 years now and have never clopped. Nor do I intend to.

all men have sin my dude

I spent 20$ on Jurassic World 2 when it was created by jews I could've waited a month to watch it online.

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How did you kill him? You stomped on the brakes and he slammed into you?

I yodel along to old fashioned country music while tending to my garden.

Nigga you're allowed to enjoy yourself.

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I told a coworker at the megacorp I work for (this coworker being an H1B poo) the equivalent of "eastern 'culture' and people are a joke, and you should all go back" and damn near lost my job

I think girls beauty peak at ages 8-15 , then they slowly become ugly
This is my greatest secret

But 20$ for a fucking 2 hour movie? nigger what?

By women you mean wet backs and spics

I'm secretly the antichrist, AMA.

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I'm a faggot :(

Can you fuck off, you fucking cunt? Go back to the shithole you came from, nigger.
Satan, You are a cuck and I fucked your whore daughter. Go neck yourself.

I lie about having a BA when I really just have a GED

I jerked off in the walk in cooler at the deli i worked at after high school (i made sure none got on the food and washed my hands afterwards if that makes it any better)

I like Game of Thrones

I have a trans gf.

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I voted for drumpf XD

>I'm not even 100% sure she was jewish

Are you a boy, or are you a girl?

I'm Gay!

post pics

I wish I lived in America

*IP sent to Ultra-Nationalist Orthodox organization*

I second that!

Come join me there.
Male, of course.

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That's awesome.

I've knocked up multiple black women. They crave the white med seed.

Thanks to Jow Forums I can only fap to tranny porn and animu. Even when I have sex with real girls I have to think about 2d gender bent waifus to get off.

I ate out a jewish girl one night.

I played 500 euro on 2-2 on Serbia:Brazil game yesterday.

>I'm not even sure she was jewish

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I make my gf wear Pampers pullups under her clothes in public and then she pees in it and sucks me off. I also like to watch her piss and shit in her panties

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There are black people in France?

There are jews in Hungary?

You sound like the scum of the Earth and I sincerely hope you die of cancer.

I lie to random strangers on the internet

I'm bisexual but don't participate in obscene pride parades or drag queen shows. Also I don't mind guys with cut dicks even though I'd exsanguinate anyone who I see coming near a kid with a knife.

>there are black people in france?
there are white people in france?

I touched a person of color, and i felt nothing. I should felt disgusted.

I don't hate black people but I hate these shitty music...