EuroAnons, give me your honest opinion on the state of religiosity in your country.
Are the churches empty? Do young people care anymore? Are the Christians all cuckservatives? Are Pagans anything more than a tiny minority? Where do you think your country is headed, religiously speaking?
Please, no christian vs. pagan meme wars. I just want to gauge the state of religiosity in Europe so I can better determine the future of the continent.
Yes the churches are empty. I’ve seen one church turned into an Indian restaurant and another turned into a mosque.
Do young people care anymore? No, or at least whites don’t.
Are Christians all cuckservatives? Yes and worse. The Archbishop of Canterbury is a lefty SJW.
Are pagans anything more than a tiny minority? No. Pagans are an absolute non-entity.
Where do I think my country is heading religiously? I think we’re destined for a religious revival in the next half century. The only question is whether it will be Islam or a muscular, renewed Christianity that takes advantage of it. At the moment I’m leaning towards the former.
Robert Walker
I would say paganism hasn't reasserted itself yet because Christians who are slowly leaving Christianity don't know what to replace it with and thus choose atheism / agnosticism
Benjamin Cruz
Literally know zero church going christians. The Christian soc at uni was full of vegetarian liberal democrat types. I wouldn't even know what to do even if I went into a church.
Owen Harris
my church is filled every sun-, fri-, and thursday, even with teenagers and young people but I must sadly admit that our church is an exception and most are actually empty or filled with people 60 or older
Camden Martin
>christfags on suicide watch
Wyatt Turner
>Are the churches empty? Yes >Do young people care anymore? Christianity has not been popular since USSR (so it is not only the young people) >Are the Christians all cuckservatives? Most are Zionists, anti-islamic, like alt-lite but more traditional >Are Pagans anything more than a tiny minority? Pagans are a tiny minority. People are spiritual agnostics and practice traditions which have influence from Paganism >Where do you think your country is headed Either native religions or agnostic, unless Zionists take in power
Elijah Roberts
>Zionists take in power *Hardcore Zionists take in power
Colton Turner
>are the churches empty yes most are >do young people care anymore christkekkery has been dying out since the enlightenment thankfully >are the christians cuckservatives yes but also some are very liberal >are pagans more than a tiny minority very very tiny minority of larpers >where is your country headed non religiousness and atheism