That 30year old Boomer who remembers the bush erea
That 30year old Boomer who remembers the bush erea
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ywn know pre-911 life
Dang I was 1 year old during 9/11. I’m 18 now.
I remember playing Halo as a toddler/kid tho with my older sis
That little kid boomer living it up on his early retirement
Sage and report
Jeb! 2020
Wtf is wrong with this board?
"Boomers" or baby boomers are a generation of people born between 1946-1960. Somebody who was born in 1988 (30 yrs old) is not a fucking boomer you fucking retards...all boomers are literally over the age of 50 yrs old. Fucking pathetic pol lurking faggots
>That 30year old Boomer who remembers the bush erea
There's no such thing as a "30 year old boomer." Dumbass.
that's the "joke"
I keep seeing this shit, are the faggots really this dumb? It's like we come up with a slang word to use and these faggots think it's a cool phrase or some shit...a millennial calls a millennial a "boomer" cannot get more retarded then this
>t. 7 yr old birther who remembers the dreaded masturbation machine
I thought jokes were supposed to be funny though? Is this meme German humor?
>that second trimester boomer that remembers the bardo realms
Loving these boomer threads
You cut to the core of them
Boomer isnt an age you retarded boomer its a mindset.
>Wtf is wrong with this board?
You really asking this? Don't worry about it, it's just another forced unfunny meme. It will be dead in a few days
reported for rule violation. enjoy the ban nigger lover
>that 10 year old boomer that is getting SRS
It made me laugh.
Still fucking retarded
Baby boomers or boomers are people who were born between 1945 and the mid-1960s. From 1945 to the mid-1960s the populations and economies of several western nations, including the United States, grew dramatically. After the end of the Second World War (
>that 30 year old boomer who doesn't get the meme
Yeah it actually is based solely on someone's age you dumb count.
Wtf is the mindset of a boomer? Retiring? Smoking joints? Taking pills? Cheating on their wife's? Pretending to be cool, but really in secret they watch midget porn? That mindset?
>non-sippers be like
Do you even know what a boomer is, muttard?
Is that her? She's hot
>t. zoomer who stayed up late playing video games and tries to sleep-in
>30 year old
Chinz has really gone down the IQ toilet lately.
>tfw you're 30 years old
My parents are born in the 60 to 64 tail end of Boomers. My brother talked to my mom about the hepatitis commercial about the Boomers, asked why so many of them have it because she's a Boomer. My mom said she's not sure and doesn't know if she's a Boomer or not. Weird.
Yeah my parents graduated high school in 1979 and 1980 so they are on the tail end.
> 30 year old
> boomer
This meme is so silly...
i think thats st peach twitch thot
Summerfags, summerfags everywhere.
> someone gives advice on how to break the circle of poor self-esteem
> Haha boomer!!!
What is up with shills in the current year? BBC spam was at least somewhat annoying, this just make posters look like clueless morons.
> 30 year olds are Boomers now
> that makes me part of the Greatest Generation
We may be 30yo boomers OP, but you will never have played Halo 2 on xbox live or Warcraft 3 in its prime, bitch.
>RC Cola
I'm a Millennial capitalist that loves to buy things. That makes me a 30 year old Boomer meme.
I voted for him in 2004
where did this meme come from? i've been here for well over 8 years and i've only recently started seeing it.
i love it btw
>25 year old boomers ITT who can't keep up with the memes
>That 30 year old boomer that doesn’t know what a 30 year old boomer is
Retards being retarded. Hell the older GenX are over 50 now.
>mfw I’m a 30 year old boomer
>Literally 30 years old
>first time voting was for McCain in 2008
I had the same thoughts, but I was cognizant enough to realize it was probably a stupid meme and didn't dare point it out
>tfw you’re a 30 year old boomer but the greatest generation isn’t so great
>the boomer family who thinks they are cool
Man, will you guys ever shut the fuck up?
forgot pic
>That 30year old Boomer who remembers the Obama era
28 here, that was my first vote too and I regret it. Not that I would have voted for Obango but Fuck McCain
>that 16 year old zoomer who can't keep up with his old man's jokes
That kid with minimal life experience that thinks his opinion holds water
> That dimwit who regurgitates any meme as long as it is spammed enough.
Yo I remember Herbet Walker Bush's era. Thousand points of light, nigga
>t. assblasted boomer
so let me get this straight
Someone took the cave Jow Forums pic, added some gay sunglasses and shades. Oh yes, muh forced sips meme.
And viola. A horrid forced meme is born.
So bad the OP doesn’t even waste his time green texting his OP properly
Not sure how to feel
Is this peak 30 year old boomer?
>t. woken up by the sound of monster energy cans opening at 10am.
Meant mustache god damn it
boomers are the children of baby boomers.
Just let ride itself out, Jow Forums is even worse with it.
im, not a boomer you faggot niggers
Take the Varg pill
>t boomer forefather
>tfw realizing i'm almost 30
it took an 18 year old girl to hit on me and be all over my dick before the realization set in
the fuck am i doing with my life
Today is my birthday. I'm 29.
30 years old is millenial guy
Preach it, brother! You lil niggas will never know the joys of smoking nubs in Halo 1 on XBConnect.
Do people IRL worship Q like some kind of messiah? What's going on in normie world? I need a report on my desk in the next 10 minutes. Or you're all fired.
Your generations music sucked dick.
Its not a forced meme if it catches mainstream success
>30 year old
nigga wut?
Well, user?
31 year old boomer here.
Am I cool yet?
Am less than 30 but I heard about Bush on the news a lot. I thought he was cool as fuck because he liked war.
Not even asking why they do, but how tf did they ever get to know about him. He's an obscure trip on a low-traffic board on a website, a fucking chan no less, that isn't even searchable on the web. Normie infiltration is a real fucking threat.
it depends...
Do you wear a sunglass right now?
Heck yes 24/7
25 yo boomers are the worst because they think they are not boomers lmao.
im 19 btw
Q is now one of the 25 most influential people/groups according to TIME
scroll down and you will see what im talking about. I assure you that if it was a larp it wouldnt have made it this far. this world of ours is in for a big change within the time period of trumps presidency, most people by the time hes out of office will be redpilled on almost every important subject due to the Q movement
>that 28 year old boomer who still talks about the Zimmerman trial and chocolate Rambo as "the good old days"
>Be me
>32 year old boomer
> voted for GW part two Iraqi boogaloo after 911
>No college
>Got my job handed to me by a firm handshake at a temp agency because I'm white and speak English.
>I am now in charge of my own crew
> Own 2 cars and an SUV
> Live in my own 2 bedroom house
> QT asian gf
>Mow my own lawn
>Drink Monster every day
Live long enough and you will see yourself become a meme.
we get it your dad is 30
I'm 15 and I'm the best boomer of any generation.
go to bed, grandpa
hi hungry
bye hungry
Stupid forced lame meme.
Fuck off!
Apparently this is gen z
We have officially become old in the eyes of the youth bros.
Will gen z ever shut the fuck up get jobs and move out of their parents basements? I mean what the fuck
When I was young we had Iraq, 9/11 and the Great Depression 2.
These kids have fucking trump and the best econemy in decades and they have the gall to bitch?
FUCK GEN Z you guys don’t Even have a name, just a fucking placeholder monicure because you are so irrelevant
t. boomer
alright retard just keep posting your outdated anti Q memes that dont do anything at all to discredit Q
Kek, I was mowing lawns and chugging Surge (in a time before monster) when I was 11. You'll never outboomer me kid. Don't even try it.
I grew up on Chuck Norris movies. Fight me.
Feels good to be a younger millennial, we get the context of the current year yet we also understand the gen z memes.
>t. 22 year old hybrid generation boy
One day, I should try to taste those monster drinks again.