Why does Jow Forums like her so much?

Why does Jow Forums like her so much?

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she’s kind of a qt, and she’s gonna gas the kikes

The only people on Jow Forums who like her are spics and leftists.
>hur muh jew gasser
Shut the fuck up spics, youre their closest relatives, and youll be going in the ovens along with them.

Attached: 0b724c322806630c6b563e5b485535f58bbac0b04928c019b9d66384dfad47e8.jpg (500x391, 46K)

No one likes this horse-faced commie.

i don't. i hate communists.

Attached: rafal ganowicz.jpg (960x925, 91K)

Don't get me wrong, I'd lock her in my stocks and tickle the soles of her feet for a few hours, but don't act like everyone on Jow Forums even knows who she is. I certainly don't.

She hates the Jews
She's literally a she hitler a shitler if you will

I'm a fascist and i like her.

We don't. stop forcing this ugly spic goblina on us

no you aren't jew