>Learn to Decode the Secret Language of the Incel Subculture
>Experts have a tough time with these enraged, sex-obsessed men because they literally can't understand what they're saying.
>Michael had never even heard of incels until he accidentally stumbled onto a YouTube video criticizing men whose identities centered on their being involuntarily celibate. The high school student—who declined to share his real name in an article that might portray him as an angry virgin—had long struggled to date women, and the clip had the opposite of its intended effect: he actually found himself agreeing with arguments that were supposed to make him cringe. Suddenly, Michael realized, he had a proper term for what he now calls his "condition," and when he plugged "incel" into Google, he ended up on subreddits that provided an entire vocabulary around which to order his existence.
>But as he went further down the rabbit hole, the learning curve grew steeper—Michael said the only way it started to click was through exposure.
>"At first, 'low inhib,' [but] I later made the inference that it meant somebody who was shameless, and pretty much acted out with little to no regret," he told me. "'Beta-bux' was extremely confusing, but then I figured out that it just meant some unattractive man [who] literally used his abundance of money to keep a mildly attractive woman by their side, and if the money wasn't even a variable, the relationship wouldn't exist."
>The incel world is not unique within the wide array of misogynist and other fringe American subcultures for providing adherents a shared dialect with which to spread toxic ideas. But if you're not already steeped in the primordial muck of the broader manosphere, it can be exceedingly difficult to parse what these people are talking about, and why. As J.M. Berger, an analyst of the intersection between radical ideology and social media and author of the forthcoming book Extremism explained, the incel community is still relatively new, small and understudied. "Another complicating factor is that a lot of different ideological strains are currently consolidated under the alt-right heading," he told me. "Drilling down into the component parts of the alt-right is a challenge, and it's sometimes easier for people to just treat it as a more cohesive group than it actually is."
>But given incels' demonstrated capacity for murder, and the broader reality that much of the violence in American life is perpetrated by men against women, it can be helpful to have a general idea of how these people think—and how they talk. What follows is a brief guide to 32 of the most common phrases used across the murky forums and subreddits populated by incels, along with an attempt to grapple with the ubiquity of each term in what amounts to a noxious alternate reality.
Cameron Jackson
>All or Nothing: The idea here is that you’re either an incel or someone who can have sex with almost anyone you want. The incel universe is extremely black-and-white—if you're undesirable to be around, it's the result of something innate or that happened to you, not personal failure.
>Ascending: The process of going from being an incel to a "normie," or a "Chad" (see below). This is a group obsessed with the idea of a sexual caste system, and how one might "make it" to the other side.
>Aspie: This term refers to someone with Asperger's Syndrome. Incels' fixation on the condition seems to be derived from the fact that they sometimes attribute sexual or romantic troubles to being on the spectrum. Basically, it appears to be a reassuring thought to some incels that their sexual frustrations might be the result of a disorder rather than some sort of social inadequacy.
Ryan Foster
Incel dictionary-
Catheter :n - what I put into my dick to pee because Im fucking paralyzed and my dick doesnt work so Im involuntarily celebate you fucking cunt
Samuel Cooper
>Blackpill: The embrace of any belief even more bleak than the incel redpill, a.k.a. the initial revelation of your alleged place in that world (see below). The idea is that no amount of self-improvement will be sufficient to help certain people obtain romantic or sexual partners. Those who have taken the blackpill have concluded they have no capacity for ascension (see above).
>Bonesmashing: The dangerous practice of attempting to damage your face to change your bone structure. This appears to be based in part on Wolff’s Law, which suggested that bones might grow in response to repeated blunt trauma. Some incels are obsessed with radically altering their bone density and jaws to conform to what they consider the male ideal, and this is presented as one way to do that without expensive surgery.
>Boyo: Most terms of affection used among incels riff off the word "boy." As recently pointed out by Vox, incels tend to be men, although not exclusively so.
>Brad: A guy in-between a Chad (see below) and a normie. A Chad-lite, if you will. Basically, he's a guy who has had a sexual/romantic relationship or two but still perceived himself as coming out on the losing end of those interactions.
Asher Bennett
>Chad: The archetype here is a white guy over six feet tall, the type of person incels believe excels at dating the women he desires. The platonic ideal of a Chad is a former college football player known as the Greensboro Jock who allegedly grew up to become a multi-millionaire entrepreneur. His apparent success furthers incels' disordered belief that looks are the sole necessary ingredient for a happy life.
>Currycel/Ricecel: People who believe they are celibate because of their Asian heritage. These incels are often obsessed with "whitemaxing," or trying to appear more white via use of creams or surgeries. Incels are particularly fixated on a perceived racial hierarchy of sexual dynamics, and Isla Vista killer Elliot Rodger was notoriously angry about the fact that he was half-Asian, which he perceived as an impediment to losing his virginity.
>Escort Theory: An often-derided suggestion that incels should just see escorts to relieve their sexual frustration. It's usually only referred to in the abstract on forums as something a hypothetical normie might suggest, but made a mainstream debut of sorts when New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote about a potential need for the "redistribution of sex."
>Femoid: One of incels' many dehumanizing terms for women. It's actually fairly uncommon to find the word "woman" on their message boards; the most value-neutral word used to describe the object of incels' collective desire is probably the clinical "female."
Andrew Fisher
>Going ER: This is how incels refer to one of their own snapping and killing people, the letters "ER" being the initials of the aforementioned Isla Vista mass murderer. The term is sometimes also stylized as "pulling an ER." While it may not be the case that all or even a majority of incels believe this to be a worthy or appropriate goal, the group is riddled with people who openly fantasize about violence. Communities on the far-right have also generally capitalized on the perceived lack of opportunities in modern society for men to "prove" their masculinity, falsely promising that violence is one such way.
>Gymcel: An incel who is trying to ascend (see above) by going to the gym as much as possible. Can also be used as a verb, i.e. "to gymcel." Connected to the broader belief that palpable (traditional) masculinity is the foremost characteristic that attracts women.
>“How over is it?”: A common phrase in online forum threads used by incels to ask other incels for advice based on their physical circumstances. If it's "over," the incel is deemed incapable of ever "ascending" to become a normie, and may even be encouraged to "rope," or commit suicide.
>Incel Tears: Abbreviated as IT, this is the cringe subreddit for incels, where screenshots of incels saying ridiculous things are posted for others to mock.
Grayson White
>LDAR: This amounts to a directive to “lay down and rot,” or just give up. It could be a recommendation to become a "NEET" (see below) who leeches off his family or the government, or even to commit suicide via "the rope."
>Lookism: The idea here is that people are discriminated against in all aspects of life based on their appearance. Those who subscribe to this philosophy would likely see themselves as well apart from "braincels" or "mentalcels," who tend to think they are lonely due to being highly intelligent or mentally ill, respectively.
>Looksmax: The practice of trying to enhance one’s appearance via methods ranging from buying nicer clothes to gym training to radical facial reconstruction through surgery. Some of the men who engage in looksmax thinking might be traditionally handsome; either way, they tend to believe the secret to their happiness resides in maxing out stats in a number of key aesthetic areas.
>Manlet: A derogatory term for a short man. Many incels seem to be radicalized by what they consider the double standard of women (allegedly) refusing to date short men while men are discouraged from expressing overt aesthetic preferences for their own potential partners.
Nicholas Clark
I'm a proud VOLCEL.
Landon Evans
>Incel subculture >Us shut the fuck up you reddit nigger
Asher Gomez
>Mewing: A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face. This fits into the broader looksmax approach to self-modification in the name of love and romance.
>MGTOW: "Men going their own way," this approach to life is presented as an alternative to being celibate against one's will. It's somewhat analogous to the sovereign citizen movement, which is to say these men reject the idea of even seeking a romantic partner the way that a sovereign citizen might reject the federal government.
>Mogged: "AMOG" originally referred to the "alpha male of a group" in pick-up-artist culture, but the term seems to have evolved into a verb meaning to be emasculated by another man who is bigger, more muscular, or otherwise “better” than oneself. Incels subdivide all men into alphas and betas, in yet another example of their black-and-white thinking.
>NEET: A person who is "not in education, employment, or training." Originally a government designation in the UK meant to sound more palatable than "status zero," it's now been co-opted by incels to describe where they fit into society writ large.
>Proper swallow: What some people in the looksmax community seem to think will cure hollow cheeks, this technique appears to involve not sucking on your teeth while eating. High, forward-projecting cheekbones can be a particular point of fixation in the incel world.
Thomas Thomas
>that's the joke mcbain.jpg
Easton Lewis
>PSL: This stands for PUASluthateLookism, an umbrella term for various subsets of incel-related worldviews. To be indoctrinated into PSL means you've covered three of the big pillars by spending time on: a now-defunct board where people complained about shady pick-up artists; the misogynist board people moved to after it shuttered; and looksmaxing (see above) forums.
>Roidcel: This is an incel who is part of the looksmax community and trying to bulk up and attract women by using steroids, as opposed to "training natty." It's consistent with a general willingness to embrace any means necessary to satisfy perceived ideals of attractiveness.
>Redpill: The term generally refers to a right-wing call to consciousness. In the incel community, it amounts to embracing the idea that women are predisposed to only be attracted to certain types of body types, skin tones, and facial structures.
>Roastie: This is a hateful term for a woman who's had sex. Some incels believe—perhaps as a result of having virtually no experience with the female anatomy—that a woman becomes disfigured by intercourse. As a result, they may believe a woman's value is depleted by every sexual interaction she's had in the past.
Ryan Rodriguez
TIL about bonemashing
Nathaniel Price
>St. BlackOps2Cel: This refers to a picture of a young man wearing a Call of Duty shirt who's been adopted as the "patron saint" of inceldom. There's dispute about where the image was first posted, and no one seems to know who the man is or if he even identifies with the community.
>Stacy: This is a woman who allegedly has her pick of sexual partners, although incels seem to simultaneously believe that all women have their pick of sexual partners. A Stacy is the unattainable female ideal that is targeted for revulsion and perhaps even violence.
>Wizard: This is someone who’s a virgin at the age of 30 or older. Though many members—cribbing a line from the Isla Vista killer's manifesto—identify as "kissless" virgins, that designation isn't essential to belonging to the community. Still, many seem to identify strongly with metrics of kisses, dates, Tinder matches, and sexual interactions.
>Wristcel: These people seem to believe they are celibate because of the width of their wrists. Although the entire incel community is based in large part on attributing the inability to get laid on some tiny perceived flaw, self-describing as a wrist-cel tends to garner some pushback, because even other incels perceive this as silly.
>If you or someone you know is fixated on perceived flaws in appearance or might be struggling with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), help is available. Click here to learn about support groups based in the US and abroad.
>If you are feeling suicidal, visit the website of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or call toll free at any time. A listing of similar helplines in other countries can be found here.
Nathan Watson
>Boyo: Most terms of affection used among incels riff off the word "boy." they needed to define some of these? kek
i thought they already knew what an incel was sinve theyve made up the term? aww arent they soo noble? (vice)
Julian Gonzalez
>Learn to Decode the Secret Language of the Incel Subculture the fact that someone seriously wrote this phrase and was paid to do it, i can't stop laughing, thanks god these idiots are the only thing we have left standing in our way now
This is what happens when you give women any political power. They tell you it's disgusting to shame them for their sexuality or sexual partners, but they shame you for yours.
Isaac Harris
Blake Perry
>s o y c u c k journomutt males don't know where boyo comes from render my fascination
>tfw unironic aspie >"oh its just an excuse they try to use to justify their condition" i don't even consider myself incel or robot but this faggot needs to die in a fire
Aaron Barnes
>i don't even consider myself incel or robot but this faggot needs to die in a fire Now you know why mass shootings are ramping up (note: im not advocating mass shootings). "Society" shows how much they care about/regard the shooters, so the shooters end up reacting in kind.
Oliver Wilson
The most hillarious thing about these lobotomized wymin is that they believe they understand the chaotic culture that is being propagated here. In fact not even pol/acks can see the whole picture.
I have Schizoid Personality Disorder and can honestly say both sides are retarded. Incels are afraid of commitment and think a girl would cheat on them, when in reality they're just second guessing themselves and don't even try dating. Whereas the people who attack the incels are just as retarded since they cannot seem to comprehend that some people just want to be left alone. If incels really weren't interested in relationships, they would probably have SPD like I do and wouldn't even bother to care about it, and if the dumbfucks that attack them for being incels would just mind their own business, this whole affair would die off and be forgotten
Carter James
I've been aware of this fact for a while but yes thats right
Jaxon Campbell
>Mewing: A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face.
Alexander Green
Fuck off Reddit clown
Charles Clark
Here, I'll throw you a bone
It was the jews = It was the jews
Xavier Foster
I have a gf...
Josiah Myers
lol it's boomer parents reading about secret SMS slang all over again.
Levi Powell
>the incell meme >vice holy fuck I would kms if I wrote that shit
>wewing: A technique attributed to a Syrian opthalmologist named Bashar al-Assad that involves putting pressure on the supply lines of your moderate rebels with your t i g e r s to try and change the shape of your nation's destiny.
this is only good for our cause. we have always had troubles weaponizing the robots to further our goals, but now it seems our enemies have done that for us. The future is bright, gentlemen.
Adrian Phillips
Watching online "journalists" try to decipher sperg slang is like the story of the blind men and the elephant, except instead of an elephant, its an ocean of piss.
Kevin Rodriguez
Imagine how degenerate society gets in the future where the normies become murders and normal but those who don't kill people are called "Nonkells" which means "non killers" Imagine how degenerate our future gets where we start getting called "nonkells" because we don't kill people.
That's how ridiculous I see this use of the buzzword "incel"
>Roastie: This is a hateful term for a woman who's had sex. Some incels believe—perhaps as a result of having virtually no experience with the female anatomy—that a woman becomes disfigured by intercourse. This is one I've never understood. A woman's beef flap size is determined by genetics. Some females like my sister for example have "roast beef" and they've never even had sex before.
I mean why even bother? There is no point. That being said I am pretty sure some of these are blatantly made up words like the classice news reel about Jow Forums of a van exploding and making up shit.
Even when they explain the definition of roastie they have to say it in a condescending and angry way. Just further adds to my theory that it's true which is why they get so emotional about it.
Matthew Gomez
You can literally change your bone structure by bulking up through strength training.
Carson Adams
It will just increase circumference by additional muscle mass. The bone shouldn't change
Bentley Thomas
I weight lift and do pull ups but I just dont think physically making your wrists wider without some kind of surgery is possible just like getting taller.
yeah this, i forearms will get bigger and in contrast will have the illusion of a bigger size
Fuck off to reddit or r9k, wherever you come from.
Lincoln Moore
No, it really does and if you use roids the changes will be even more drastic.
Ryder Watson
>how do you know what your sister's roast beef flaps look like? >how do you know she's never had sex? >you've been with her every waking moment of her life? >you must be her herself then >RIDF detected
Ryan Price
victimblaming: the article
Just yet another reason to hate the double standard hypocritical left
Joseph Bailey
literally nothing wrong with your wrists this is in your head.
>how do you know what your sister's roast beef flaps look like? Do you have siblings? If you live with someone you're eventually going to see them naked at some point. Maybe there's no clean towels in the shower and they have to run to their room naked. Maybe they decide to get dressed at the washing machine where their clean clothes are. Maybe they have to come in and use the bathroom in the morning while you're in the shower. >how do you know she's never had sex? >you've been with her every waking moment of her life? Obviously not, but she's an antisocial shut-in goth/emo girl with no friends or social life, and has never had a bf so it's a reasonable assumption. On the off chance that she has had sex once or twice its not going to magically make her beef flaps appear, which she has had since puberty anyway.
>Obviously not, but she's an antisocial shut-in goth/emo girl with no friends or social life, and has never had a bf so it's a reasonable assumption here's a reasonable assumption, when you weren't with her she was getting her slit widened as a young child, which is why she is an emo shut in with ruined roast beef flaps who's never had a bf because she has too much shame from being a preteen fucktoy and having the roast beef flaps to prove it
Jonathan James
Tfw will never be the best big brother ever and stare aggressively at your sisters vagina her whole life According to anime shouldn't you fuck your introverted sister by now?
I find your hypothesis to be highly unlikely, at best.
Asher Gray
Connor Evans
Ask your mom.
Anthony Martinez
try asking her about it
Leo Gomez
Wtf no, what are you sick. And no, it's not aggressive staring but if someone's naked around you you're definitely going to notice.
Easton Murphy
kek normies trying to understand incel/r9k culture
Adrian Wilson
Journalists are a joke.
Blake Brooks
if your homelife is that liberal that you're around each other nude so much the theres definitely more there than you're catching, i've had siblings, you don't just see each other naked, we believed in civility and not subjecting others to have to see our vulgarity, but we also didn't have any lolirailing by some degenerate boomer going on in the background of the house, tell us about your home life, how long has your mom been single?
Cameron Edwards
How old are you both? Also even if you don't fuck her you should talk to her Introverted and goth + internet won't go well you know I'm only memeing mostly non anime aware user Since I've never heard a brother describe his sisters pussy online without any sexual reasoning before as well
When Jow Forums things you're messed up, that means it's time to stop and reconsider your life.
But tell us more about your sister. Do you watch her masturbate? Give things to her that you would like to see her fit up her pussy?
Parker Reyes
>Since I've never heard a brother describe his sisters pussy online without any sexual reasoning before as well right? i couldn't tell you what any of my siblings shit looks like, all i care about is my own anyways, like what is supposed to be the point in taking the conscious decision to 'notice' them? like if your lil bro isn't packing as much as you are are you gonna gift him some on steam or something? lmao
Colton Russell
Now that's not exactly true. Personally know a girl who actually got better through internet. She was very shy, and her family constantly pushed her (there also problems between parts of the family and they all used her as a token), well internet actually helped not to give a fuck. I was not privy to the actual process but as far as I know she finally told all her relatives too fuck off.
Robert Parker
i like how they project, seeing as they are all coke fiends raping kids they expect everyone else to be sort of the same.
Wyatt Turner
user the girl talking to you, a fellow 4 chan user, is not what I'd call a success story and what all brothers should want their little sisters to end up doing No offense glad you got to talk to cute girl though And I just said talk to her, not go all OUTSIDE AND FRIENDS NOW, BECOME BETTER THOT LIKE CELEB mode