>He thinks Jewsus was white
Yeah, white people dominated the demographics of the Middle East in the time of Jesus, totally. How is it even possible to be this retarded? Jesus was a fucking JEW, get over it Christcuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
true jews tradtional Catholics follow and worship the king of the jews, who is jesus christ, fake satanic (jews) attack the king of the jews, jesus christ, and follow worship Satan.
jesus was just a hoax set up by jews to turn white people into sheep.
lol our gods are not even human
Lol you really think God cares about Jews or white people
Hinduism is one of the oldest religion in the world. Islam and Christianity are so relatively new, they're probably scams.
not a scam just plagiarism. Hinduism did it first and so right that nation is still in shithole
Based and redpilled.
Christcucks, please respond.
*inside every Christians pocket there is a Jew
Not my Pope.
So, you're saying that He was one of the crowd demanding His own crucifixion?
Yes. Jews stab each other in the back all the time.
No, this is the real hoax.
Not logical. Would a j e w stab himself in the back?
> the way cuckservative's do?
>Attacks Talmudists
>Uses Talmudist imagery
The Lord was a Hebrew, the term for jews as we use it today did not exist in his time. The closest was a pharasie and we all know they murdered him for claiming to be Yahweh.
You're obviously a retard who can't into reading, I will ignore you from now on.
>that's ridiculous
>ur stupid
Masterful. The tragedy is that you yourself believe this to be reasoning.
You mean that the hebrews invented the story since before the babylonian captivity just to control the white man, whom was still a barbarian at the time. Brainwashed blue pills color coated in red. Do you even history and theology.
>this is your brain on gun manufacturing money and atheistic pretensions
Jesus was a Palestinian.
Palestinians are whiter than you.
Inside every Jew, is 5lbs of flammable material.
sup mohammed?
Finally, a Sven that get's it.
En dag kommer vi riva alla kyrkor broder. Återigen ska våra heliga platser få bada i Solens varma sken.
Död och hat åt öken-kulter.
You're are saying that Jesus stabbed Himself in the back. What one j e w may do to another is irrelevant. Faggot.
>Catholicism is the same as Christianity!
Dear fucking GOD do a google search and educated yourself you cunt.
No, they're not. Catholicism is warmed over paganism with a Christian veneer.
Jews are descendants of Mediterranean Sea peoples who inhabited Palestine after the collapse of the Bronze Age. These are a similar tribe of people who have rise to the Sicilians and Sardinians. If you consider Greek Cypriots white, then Jesus was white.
Oy vey
Ancient Palestinians were hwider than they are today.
A Jew is someone who believes in Yahweh (the Father) but not Jesus (the Son). Jews do not believe that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is the atonement for all the sins of man.
Jesus is God. Jesus is eternal and omniscient. Before He was born, Jesus knew He would be born and die upon the cross. Therefore Jesus (and God) was never Jewish. He was, is, and will always be Christian.
Christ Michael is the sovereign ruler of our universe and defeated Satan the betrayer.
Satan wasn't even really a bad guy. He was what amounted to a kind hearted atheist. God loved Satan so much he gave him thousands of years to repent. Many of the absurdities of your life stem from the consequences of this cosmic civil war, which was fought with ideas.
En dag, broder.
>come on to Jow Forums to argue against imaginary people
Boy I bet you think you're not going to get strung along and milked like the lulzcow that you are.
Jew's conception of the non triune father is Satan, the old boss. This is also what gnosticism refers to.
Satan filled the position of Christ, with honor for thousands of years, and in rebellion for thousands of years. If you don't follow Christ you follow the defeated Satan. There is only one truth and there was only ever two bosses.
Christcucks just do mental hoops to convince themselves the jews in the old testament weren't like the jews now, they were different jews, good jews, and the bad jews were the pharisees. As if anything has changed in that wicked 2000 year old kike religion.
Salvation is a gift of Jesus’ mercy,
Just accept Jesus and trust in your heart that he will take you to Heaven. That’s all Christianity is.
Shut your whore mouth, Christcuck.
Jesus is sun.
>Salvation is a gift of Jesus’ mercy,
>Just accept Jesus and trust in your heart that he will take you to Heaven. That’s all Christianity is.
Fuck off with your jew mercy and jew heaven. There is literally nothing people have done to keep begging for that jew mercy and salvation for.
Saturn, capricorn
Kek you fucking gnostic faggot, Jesus has NOTHING to do with the fake ass Zodiac. Absolutely NIL. It's heresy of the highest order to suggest so. Of all things to try and connect Christianity to:
>the fucking Zodiac
You are living in a veil ((they)) have created. This is pure science & you would see it too if you would be open to it.
>We are eternal spirits bound to our bodies
>(((they))) keep us in the dark by hiding truth, by this system, by sins, lies and science.
>Italian families like Aldobrandini,Breakspear & vatican & jesuits
>they claimed people of the earth to their imaginary kingdom through three trust (three crown); 1455, romanus pontifex, 1481, aeterni regis, 1531, convocation.
>Through these three trust, cestui que vie is name of our enslavement. Wich is also 6,6,6 (symbol of material bound) when translated in latin.
>Level of awareness in humanity goes trough cycles and we have much less time to go through this cycle and it's ages than normally, that is why development has been so fast, that is why people are awakening to truth right now, we entered new age that is kicking in
Realize what you are, key to it is within. Body is just material plane that you borrow from earth. Through sins you bound thyself more into it, broke your boundaries. You are piece of life, piece of god that wan't experience bigger part of it. Through material ways it find not that expression.
He's right though. Jesus is a solar deity.
Fuck off nigger with this anglo-israelite wewuzing bullshit.
>your pic
That reconstruction was based on faulty methodology, in reality he looked like this.
stay mad faggot
They throw the truth in your face but you don't see? This pic, how about the halo? How about story about jesus,mary going to promised land with two donkey? Sun goes trough Aries, Taurus & Gemini to mid summer, promised land.
>Not realising this recreation was dreamt up by a research team in (((Tel Aviv)))
>Pope Spurdo
Great pic.
habeeb it because hoisaiso
Shut the fuck up estonian subhuman
why do christians worship a kike?
hello, mohammed jaleel al talibani the third
Because they morally are Jews
They do not care about their nation so they become Jews. Christians lack of any kind of morality, their morality is fake and superficial and they do not believe in it
Please. There are cases where Israeli flags say something anti-Christian. Guilt by association is a shitty and fallacious tactic. I bet you’re the same one who spams pictures of nigger women.
No, I am not and most "Israelis" posting here on Jow Forums are Christians, I am pretty convinced
>Play that shills hate Christians
>Jow Forums IQlets will believe everything a shill tries to imply
Kys memeflag
Just show your kike flag know its you
>I bet you’re the same one who spams pictures of nigger women.
Its a Hungarian expat living in Estonia.
If you care what color the man throwing you the rope is as you are swept helplessly towards a waterfall to your death, you're living your life wrong.
are jews
Good question.
You're confusing Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestanism, and Anglicanism with Christianity. What you say isn't taught in the Bible.
>(2 Timothy 4:3, 4) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.
>(Matthew 7:21) “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
>(Matthew 7:15) “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves.
>(Acts 20:29) I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness,
>(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.
>(2 Peter 2:1) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.
>(1 Timothy 4:1) However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons,
I don't know if you are aware of this but everything you post isn't "Christianity". "Christianity" is a watered down meaningless term now. What you posted is against Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Christmas, Halloween, Easter are all pagan Holidays adopted by the Catholic Church in order to create a bridge between Pagans and the Catholic Church. It was a compromise for them to keep their pagan rituals as long as they converted.
Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentines are all pagan and occult in origin. One of the easiest realizations is the fact that Christmas is supposed to be Jesus birthday, on the contrary, the Bible doesn't say when his birthday was at all. It is a mystery never told. However, from indications in it we do know Jesus was born sometime between June and Early October seeing how shepards were out in the field. December is too cold in Israel, shepards and flocks are all in doors by then.
White people are the biggest migrators. It's actually totally possible that Jesus was white. The thing is, if you read the parts of the Bible with Jesus, his ability to use allegory and metaphors, mixed with his genuine empathy kind of lead me to believe he was white. 2000 years ago, many jews became Christians and fractured from the other jews, and Christianity began to spread in Europe. The ones who remained Jewish probably were raped by sand-niggers and turned into whatever the fuck mongrel race they are now.
Jow Forums is anti intellectual these days, I only hope this is a bait thread that OP is using to push people in the direction of Yeshua.
>Look mom I posted it again!
This. So much this.
Your religion is so old that you worship fucking cows and your gods tell you to shit the streets.
Depends on what you mean by Jew.
What made Israelites unique from all other races/nationalities in the world was their lineage. They could almost all trace their lineage back to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Jesus lineage in Matthew and Luke went as far back to Adam himself. In 70AD Tiberius Cesar ransacked Jerusalem in what is known as the Seige of Jerusalem of 70AD where the Romans attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and all archived genealogies. After this, no Israelite on Earth could trace their lineages back anymore and all true Israelites disbanded throughout the Earth. The Age of Israel was over.
The 1st Century Christians were not concerned with liberating Israel. This was obvious because Jesus predicting the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD at the hands of Tiberius Cesar. This was God letting the Jews know he was done with them. Not only did they destroy the temple but all the records of Jewish genealogy going back to Abraham himself. No Jew on Earth could prove their lineage after that anymore. The Age of Israel was over and remained over to this day.
The (((Israel))) and (((Jews))) that you know of today are not the continuation of that Israel up above. They are descendants of Talmudism which descendend from Babylonian Mysticism. The Israel and Jews you are resisting today are the Synagogue of Satan. (((Christians))) are also a part of them as well.
Jesus was basque
>not nigger skull
white, just dark skinned but white.
Looks like Geo from the Animal Collection
Are greeks jews?
Is that Bob Hoskins?
Ohh wait even being dark skinned is not confirmed. How could they know what his skin colour was?
Oh look, it's the Swede that makes anti-christian threads daily.
Why bother posting them over and over again after what few arguments you had in previous posts got btfo?
Maybe instead of poisoning your soul with hate for Jesus you start talking with him instead?
>Maybe instead of poisoning your soul with hate for Jesus you start talking with him instead?
I don't talk to imaginary friends. I'm not a retarded Christcuck like you.
This makes sense. Christianity as it exists today is throughly kiked and co opted by them. However at one point it really was the biggest bulwark against the jews. Christians saw them as lepers, children of demons, the untouchables. Not even Islam/Muslims saw them like that, in fact jews ran to Arabs for refuge after being kicked out from Christian Kingdoms. How things have turned around today though.
Khazar theory debunked with DNA
Same tired non-arguments...
Next time you start another thread please have something of substance.
I'd love to talk religion with you but you seem more interested in wildly flinging your insecurities instead of having a debate.
But you're retarded enough to make the same topics over and over again. You're worse than any christcuck.
Because the kikes don't.
If they're right; they have nothing to worry about.
Do you put your head in the oven too because Jews don't?
Do you want communism for your nation state too because Jews don't?
That's what shills do.
Also this.
Saved, I'll look into that.