Kosher slaughter should be illegal. All sentient beings have rights and the torture of innocent animals...

Kosher slaughter should be illegal. All sentient beings have rights and the torture of innocent animals, who are sacrificing themselves to allow us to eat, should be banned and the Jewish barbarians should be punished for these atrocities.

Attached: jewstortureanimals.jpg (480x360, 20K)

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Nice numbers.

Also we shouldn't just ban Kosher slaughter we should just slaughter the jews. The most evil of all the peoples of earth.

I mean even this shit right here ( ) Is nothing vs the jewish pedo rings.

Attached: assholes.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

Indeed! People need to be made aware of the truth about those enemies of God and all humanity. They are devils in human form.

Attached: Jewishpedophiles2.jpg (530x552, 155K)

Animals don't have feelings. Fuck yourself.

Animals have feelings, can feel pain, and have rights. You kikes have no right to torture innocent creatures to death for your sick amusement.

Attached: hitleranimals1.jpg (640x500, 127K)

same with halal.
if europe and the united states really cared about animal cruelty, they'd ban both these processes and ban the import of this meat.

guess what would happen?

all the jews and muslims would have to move back to their shitholes because they could eat anymore.

gtfo rabbi


>All sentient beings have rights
They don't.

Rights are claimed, not given. Animals can't claim rights.