The native subsaharian africans,say something nice about them

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and the bantu invaders spit over them

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Highly Intelligent.

They know where they belong.

khoisan are a cool guy and not afraid of any dessert

Should be all of African's population.

They eyes reveal a lot.

they know the gods must be crazy

They don't murder us.


They are the Bonobos of niggers, Bantu are chimps.

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A challenger appears!

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Low IQ, but good people. Very peaceful. They don’t deserve to be lumped in with Bantu niggers

I like when the documentaires show them naked in the wild

They seem pretty cool, relative to Bantu. These guys don't seem like the sort to set people on fire, or gangrape whole schools.

They look much nicer than regular niggers.

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They are not in my country.

>say something nice about them
I'm trying really hard but I can't come up with anything.

All black people don't originate from below the Sahara as (((official academia)) states.

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They look asiatic

thanks for the raw material!

They are in their country, I am in mine and for that I am grateful.


The Bantu is still killing them off for their ((masters))). See the picture.

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look human

some nigga girls are hot and would breed

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Yeah but the kids will be thick as shit.

would u?

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(((Carmen Solomons)))
But yes i absolutely would, no kids tho.

>what do you mean, you don't me to be the mother of your kids?

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They were cool when they just stayed on that side of the desert.

This movie was funny

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It's nice that they live in Africa.

Their women are cute

t. Man with jungle fever

That was a cute movie.


No whites, no chinks, no muslims in subsaharian africa. Allow the smartest of them to receive education in STEM areas and just watch them develop their stuff.

they are in subsaharan africa

These people probably live with more joy in their life than the average person anywhere in North America, Europe or Asia, because they don't have to put up with post modern bull shit.

>A challenger appears!
Click click click clyck

don't forget the pygmies, chased away by bantus in the forests and enslaved to this day
they're much more docile than regular groids

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Qui San are fine, but the bantu niggers are worthy of death.

>t. Butthurt Pygmy

In the depths of my mind I remember the reference, but my conscious mind is a total shit cunt. Remind me?

I don't understand why Jow Forums would hate these people they are basically whiter then Jow Forumss ideal white person.
>inbf muh iq memes

Peaceful people
actually ten times better than regular blacks

nobody on here is hating on them

these coons are literally genetically further from us than bantu scum

that offends me

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>lion food

They are in Africa

Why are four of them using airsoft rifles?

apparently all of west Africa was also once inhabited by them. the Niger Congo people apparently migrated from the horn of Africa.

Stupid inbred offspring
The Gods Must Be Crazy


well that's good i'm impressed I must say.

Fucks sake I hate Bantus so much


It's a movie about crazy god

they know where they belong, among their people in their own land

they have a higher resistance to malaria than the Bantu people

They are perfectly suited for their native environment. And they have developed a nice culture in the environment they inhabit. It would be a shame for them to want to leave it and move elsewhere.

Superior in every way to African Americans.

You guys can jump really high, which is pretty cool. Want to be an athlete while I take 50% of your earnings?

I don't blame you they are a violent bunch. the Zulus get a lot of praise a lot of the time especially Shaka but he was genocidal maniac that wiped out all the natives in the surrounding areas of his expanding kingdom, tribes like the Xhosa which Nelson Mandela was apart of. some put the death toll from his rein up to 2 million.

such a low IQ they're a threat to no one not even each other

Oh shit thanks anons, I watched this when I was 12 and edgy, this kinda film would never be allowed now.

Very nice people, I have never met a single one that was rude, or even seemed unhappy.

They dont steal like nigger,spainards and anglos

Banthu is the real blight of africa.
Without them there wouldnt be any problems in africa

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>from the horn of Africa
i thought they originated from western Africa, bantus are pretty much made for the equatorial forests

they didn't need much to live

Death to the Zulu, death to the Bantu.

say something nice about them
>at least they are not in my country.

yes Bantus came from west Africa but the people they came from the Niger-Congo in turn came from the horn during the early neolithic I think.

Bantu in SA should be exterminated in order to protect indigenous Khoisan land from Negroid barbarism

YES! The Khoesan are awesome people, but they are ultimate failures in our society. Some nogs might actually become decent people if left alone.

Though this does mean that we will need to use our military to protect these First People from the hordes of Bantu.

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Foot-long labia are great fun.

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True Story, it has been proven that their ancestors are Chinese, migrating there a few hundred thousand years ago. You can still see they alike.

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most of them stay put

>thick as shit.

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The only real niggers are bantu-africans. All the other darkies are quasi-niggers and the khoisan look pretty cool as far as I am concerned.

>bantus are pretty much made for the equatorial forests
The pygmies are the natives there. Sadly sidelined and treated like shit by the Bantu now. The latter ultimately came from west of Cameroon.

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They give us something to be disgusted by

Correction: Asiatics look like them.

Gotta love the british sense of humour.

Poor pygmies, bantus really are the niggers of africa.

They have done no harm to your people, and never will. The nigger who fucks your childhood crush has nothing in common with them, except perhaps that one of his ancestors might have eaten one once upon a time.

they aren't pretending to be anything that they are not

untermensch doesn't know the difference between San and Bantu.

Have no problem with them just don´t particularly think it´s a good idea to live in the same nation as them.

Weird proportions.

Shut the fuck up fucking shills. Death to all niggers.

Dobro pozhalovat' to the world of anthropology, Grzegorz!

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they have retained their cultural roots and im sure they are very happy with their traditional lives

Is it weird that I respect natives so much more?

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did he get cucked by a chinaman?

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looks like if a chinese fucked an african

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That's happening quite a lot these days in Africa...

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