Why shouldn’t death be the penalty for all murders?

Why shouldn’t death be the penalty for all murders?

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they can't be resurrected if curt misjudge

In the next few years, you're going to have to pick a side and find out. I pray you heed my warning.

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No good reason other than muh feelz

Not a legitimate reason. No court in human history has ever been required to pass perfect sentences. You convict beyond a reasonable doubt, with the understanding that a failure rate above zero is unpreventable.

They should.
Eye for an eye and all that.
Problem usually lies in the evidence department as you’d have to make a fool proof system that can’t judge innocent people to death.

Because “muh Christian values”

someone told me I would have to pick of a side or suffer the consequences. It turns out the consequences were I got banned from his server

The death penalty is a Christian value.

>want to kill self
>want to be remembered as well
>realize that murder is an instant trip to the electric chair
>decide to kill some fuck-wad from high school
>Now I will be forever remembered on a list of murderers

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Cause the government is retarded and would kill some innocent people along with the guilty?

This is basically what the courts have said. Leaving the death penalty to the most severe cases with the best evidence in most states.

The less power gubmint has the better, that includes the power of revenge killings. But if we agree gubmint has the power to take away 25 years of your life, why not all of them? If you can agree that some people deserve death for their deeds, who else is to deal it? The victim's relatives? Independent contractor?

No court system is infallible, they are all prone to mistakes of judgement. This being the case, condemning an innocent man to death is a travesty of justice. At the very least, life in prison allows for ample time to prove innocence should evidence appear later that exonerates the accused. If a man is found innocent after he's already been executed, well, it's a little late to save him isn't it? I give an exception when clear genetic evidence proving guilt exists.

>No good reason other than muh feelz

muhfeelz is the ONLY reason to not kill people. Everyone knows this. WTF are you even talking about, brainlet.

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If evidence turns up that proves they didn't do it, you can't really take it back

I recently found out that one of my high school friends stabbed his abusive uncle to death when he was younger. I don't know him well but he always came off as very down to earth, the last guy you would expect to do that. He told one person in private and it spread to me. He doesn't know I know.

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Being perfect isn't supposed to be a requirement, it's an ideal that comes from the moral belief that it's better guilty men go free rather than an innocent man be condemned.

this has to be the one most retarded arguments I have ever read in my entire existence. There are good arguments for death penalty and I also understand there are good arguments against it, but this has to be the one most fucking stupid thing someone could think of, a literal inbred african child could come up with something better, be ashamed canadian cunt

says you Mohammad

Good retort, 10/10

If we lived under anarcho-capitalism then we could take courts that killed innocent people to other courts for prosecution, but we don't live under anarcho-capitalism. In today's world, allowing the death penalty invites crafty villains to use the state apparatus to kill people they dislike.

In a perfect system this is acceptable to me. On the other hand, in the real world there are bad people and they railroad Innocents through the courts. Video evidence? Yeah, kill em.

Way too many wrongful convictions.

The bombing of civilians is mass murder

The white race killed off the rape gene

I’d rather get all the guilty and a few innocents; if you let the guilty off at trial you are sending a message to other criminals that they can get away with it too.
Anything that would get you 5+ years should be a death sentence or 3-5 years extremely hard labor so that they 1. Are not just a net drain on society and 2. Too busy or tired to train other on the finer points of criminality.

there are dif levels of murder.

chimping on some dude and kiling him accidently, chimping on the street cause you got in a fight, chimping at some dude fucking ur wife, all different levels of chimping.

the worst is probably pleasure killing, then killing for money, then killing due to incontinence, etc.

This, Christians teach and favor the death penalty. Its Catholics that oppose it. Please don't confuse Catholics with Christians.

she does a great job of making Bs look like Ds

Anyone played any ass ass creed games?
Reason I’m asking is as they, in this fantasy world, use your dna to reconstruct memories from ancestors.
This technology actually exists.
Admittedly it’s really expensive and not very good right now, so what if we pour our efforts into making that more reliable and research how to extract more recent memories.
With that you’d get a first person view of a suspect either going through their day as normal or killing someone, making death sentence possible.
It’s sci-fi tier and laughably unreliable and unreasonable right now, but not impossible if the effort is made.
Just a thought.

Right, so if being perfect isn't a requirement you do the next best thing and do the best you can. Once we've done the best we can to determine someone's innocence or guilt, and we have found them guilty of murder, it makes sense to execute them. Saying we shouldn't do it because there's still a remote chance they may be innocent undermines the whole justice system entirely.

>use your dna to reconstruct memories from ancestors.
>This technology actually exists.
Memories aren't stored in DNA, dingus.

We need to sequester a large patch of land maybe up in the badlands of South Dakota. Something like 10x10 miles in size. In this place we have a modern austrailia where we go to dump people who have committed unforgivable crimes like murder or raping kids.

Some subsidy materials are distributed, an attention is given to the internal social hierarchy to make sure that the people inside have a chance (stress: chance) to get the things they need. But otherwise they're to fend for themselves off the land. Its assumed that they may not survive, and they will always live there for the rest of their lives.
But unlike a prison cage you've got abit of legroom, you're exposed to nature and can breathe the fresh air, and I mean shit you could just hide in some little corner if you wanted to.
> this shit needs to become a thing because then you can point to that playpen and say - lookie here, this is what happens when you become a criminal.

Also you have a 1 in 30,000 chance of being killed in a car wreck every year. You've got alot less chance of being wrongly convicted of murder and killed for it. Its an acceptable risk.

The penal colony suggestion is also maybe more applicable for people we dont necessarily put to death but would still put behind bars for 10+ years. If we're going to take a huge chunk of your adult life and render you impotent in terms of the job market then we might as well just drop you in a snake pit like this and forget you had a name.
Much cheaper to take care of, and there's nothing cruel or unusual about it. No more than the people who end up homeless for years at a time.

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>Dr Berit Brogaard: The memories would have to shape the genetic material in a way that can be carried on to your children. So firstly you'd have to have the memories before you have children, and they would have to have impacted your genetic material in a way that would be manifested in the genetic material of your child. If that hasn't happened, then there's nothing to unlock the memories.

>What evidence have we seen of this happening?
>There's evidence in rodents that you can breed learning how to run a maze into the next generation. So that's something that has been shown rather recently: that if rodents find themselves in a certain maze, and their parents had learned some things about the maze, then the little rodents don't have to start from scratch when they learn to navigate it. This at least shows that it is possible that you can have some memory in your genetic material and this material is carried on.

At this stage it’s more fee fees being recorded but nothing says memories aren’t recorded too and I’m fairly sure you have a rush when killing someone and it would be recorded.
Again I stretch it’s early and an unknown territory that needs further development.


This idea is stupid in so many ways I dont know how to begin. I recommend you critically examine it.

It was. It should be. Look at the murder rates. Disgusting savages are what they are making us.


Sorry, this is absurd.

A woman's eggs are already formed at birth. To say that knowledge in her brain changes the DNA in those eggs is just retarded.

Same with your sperm producing germ cells. There is no mechanism for them to encode memories from your brain.

The scientist you quoted is probably trying to raise study money from gullible people.

It doesn't surprise me at all that rats who are talented at running mazes give birth to baby rats that are similarly talented at running mazes. Think that one over for a second, and you'll see why that makes sense.

I agree in principle but we need to have higher standards of proof; rape should be a capital crime but a conviction requires hard physical evidence gathered at the exact time of rape. None of this sex regret shit months or years later, come forward at the time of the crime or fuck off.

As a parent of sons and a daughter, I'm fine with rape not being a capital crime. However, I do believe corporal punishment should be revived. If it was up to me, I would get rid of imprisonment almost entirely as a sentence, and replace it with a combination of forced labor, fines, execution, and public caning.

You make it sound as if a woman’s eggs are loaded like a magazine clip and not produced once a month and that men’s sperm are created in a specific quantity and never refilled.
Further research is required but it sounds promising from current studies, it just won’t happen in our lifetime but our children could benefit from it, if we study it further.
Not saying donate to this, just that some other rich plebs do or have your own children move towards biology research.
It is absurd yes, because it’s an unknown field.

>You make it sound as if a woman’s eggs are loaded like a magazine clip and not produced once a month
Because that's exactly how it happens. No new eggs are produced after birth. Google it, for Pete's sake, or ask your mom. Then go back and scold whoever it was that misled you.

Rape and false claims of rape need to be stamped out, so much damage has been done to gender relations over the misuse of the charge of rape. I don’t get how you being a parent changes your view on rape being a capital crime; teach your kids that rape/false rape claims are bad, if you don’t and they go up against the wall you are a failure of a parent. As for the your other point, as convicted criminals have proven to be a negative on society they should indeed spend their time being punished as a useful element. Have them build roads and other low skill public works, if they do a good job they be some time off their sentence, do a bad job and get time added on since now the road will need redone.

Do what Texas does, if you were caught and it is 100%, straight to the chair you go the next day. No wait.


The system is broken though. There's just too many cases where the wrong guy gets locked up on circumstantial evidence while the real murder remains free to rape murder and kill. A lot of times the prosecution will knowingly prosecute the wrong person rather than admit they or the police are somehow in the wrong.

>I don’t get how you being a parent changes your view on rape being a capital crime

It doesnt, I'm just anticipating the response "oh yeah, well if you had a daughter you'd want the death penalty for rapists"

Fix the system in ways you can really identify where it is broken, sure. But don't hold off on executing anyone until you've "fixed" the system, because it will never be truly fixed.