Coalburner breaks into bfs house and rapes him at machette point
Coalburner breaks into bfs house and rapes him at machette point
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>She then allegedly sat on the bed naked with the machete, ripped trim off a wall and urinated on the bed
>and urinated on the bed
That’s when I would have lost it and beaten the shit out of her.
>That’s when I would have lost it and eaten the shit out of her.
That colonialism!
>Samantha Mears
>topographic name for someone who lived by a pond, Old English mere. topographic name for someone who lived near a boundary, Old English (ge)m?re.
>Hurrr durrr sheez a jooooooooo
Fuck off, Muslim faggots.
Typical American beauty by the looks of it.
Jow Forums is always right meme flaggot
Plow the snow, get laid low.
I read yandere shit because this is literally my fetish... why wont a pretty girl threaten me with a knife?
that guy is white though
Except you’re objectively wrong here.
wh*Te w*men can't resist the BBC
the thing women are willing do for BBC
Judging by the skin tone, he’s probably paki, Indian, or possibly Irani
She din du nuffin she wuz malistead. Shed Neva hert nobudy.
yea if the pic related doesn't set your jewdar off, keep lurking nufag
That bitch has a kike looking face, you cucks.
I don't know if she's a kike or what, but she's ugly as shit.
>no indictment for rape
>because woman can't rape
every time
God I wish that were me
the guy doesn't have niggerhair.
it looks like a dusky white man or maybe
a fucking pajeet
Hot af.
You can tell by the hair he isn't black
This is a MGTOW issue less of a coalbruning issue
6 million litres...that nose knows.
probably a feather Indian if hes from great falls mt.i say this because im from mt.
i refuse to believe its a pajeet.
white women might be depraved, but they aren't all gone.
she sounds like a /b/ tier green text
>but they aren't all gone.
sorry raji, you have to go back
>but they aren't all gone.
t. Goldenberg
White trash crazy bitch rapes a nigger. And anyone cares about this why?
The dude looks Indian or Hispanic, his hair isnt nappy enough to be a nog
mosaic looks black or pajeet
pajeets are stealing your women, what are you going to do about it, wh*te boy?
okay, this is epic, she played the uno reverse card
Once women get a taste of the bbc, they get hooked for life, they would kill just to get another fix of tyrones bbc inside their white vagina.