Be part of US

>be part of US
>still not restored to normal almost a year after hurricane

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lmao worn't you niggers your own island nation before the U.S....literally only joined for Gibbs, well how bout this, pull your own nigger weight.

Do it yourself, getting free shit is not a right.

Porto shithole is us property that we don't care about.

Good thing you aren't independent, you guys can't run a functional government for shit.

They constantly refuse to legitimatly join the USA in full. Enjoy your independence, fucko.

>our economy is shot

Well? Why aren't you a gambling, legal prostitution, weed distribution vacation mecca, you dumb asses?

Perhaps the hurricane restored PR to its naturally-sustainable state.

Remember how you guys didnt want to join the us as a state? This is the result. Live with it spic.

>part of the us

lazy shiftless fat stupid ugly spic cockroaches lol

>live in Caribbean
>dont prepare for the inevitable
>continually elect corrupt spics who squander resources
worse than fucking dumbminicans

>don't pay federal taxes
>don't get federal help

seems logical to me.

non-whites aren't people

Remember that mayor that refused to dispense aid for political points and that trucker strike starting literally before the rain stopped falling?

>be Louisiana, a state
>not back to normal after more than a decade
Who would have thought damage from natural disasters doesn’t go away over night

I want to forcibly remove PR from territory status.

It's a sad truth but no one fucking cares.

It wasn't normal there before the hurricane, a degrading infrastructure and misspent funds, why would throwing money at it help bad organizational skills? You need leadership.

Dear Spain,
Please take them back. We are so sorry

>Be Puerto Rico
>Weather forecast calls for light rain
>It rains, lightly
>Infrastructure collapses
>Help please, White man
>White man helps
>Fucking Racist White man, Fuck you

Shit people, shit society.

Ideologues BTFO.

Thank your corrupt leadership for that, faggot. They stole your gibs and your aid.

Dear Porto Reeko,

America fucking hates you and wish you would disappear.

>>be part of US


Puerto Pobre should be gassed

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Go back to Mexico spic

This is what decades of dem mismanagement will do.

Pay taxes or gtfo

>pay taxes
"No taxation without representation"

Seems like the solution is for them to gtfo then.

We need PR as a 51st state like everyone needs to spend a million dollars on a rusty, broken down car to keep on their lawns

Puerto Ricans are useless.

Attached: Puerto Ricans.jpg (718x482, 75K)

Can we please just jettison this shothole. Why is it even part of the US?

>still not restored to normal
No, being a shithole has been normal operating for the island since forever.
The island should be bombed to rubble

>one year later.....
Still begging for handouts from Whitey?
Get fucked

PR isnt a state. Its a territory.
Fuck PR and all puerta rican trash

Fucking this, I have nothing against Puerto Rico, but either learn English and become a state, or go your own fucking way. Doing otherwise just fucks both of us over

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Its not part of the US, its a territory.
Ricans are trash and will never be allowed reps.

ayy gringitos if you dont help us were coming to florida to vote democrat and steal your girls

Considering it behooves PR to sandbag in-order to gain good press for more gibs and make the administration look worse, no shit. Even more rich is the evacuees are building a tent city in front of the GOP summit begging for free or reduced rate housing in a part of Florida where a lot of natives are struggling to afford housing themselves. They are intentionally living in tents rather then returning home and helping rebuild, think about that for a second.

Gringitos? Its gringos retard. You literally cant even say a coherent insult.

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>gibs me dat

There is no electricity there, post is fake and gay