Remember the darker the shadow, the brighter the light shines. We're gonna come for you nazis during midterms

Remember the darker the shadow, the brighter the light shines. We're gonna come for you nazis during midterms.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that the darkness is actually skin color.

The day of the rope draws nigh
I have plenty in my garage and a nice striong rooted tree in my yard
Only missing a commie swinging in the breeze

A priest quoting a witch... interesting

The thing is, my dear leftie, is that it's the dawn of a new era.

He is the great great great great nephew of Robert E Lee, and a BLM apologist. That's all you need to know to get an idea of who is he.

>children's book allusions intensify


Robert E Lee is right, dark times are ahead, God I can picture all the niggers now

Have libshits read anything other than Harry Potter?

oi fuk u m8

Wasted trips

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there never was a time when someone actually intellectual quoted a fictional character to comment on political happenings
not even Goethes Faust is used that way


How exactly does that quote make a single bit of sense in the context of that whatsoever, aside some democrat pig thinks it's "dark" his little activist supreme court judge isn't deciding donkey humpers and israeli lobbyists don't get as much legal protection or something?
Rev. Rob Lee needs to shut up a little longer and think before he posts some dumb crap that isn't relevant at all.

is she proud of reading those books?
max cringe

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>B-b-b-blue w-w-wave r-r-right guize?
We are laughing at you! We are laughing at you!

Shadows are from the light. So to sum up, you virtue signaling faggots brought this upon yourselves.

A reverend quoting the head master of a school of Witchcraft.

There is a special place in hell for those who hurt those in their care.

> checkmate nazis

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why is she a dystopian world?

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Harry Potter was a Snitch Grabber...he's one of us....again, it is the legend.

>hedonists advocating the difficult path
somehow I'm skeptical

I like the title "Harry Potter and the Grand Dragon" better.

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ah yes the great philosopher albus dumbledore. says a lot about your opponent in the upcoming civil war that they find their roots of wisdom in fantasy.

>reads children's fictional novels
>prepared for a bosnian style civil collapse

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We Trumpledore’s Army

They just Dumb

>35 yearold roastie
>looks like shes 55
>reads fantasy novels aimed at kids
>brags about it

...I hated the bastard, but he's a fucking 81 year old man who knows he's slowly dying and wants to be with his family. This should be a universally understandable sentiment to anyone human. It has nothing to do with what he's earned, it's an actual human right that never needing enforcing. Common sense.

They glorify fictional ancient wizards who fight like young men at age 200. Then scoff at the literal crippling realities actual old people grapple with daily. They're just weak, apparently. I'm pretty Darwinist about most people / society at large, but these androids are pitiless.

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So, a scalawag (traitor to the South), then.

>when they can only quote literal faggots

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To quote my grandfather on such women: "It ain't the years, it's the mileage you gotta worry about."

every time liberals quote harry potter we should spam the shit with replies quoting fictional characters to emphasize how stupid they look

He's a reverend aka pr*testantshit bullshit, don't bring Catholicism into this

What is Dumbledore?

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I feel like the easy thing would be to just let the progs take over, get stoned, jack off to porn, play video games, and let the progs do whatever they want with our civilization. That would be the EASY thing to do.

A wizard gets trips precisely when he means to.

you mean your parent's garage, trumpcuck? i can picture your girly little frame typing that out and it gives me a good laugh. sad.

They like to larp that they've read 1984 if that counts, they themselves would definitely count it.

Reminder that "Muggle" is the Wizarding term for "nigger."
Reminder that JK Rowling tried to retcon Hermione into being black, but millions of her own printed books show she's a liar.
Reminder that Rowling's attempts to write after Harry Potter were duds, causing her to sink deeper and deeper into identity politics to stay relevant.
Reminder that "wizard" and "witch" are the only two words to describe magical people by gender, and there are no non-binary terms in the wizarding world.
Reminder this cunt is a snotty, lying opportunist who mutilated Tolkien.

> something about Harry Potter

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Daily reminder to not lose hope, even though the orc hordes of Mordor are vast the spirit of Man is stronger.

>Reminder this cunt is a snotty, lying opportunist who mutilated Tolkien.
nah i have to say though that the first 3 books were original and cute somehow for kids
ofcourse the "fight the nazi" theme towards the end was so stupid and cliche

Doing god's work user

.>Reminder that "wizard" and "witch" are the only two words to describe magical people by gender, and there are no non-binary terms in the wizarding world.
Honestly we should meme this to cause infighting and see if Rowling descends further into idiocy. It would also be a great way to turn her fans against her.

fuck you niggers for not saging these fucking 1 post by this ID slide threads


>c*thocucks have a monopoly on priests
lol no

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>quoting children’s books in political discourse
>somehow think that this kind of argument will turn the tide

so? Trump would still be president and he can still appoint the justice

If anything it's nice to see someone in a potentially lifelong political position actually retire rather than croak in office


actually only english, because in german a "hexe" is the female "witch"
and a male "witch" is a "Hexenmeister" /"Witch-master"/ which makes the whole thing so much more oppressing

The first notions of "magic" in medieval times were found in germany btw, so they have the saying in this

>We're going to come for you nazis.

You frequently do, it's how you get off.

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>reads children’s books
>cant even string together a single sentence

reminder that if hermoine is allegedly a nigger, as per rowling, than she staright up called hermoine a nigger multiple times in the books ie ; mudblood

>>Reverend wants to give people a message of courage and hope
>>decides to use a quotation to achieve this
>>goes through books in his study to find just the right one
>>Bible lying right there
>>Chooses young adult novel about a boy wizard attending an occult school

MFW the absolute state of religion today

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