Liberal here.. I can barely type right now but this needs to be said

I’m in tears as I type this. My girlfriend and I’ve been crying most of the night.. Alt righters, listen to me.. I was too young to vote for Obama in 2008, but even as a kid I felt the energy and potential for change that rallied so many diverse people across the country.. Then under his administration, marriage equality and healthcare for all become a reality, and the future just seemed so bright, so much more friendly and tolerating..

Then you and this man appeared.. Overnight it’s as if the country went dark. Everyone hates homosexuals now, calling them sjw’s and snowflakes for simply being openly gay. Minorities live in fear of being deported or arrested/killed by police. Muslims can’t even enter the country — everyone has been subjugated and dispossessed of freedom and hope except for white males. Is this what you wanted? There’s no place in Trump’s America for people who are different, people like me..

After this Supreme Court fiasco yesterday I see the writing on the wall and I’m beside myself on whether I even want to live.. I’m asking you, as a human being, please stop.. Give love a chance.. We’re heading for straight up fascism and I’m terrified.

Trump is Hitler.. You’re giving power to Adolf Hitler.. Consider your actions because once the genie is out of the bottle there is no going back..

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ignore flaggots

Kill yourself already.

is it even bait at this point

trying too hard

tits or gtfo

Shoo shoo evil Jew!

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We've resurrected Hitler, but now watch us clone him a thousand times, cunt.

>1 post by this ID
This is now a redpill thread

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Seriously, kill yourself faggot.

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