They are non degenerate and the women are submissive.
Why aren't we jehovah's witnesses? Someone redpill me on why they are good or bad
They are non degenerate and the women are submissive.
Why aren't we jehovah's witnesses? Someone redpill me on why they are good or bad
Other urls found in this thread:
They disavow the Trinity, they reject the divinity of Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They took this to such an extreme that they rewrote their own version of the Bible that wildly differs than any version of the Gospel ever found. If you're Christian you always welcome the chance to save a lost soul when these pairs knock on your door...the elder is almost always a lost cause, but the younger mentor should be your only focus. There are many Gospel passages that show the divinity of Christ, concentrate on simply reading these scriptures while pointing out that their Bible is a twisted abomination. Most elders will pick up on your attempt, but if there is even a sliver of the Holy Spirit in the young one you will have planted the seed that may save him from a fiery hell.
Should I leave my millennial church to enter a Brooklyn-based fundamentalist association?
If they are coming to your house. Watch this and be prepared for them.
This video will show you how to refute them with their own Bible. Their Bible is HEAVILY rewritten.
They believe Jesus is not God.
Properly following the Bible allows for your wife and women to be submissive, and for you and other Bible-following Christians to be non-degenerate. Just because some other group is, doesn't mean they're right on how to go to heaven.
Basically what this guy said, and much more. They deny hell exists too. Want to stump a JW? Ask them why they teach that only 144,000 "Jehovah's Witnesses" (Christians tribes of Israel, in reality) go to heaven, when in the same chapters the 144,000 are mentioned it talks about a great multitude in heaven already and more people to come in heaven. They start stuttering, etc. Also, don't let them pull one over on you by reading from a non-KJV Bible.
Also, reminder that you are not going to heaven unless you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins.
>Jehova's witness knocks on door
>look at them through window then open the door
>ask them why they don't believe in windows
>they can't answer me
Although the Holy Spirit doesn't exist in a sliver in individuals. He's either there in a regenerate person or not.
They try to clean the Bible of Catholic paganism like the Trinity, but are ruled by their watchtower society. Their services are boring as fuck. The ones I've met are knowledgeable about a lot more than most Protestants or Catholics.
For a moment I thought this was Richard Spencer.
Annoying as fuck, they proselytize everywhere, I just want to be left alone.
You are an idiot and a heretic. Catholic priests literally put the Bible together, and the Gospels affirm the Trinity.
>They try to clean the Bible of Catholic paganism like the Trinity
So was Jesus God ?
They are pretty based
What do you mean by "in a sliver in individuals"? And you mean that a person has to appear regenerate outwardly or else the Holy Spirit isn't in them? What about the fact that they are still in sinful flesh, as even Paul in Romans 7 teaches? Do not get me wrong, a person who has zero conviction for sin and zero regard for God's laws isn't saved, but a Christian who happens to relapse into the flesh and its desires isn't not saved simply because they still live in the flesh until they put on the incorruptible body given to them in heaven/at the resurrection. I'm not asking to be antagonistic; I'm purely interested in your theological view, particularly what you meant by the sliver part.
they write down every name and address.
they spie on you.
tell them about "their kind." and you'll see.
they'll never come back.
they keep records on all of it..
probably wired too.
the more u know. :D
>that flag
>not Catholic
Catholics are unsaved retards for the most part, but where on earth do you get the idea that the trinity doesn't exist? It's mentioned tens of times in the New Testament alone. These three are one.
You are the heretic.
Jesus is God
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1.)
“Thomas answered and said to him: My Lord, and my God” (John 20:28).
“Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am” (John 8:58).
“I am” is the very name that God gave to Himself when He appeared to Moses in the burning bush to indicate that He is the eternal, uncreated supreme being. When Jesus said this of Himself, He was clearly indicating that He is God. This is why the Jews “took up stones” to kill Jesus (John 8:59). The prophecy of Isaias 9:6, which is clearly about Jesus, also proves that Jesus is God:
“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace.” (Isaias 9:6)
One of our personal favorites on this point, but which is often overlooked, is Acts 3:15. Referring to how the Jews preferred the murdered Barabbas to Jesus and had Jesus crucified, St. Peter says:
“But the author of life you killed…” (Acts 3:15)
The author of life Jesus is God. Thus, Jesus is God. Another passage is found in Apocalypse chapter 1:
“And in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, one like to the Son of man… And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: Fear not. I am the First and the Last, and behold I am living forever and ever…” (Apoc. 1)
Some people are unaware that God describes Himself as “the first and the last” in the Old Testament.
“I the Lord, I am the first and the last” (Isaias 41:4).
You wish you knew what the Trinity really was don't you Christfag? I know. But you wouldn't accept it if I told you. You would just scream it's "Satanic". If you read the ancient tablets your own bible is based on you would easily know what 99% of Christian Priests don't.
“You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
Notice that Jesus, commenting on the words and commandment of God Himself in Exodus 20:14, clearly puts His own declaration on the same level: You have heard that God has said, BUT I SAY, says Jesus. This way of speaking shows Jesus is God.
Another interesting passage comes in Galatians.
“Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead…” (Galatians 1:1)
Since Paul did not become an apostle by men or of man, but by Jesus Christ, the obvious implication is that Jesus Christ is not just a man. He is also God.
And just so you know, what you call Satan is originally God's brother. They are the same species of entity, and biological brothers, WITH PARENTS. Old gods who precede them. Sons of Anu.
Who would win if you locked a Mormon and a Witness in a cage?
From AD 108, St. Ignatius to the church at Ephesus: “Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus, to her who has been blessed in greatness through the fulness of God the Father, ordained before time to be always resulting in permanent glory, unchangeably united and chosen in true passion, by the will of the Father and of Jesus Christ, our God, to the church which is in Ephesus of Asia, worthy of felicitation: abundant greetings in Jesus Christ and in blameless joy.” (Ephesians 1)
This is from the first century
They are not Christians. They are a sect, a cult, with their own false teaching on top of that. They are not even allowed to celebrate Christmas and their kids are not allowed to get presents. The Jehovah's Witnesses are afraid of the cross. Look at their pictures, they paint Christ on a T, not a cross. They are FALSE and SATANIC.
Look up the cover up of rapists' names and the running fine they have for it on the US. Look up how a "quick build" works and why the JWs are a real estate racket. You should do the minimum of research before buying into an idea; retard.
Because practicing religion is a waste of time.
>Ask them why they teach that only 144,000 "Jehovah's Witnesses" (Christians tribes of Israel, in reality) go to heaven, when in the same chapters the 144,000 are mentioned it talks about a great multitude in heaven already and more people to come in heaven
The 144k go to double heaven. Normal people get normal heaven, which doesn't have that limitation.
All teachings of modern Christianity are false. Your religion is nothing like the original Christianity. YOU are a false Christian along with all sects you despise. I know more about Christianity than you or 95% of your priests, you are all led by lies. You fallen victim to your own Satan and don't even realize you have been led astray.
In a sense I'm more Christian than you because I follow more closely the Christianity of 1000+ years ago.
They recruit out of prisons and have tons of pedophiles in their ranks, no lie
All religion is utter faggotry. If you believe in any sort of universe creator or anything supernatural, you should remove yourself from the planet immediately for the greater good of humankind.
Jehova's witnesses, the ones who know their shit are redpilled as fuck. What they're doing amounts to refined cruelty. They get off on converts. If they get someone who doesn't buy into it but plays their game, good. If they get someone who is manipulated into their anti-life beliefs even better. Both are dom and sub relationships. They go home and jerk off to that shit. The stringent rules are there to make their dom-sub relationships and their transgressions more exciting.
t. micropenis
They wouldn't stop coming to my house even though I repeatedly told them to stop. I moved to a new house in the country and they still paid a visit. But then they stopped I guess too long of a drive.
If you need door to door salesmen to sell your religion, you are doing something wrong. Mormons and Yahweh's witnesses are silly.
Born and raised JW here
I can't speak much to the actual teachings because I like many young people have become disillusioned with organized religion. This is something I've noticed with Catholics, baptist, and Methodist. Young people just don't like religion as an organized entity. And the few that do have had some traumatic experiences to push them back into the fold.
JW does not recognize the trinity and I believe this is true, because western christianity was heavily influenced by Pagan Romans.
>Sol invictus celebrated late December
>Jesus celebrated late December
Which makes sense, so a lot of pagan worship is absent in Jehovah Witness. We also go off old testament more.
Please don't debate me on any of the theology, This is what I was told and as I said I don't even go to the kingdom hall anymore and haven't in many years, except Passover. I personally think the religion itself is sound.
What i will say is that socially I hated the JW congregation. It wasn't full on cult, but it was basically a gossip center for old people. Everyone would try to get up to leave but old people would stop you at the door holding everyone up from leaving. Who wants to be stuck in a church 45 minutes after the message was given?
And everyone knew everything about you, if you told one person something. This wouldn't be so bad if they can actually help you with something but they don't. No charity, no scholarships for members. There was an entire generation of JW's that were told not to go to college, and instead to pioneer. Those people who listened are 45+ now still working at fucking shoe stores. And the last time I went, way back in 2012, the whole congregation looked fucking miserable. Vs when i went to a black apostle church and everyone had brand new cars and E-classes. Which has its own issues, but if you can't use your church as a network to better your life, what's the point?
I'm a pseudo-jew now
Cause they're race mixers the amish and other insular groups are much better
Blood Transfusions.
They will let a baby die rather than give it a blood transfusion.
They're an offspring of a Masonic organization. Even Mormons are better than them. Stay the fuck away from them.
>These three are one
Not one time , have a red pill
>All religion is utter faggotry. If you believe in any sort of universe creator or anything supernatural, you should remove yourself from the planet immediately for the greater good of humankind.
All religions at their core are severely warped versions of the same ancient clay tablets that are over 6,000 years old. The ancient stone tablets tell the authentic origin of humanity in much greater detail than the watered down bible stories. The God christians worship was flesh and blood, 12 foot tall giant, and demanded blood sacrifices because humans were literally food for him. God and Lucifer (biological brothers) created mankind as slaves for both he and his brother by taking Apes and mutilating their DNA to make humans to mine gold for them.
Go read the Sumerian tablets.
Mormons are Masonic as fuck, however. Their secret temple ceremonies are a copy of Masonic lodge rituals, complete with secret words and shit for example.
Yeah, i had them come to my house and give me a bottle of pepsi they claimed was a free gift. When i told them i wasn't interested in hearing about their church they took the pepsi back and said it was only for people willing to listen. made me laugh, like a pepsi is going to convince me to join their cult.
The Trinity exists and is real, and Biblical, but Jesus is not God the Father. Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are God. That's why in some parts of Genesis, God refers to himself as "us".
>“Let us make man in our image” Genesis 1:26
This is just all nuts and he uses zero citations. Alot of what he says is just out right lies 100%. Not a differing opinion but just out right lieing.
Sounds like a conspiracy theorist.
He is 1000000x smarter than you and was killed for preaching truth.
Here is 40+ hours of knowledge for you to enjoy,
Is it JWs or Mormons who don't believe in race, just shekels, and are thus (((compromised)))?
I don't read the NKJV or any other heretic Bibles that were strategically altered. I read only the KJV. All you have to do is Google "KJV Mentions of the Trinity" and you will get tens of verses. Why did God--there is only one God--in Genesis say “Let us make man in our image" if he wasn't comprised of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all of which have existed since before the foundation of the world? Why does the NT mention Jesus as the Son, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit tens of times?
>Go read the Sumerian tablets.
The tablets where the Gods flooded the world because the People made to much noise ? vs the God who flooded the world for getting to evil .... Something we are heading for more and more every single day
the Sumerians after the Deluge became the Babylonians. All the Babylonian Gods are just Sumerian with different names. Thier priests said they could read the texts from before the deluge (Flood).
Now the head preist of the Temple of Ur was named Terah and he had a son..
Who's name was Abram. God cahnged his name to Abraham. The Father of the Hebrews.
Terah, Abram’s father left Ur (Gen 11:31) of the Chaldeans, a town in Iraq SE of Babylon, on his way with his family as immigrants to Canaan. While Terah did not make it out of Iraq, settling in Haran (Gen 11:31), Abram received his call from the heart of what is now Iraq. The Lord (YHWH) called Abram:
“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing… in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:1-4).
Abraham founded the Tribes of Isreal...
No pedos in the Catholic Church.
Lots of symbolism though.
This is Pope 6 audience hall. Why no pics of it in Vatican website.
Look at the cover blind fool . if the nkjv is satanic what the hell is the trinity doing on it
Mormons definitely believe in shekels, as you have to pay a fat percentage of your income as a "tithe" to the Mormon church.
>When i told them i wasn't interested in hearing about their church they took the pepsi back and said it was only for people willing to listen
Lol nobody wants pepsi
No it does not this is the only verse
King James Bible
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
>Pulpit Commentary
Verse 7. - For those who bear witness are three, and thus constitute full legal testimony (Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1). It will be assumed here, without discussion, that the remainder of this verse and the first clause of verse 8 are spurious. Words which are not contained in a single Greek uncial manuscript, nor in a single Greek cursive earlier than the fourteenth century (the two which contain the passage being evidently translated from the Vulgate), nor are quoted by a single Greek Father during the whole of the Trinitarian controversy, nor are found in any authority until late in the fifth century, cannot be genuine.
>For there are three that bear record in heaven,.... That is, that Jesus is the Son of God. The genuineness of this text has been called in question by some, because it is wanting in the Syriac version, as it also is in the Arabic and Ethiopic versions; and because the old Latin interpreter has it not; and it is not to be found in many Greek manuscripts; nor cited by many of the ancient fathers, even by such who wrote against the Arians, when it might have been of great service to them:
tell them you are an excommunicated JW, they will get the fuck outta there quickly and want nothing to do with you.
I had a set of each in my living room years ago. It was hysterical watching then try to save each other....politely...with dueling Bible passages.
I studied the Bible with JWs for years. Several of those years, while going through the conversion process to become Catholic.
This is pretty close to the truth concerning modern Christian Churches.
You're an utter retard. Just because you INFER that some design is something that a satanically-made Bible might have left intact/correct, doesn't nullify anything.
>Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
>He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
>He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
You are literally denying the Bible because of counterfeit Bibles. I thought I had seen everything.
I thought Mormons helped each other out, both financially and physically, so it sort of works itself out though. I get both keep calling to my house and leaving leaflets, but I can never remember which is pro-white and which isn't.
>clean dressed whites
They should be sheboons to make it more accurate and true to life. At the very least it is almost always women doing the door to door thing for some reason.
If Jesus wasn't the Son of God, who was He, exactly? What 1/10th of the Bible do you believe, and why is it more reliable than the other 9/10ths?
>ongoing sexual predator coverups for years
>You're an utter retard. Just because you INFER that some design is something that a satanically-made Bible might have left intact/correct, doesn't nullify anything.
Oh gee the bible we know and love has become satanic . and oh there is the trinity symbol we made up . oh am i waking up?..... Why did God keep a false verse in the kjv ? Did he want you to wake up ?
Thank God for peep holes
>Two faggots, one is holding a book
>Two fagots in suits, one is holding a book
>Checks flag
Is this a freaking strawman . i talk about the trinity God is not real . Jesus is the son of God he is God of creation not in equal power with the father , and the holyghost is not a person
Sure gnostic dummy
>Gnostic texts all secret
>Bible is all public texts
Why hide your satanic views?
Whats funny is you admittedly worship the dark one, the evil one. Even if what you say is true (its not) you still choose tbe evil of the 2. Why?
Religion sucks. Stay away.
I'm only posting this because I had personal experience. I almost got deeply involved with a girl until one day, randomly and seemingly out of nowhere, she says do you know who the JW are? I 'knew' but didn't know. Basically she asked me to join and when I said no, she vanished into thin air. It is a cult.
Being the curious individual I am, now heartbroken I needed to understand what happened. I was slightly awakening to the horrors of the world. This happened to fall in line with everything else. I dug in deep.
As before I said it's a cult. But even worse it is a cult that makes you work for free. Endless works to be done. Homework to study and answers to give in the weekly classes. If you investigate their past, you'll see many of their own doctrines and dates have changes, they used to do Christmas and other holidays when now they only celebrate "Jehovah's Witnesses commemorate Christ's death as a ransom or "propitiatory sacrifice" by observing the Lord's Evening Meal, or Memorial. They celebrate it once per year, noting that it was instituted on the Passover, an annual festival. They observe it on Nisan 14 according to the ancient Jewish luni-solar calendar." Now I wont start rambling into this sort of thing but just to point out how it has changed, and it has to do with the founder and early leaders. It's very similar to Mormon in this regard. Continuing the work people will go to New York where they have headquarters of the Watch Tower. They will work for free while they get room and board in these century old complexes, printing out works and propaganda for the WT. Interestingly back in 2007 they made a few large sales in real estate in NYC and moved to upper NY. This signaled right before the 2007 real estate bubble. I don't believe in coincidences and I believe they are a highly connected group. Just a smaller part of the bigger picture but when you think about being tax free for religion and all the benefits it carries you can start to understand.
What are these tablets?
Probably muh epic of gilgamesh
shit my id is literally shil
Stay the fuck off my property with your religious bullshit.
Not its no.
I like her face
They follow a guy who said some golden book turned up and that he had a new new testament and idiots believes him.
Who the fuck was that dumb?
Mine is fag though, lel.
Do you deny that there is a Holy Spirit?
Do you deny that Jesus is the Son of God the Father?
Who was God referring to, when he said "Let us make man in our image" in Genesis?
What was the Bible referring to in the (one of tens) time it said that Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh?
When Nebuchadnezzar saw the Son of God in the furnace in the Old Testament, who was he talking about?
What was the Bible meaning to say when it said that the Son, the Word, and the Father existed from before the foundation of the world?
Why does the Bible mention the Holy Spirit/Ghost tens of times?
Who is Jesus?
Who is the Father?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Who is God?
>like a pepsi is going to convince me to join their cult.
Lol reminds me of the time they were tying to make go to their church instead of my one. They wanted me to go to their church so they could show me off.
I rebuffed them multiple times
Then one summer afternoon
>They come to my house while pioneering
>Oh user meet [qt gurl] she goes to OUR congregation
>Almost died laughing when they left
JW's tried to lowkey bribe me with a girl
My grandmother, aunt and cousins are or were Jehovahs Witnesses.
They were all ok, I even went to come of the meetings with them growing up-but there are some right weirdos amongst them.
They also started shunning ex members who left, even telling parents to not see their kids again if they left.
The KJV is FAR from perfect.
Which KJV do you follow the 1611 KJV?
the story of God's brother, Jay Hover..
Cool story bro, to bad you wouldn't deliver.
>Do you deny that there is a Holy Spirit?
No this is nonsense the holy ghost is a power of God not a person , it can make people do miracles , you can not talk to the holyghost.
>Who was God referring to, when he said "Let us make man in our image" in Genesis?
Him and his son no one talks to the holyghost
This is all I can do for you m8:
I'm going off memory here but recently again I noticed the last few years they are making sales again in real estate. Time will tell if it is another coming downturn, and this is beside the point. Getting back to finish up my main reason for starting this. To tell you to look into the first founder. You'll find a lot of interesting things when you research Charles Taze Russell, the founder. It is unknown to me, only speculation. An educated guess maybe, I would say Freemasonic links started this group. Joseph Franklin Rutherford is just as important if not more important. These are the first two people, you can find out all you need to know from this. There is also this, 'Crisis of Conscience' a biographical book by Raymond Franz, a former member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
This should be enough information for anyone who can think for themselves to get a picture of what the JW are.
Manipulation of many for the benefit of few, is the correct answer.
>What was the Bible referring to in the (one of tens) time it said that Jesus is the Word and the Word became flesh?
Jesus his former form was also named word of the lord
>Redpill me on Jehovah's Witness
They're not allowed to engage in politics so if you convert you have to stop coming here
Also it's a nigger-majority religion, most white JWs are burning the coal
Are you speaking of the Catholics here?
That's Mormons
Anderson is a complete nut case and understands close to nothing about the bible.
It's easy mode Christianity.
It is tiresome you have not one argument for the triune God the catholics invented this is just nonsense
JW have abuse problems too, I knew an Ex-JW who said such.
Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant - Absolute Proof!
Pastor Anderson BLOWN OUT using his very own sermon! (22 mins)