>An Argentinian movie that Netflix offers called Desire is upsetting subscribers because of what looks like illegal content. Viewers on Facebook have shared a clip of the movie and are calling it outright child porn. In the opening scene, two little girls who look to be about seven and nine are playing "horse" on pillows. The older girl begins to obviously masturbate as the younger child watches. The camera even takes this scene into a close up of the child's face in slow motion, moving up and down and panting like a porn star. The scene is graphic and includes an orgasm. The film is directed by Diego (((Kaplan)))
>PJ Media reported it to the FBI and the Department of Justice, along with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which has launched an investigation.
this is just after the netflix issue with a childrens show promoting sexual acts towards kids.
the pedophiles are coming anons, theyll try to buy you off with a refund.
Gas em all. Unfortunately you can't get the DOJ to actually investigate real shit let alone something serious and obviously illegal
Xavier Moore
yeah this is the second time this has been outted, wonder how many other "movies" they have that are suspect, the childrens shows are all weird shit like the kinda stuff you find on youtube. with netflix and ted talks and other leftists promoting pedophilia we need to make some noise about this not just sit back and let kids get raped
Disgusting, expected it to be a jew producer and ofc it's a Kaplan. Netflix's excuse to streaming child porn, "we work to maintain the artistic integrity of our content creators and present their work unaltered."
Nolan King
>You: It isn't legal to stream that material, child pornography is not art. >Netflix Erika: But then you still can chose what shows to watch. Netflix is an on-demand service so members can choose what to watch based on detailed descriptions of the titles. >You:And just so you are aware the description of the movie that displays this illegal and disgusting material is this "She came to patch things up with her sister after years of rivalry, But she ended up wanting her sister's man." >Netflix Erika: Netflix is a global company, we make every effort to ensure that we provide the same experience for each of our members around the world. Because of this, we work to maintain the artistic integrity of our content creators and present their work unaltered. Some members may disagree with this approach.
>not having cancelled netflix when the blacked shows came on
Luis Phillips
Nicholas Gomez
idk, havent you noticed the quality of movies going way down, and now this is their second time involved in pedo type movies its my gfs account (((kaplan)))