Are they Homo Sapien? Or a mix with Homo Erectus?
Red pill me on the Aboriginals
They don’t look human.
they have denisovan dna, but mostly I think they are just archaic, as in they didnt evolve to become more sophisticated like Eurasians did, they just evolved to fuck around on the giant orange desert that is australia
Why do they look like south Indians?
They are known as Uglyusnonerectus
K-kill me...
They are not as violent as niggers.
They share a common ancestor.
that's only because they're high on various paints, inks/toners and/or petrol
Because they are basically lost poos that drifted off on an island to the west. It becomes more evident when you look at the half-castes.
and have a horrible metabolism even worse than spics and natives.
Bullshit they’re not violent. They literally eat their children.
They look better than somali's....
Both look equally subhuman in their own unique way.
wud u?
They are australian.
wait a second are these creatures real? I always thought they're a parody of some sort comparing orcs to humans. No way these are this black in reality.
They are exactly as they look. Nothing else to say.
Pure Australian.
Now i understand why half of your population is out in europe begging for money.
wtf they're actually real. Imagine how many generations need to be bleached to get all that black out
How's Sweden bro?
You tell me.
>Imagine how many generations need to be bleached to get all that black out
They are more recessive than you would think actually.
An australian m8 I had once told me that whites procreating with them often resulted in miscarries or other anomalies is this true?
Take a guess OP.
Anyone who doesn't believe that Erectus skull (which looks exactly like the Abbo skull) is real, check this link
they were isolated off for like 50k years
there is no way we are the same species, but no anthropologists are brave (or stupid) enough to admit it
If they were actually a different species they wouldn’t be able to procreate with other people.
The funny thing is there is less genetic distance between us and erectus than us and abos. This also holds true for subsaharns. Literally different sub species.
homo sapiens+neanderthals+denisovans+another yet unidentified species
+70,000 years of isolation in a fucking barren desert
the black disappears surprisingly quickly, more than groids
wrong, see coydog and others
Probably just all the alcohol and petrol they drink
Hybrids are literally the products of two different species, you absolute imbecile.
this desu
stop talking with gypsies pls.
Somalis at least look vaguely human and can be somewhat attractive. There are no attractive aborigines.
you make beautiful cars
How about you redpill yourself on Out Of Australia theory?
>There are no attractive aborigines.
ma voglio una romena molto carina disadattata al mio fianco
all of the "white" people in Australia are at least 5% abo. I can tell just by their facial structure.
go back to il filo
Evolution forgot about them and they're too primitive to make it in modern civilization without major assistance from the government. If I'm not mistaken, they have the highest rate of unemployment out of any minority living in a first world country. The Australian government constantly give them free shit, which they then sell to buy petrol to get high on. They're so stupid they had to make a PSA telling them not to sleep in the road.
Aborigines are actually the oldest humans on Earth, hence the name ab-originals.
Also many of the real ugly ones shown are at the tail end of decades of drug and inhalant abuse. They probably have had their nose and teeth knocked out by their "boyfriend /husband".
Bad genetics and rough living shows on the face.
1/8th abbo at most
You are the ultimate form of retardation if you think she is an aboriginal.
>the whitest abbo ever
would sniff petrol with her
They are both abnormal and original.
People around here don't like to post the more attractive ones.
that abbo is like 80% white that somali lady he posted is 100% somali lmao
>They don’t look human.
I don't consider them to be human. They're a species of ape which should have been wiped out when humans colonized Australia.
50k years of inbreeding
What about maori's? ive heard most of them are red pilled about too many asian immigrants comming to NZ, is that true??
ok :'(
Well she's like 60 in the pic
Who cares.. Leave them alone. I wish them the best.. Maybe someday we could even trade. Say, glasses for a carved novelty stick or something.
jesus christ, kek
how new are you?
meanwhile in the enlightened west, teenagers have to be told to stop eating detergent
It's probably related to skull size. Whites have bigger skulls than abos, so in a WM+ABOF union, if the birthing is natural, the ABOF would probably die because her baby's skull is too big for her vag. Modern technology can circumvent this, but if we still lived uncivilised, it wouldn't happen without major consequences.
I don't doubt it, but [citation needed] anyways. You can't go around making claims like that and saying "dude trust me lmao"
They are Homo sapiens, but anatomically modern humans are a distinct subspecies called Homo sapiens sapiens. Aboos are less evolved and more ape-like.
summer is here
Humans didn't evolve linearly. They're an entanglement of apes from all over, gradually transforming to something resembling a human.
America is still an experiment
Asian immigrants are good
isnt this somewhere in australia no?
Intergeneric hybrids are a thing. Sheep and goats can rarely produce viable offspring for example. Even interfamilial crosses between chickens and pheasants are possible.
>aboriginal phenotypes
audacious turds.
>what are half breeds
Dogs, coyotes, and wolves can breed. Polar bears and grizzly bears can breed. African bees and honeybees can breed. Cattle and bisons can breed. False killer whales and bottle-nose dolphins can breed.
Interspecies interbreeding has always happened and it wasn't different for humans. What defines "species" is a blurry line.
The abos are actually quite close to us from what I've read. The ones who are kind of far are the Sub-Saharans.
Big if true, I actually believe this, more or less. It has been confirmed modern humans aren't 100% sapiens and I guess it'll be the same for our predecessors before the Cro-magnons (if this hasn't been discovered yet lel)
The "from Africa" theory and "universe is 14 billion years old" is holistic banter, really no different from creationism - it stirs young people's imagination but the truth has a lot more dirt on.
It's true though. I once read about a study concerning relation between IQ and violent crime. The general tendency was expectedly that lower IQ meant more violence, but there was a certain threshold. Once you dipped below that, it got better again. I assume if you are legitimately retarded you are also more docile.