What caused this coincidence?
jews planned 9/11 for decades
it's a holiday for satanists, dummy
Didn't the Saudis do it? Why is the document establishing a direct Saudi link to 9/11 classified?
Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11
Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)
Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)
Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)
These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.
A very interesting detail: in an official 9/11 FBI report, Anne Lewin, the Jewish wife of Daniel Lewin, confided that when he boarded AAF11 on 9/11, he was wearing a metal "Swatch watch." In 2000, Lewin was photographed wearing this watch at his company office by photog Jason Grow. The watch is a retrodated match for the Hijacker model in the Irony Collection seen on Swatch's website
Its called crossing over timelines. Quantom entanglement. String theory.
1 in 365?
Slightly better. If they pick a holiday it's assumed to have dramatic import. It's like 1/280
if you have any background in making films or anything that uses props you would know
that they have blueprints and an ideal for this stuff
its called "treatment" in the biz
its a general outline
just like how both brothers became mtf and got castrated by the same dominatrix (you can find what she looks like on red carpet events they look like they have a dildo up their ass while she is smirking hentai is real)
And this is what you get for putting stuff like into your movie
No coincidence. Events were planned in quantum computers first. Events flowed out in time in all directions, showing up in a lot of places. Pic related is IBM mainframe (founded in 1911), what's at the center?
if you really want to see the full extent of damage this event caused:
it doesn't really matter
we needed an event like
it's like our opening of outlands
i get the same feeling about classic wow when i think about pre 9/11 america
It's referred to as Predictive Programming. Here's an example: youtube.com
So, it was the Swiss??
the Back to the future connection to 9/11 is insanely spooky
Yeah, man. These Jews are dastardly.
Looks like 61 to me.
It does matter because the general public is literally being mind controlled.
>I get the same feeling of classic wow when I think about pre 9/11 america
that sums it up perfectly. Classic WoW was heaven on earth. Happiest time of my life. Living in America pre-9/11 was also the happiest time of my life and heaven on earth.
I used to go with friends to the airport to get a ticket to fly down to southern california to spend a day at the beach. It would cost us $25 dollars each way ($50 bucks round trip). We would use our miles to rent a Mustang Convertible (free with all the miles) and have a great day, then fly home.
Imagine paying cash for a ticket, nobody asked for ID and we used to give fake names for our tickets. I often traveled as Mortimer Stinkflesh IV or Ghandi O'Brian. It was great to make up outrageous names and the people working there would look at us and say "that's your name huh?" and smile.
I once even traveled as Don Key Kong
The days of Classic WoW will never come again, nor will living in the paradise of America before 9-11. Makes me sad.
Saudi royal family are crypto-jews.
10 year anniversary + 1 day of GW Bush's New World Order Speech
Passports expire after 10 years
someone back then heard that speech and went out and got a passport the next day. They put that into the movie as an easteregg.
"synchronicity" and "timeline changes " are a psyop.
What really happens is (((they))) plan things and deliberately hide predictions for their plans in plain sight.
I think the whole Mandela Effect/Titor business is a long running psyop that will end in the elite claiming to have time manipulation technology and use it as a reason to get the masses to accept their global agenda
Time to watch this again.
It's kind of like when somebody mentions deus ex...
Uhh what? explain yourself please
there was a similar coincidence in 'the big lebowski'
>t. shareblue
you idiots lee outing yourselves by constantly attacking Jews
In the movie the Big Lewbowski, this happens (notice who is on the tv and the date on the check):
Also the Simpson and the X file had shit like this prior to 9/11
Not this. It's just predictive programming. Bread crumbs. That goes for Zemeckis as well.
Somebody please post the clip of the microbes on Smithers' skin shouting "FREEMASONS RUN THE COUNTRY!"
Notice in the Supertramp one the JUICE is on the twin towers
They helped a very large amount of people to see the cave. The jews turned them into trannies as punishment
lol is this the new jidf angle? I have to admit it's new and unique but I doubt it will get very far.
It was right in front of us all this time....
It was caused by time travellers from a future timeline to prevent an American civil war in their past. Unfortunately time travel doesn't work like that so they only possibly prevented a civil war in our timeline, not theirs.
9 = IX
11 = XI
we're gonna have a civil war tho
You arent taking the year into account
Yeah time travel is very unpredictable
Why didnt you mention the sandy hook map in batman the fire rises?
That says 1991. Not 2001
What happened on x files?
so both timelines get a civil war?
"The Lone Gunmen" spinoff - the first episode was about a govt plan to remote control airplanes into the world trade center so they could war profiteer from weapons sales.
dudem, it says Sept11
911 in one of ((their)) special numbers
I guess. They had theirs in a world without 9/11.
They orchestrated 9/11 to bring Americans closer together. They failed.
No. Wrong.
The movie is propaganda for (((Kabbalistic Gnosticism ))) and rebelling against God. Practitioners of Kabbalah have to be over a certain age and usually undergo some sort of spiritual castration process where they become feminine
also in enemy of the state
cia guys birthday
Just learned about the term "Synchronicity" a few days ago.
Around a month ago I was looking to junk my old car, so I called the guy, and he said he'll pick it up tomorrow and give me cash for it. I didn't ask how much, because frankly, I was just looking to get it towed and not have to deal with it anymore. That night I had a dream I went to a casino, won a hand of blackjack, and they started telling me about all the sides bets that I also won. The table then closed before I could get my winnings, but then a waitress came up to me, explained that she was sorry that the table was closed, but that the casino will give me what I approx. won. She handed me $120. I remember waking up and remembering the dream and thinking "heh, wouldn't it be something else if I got $120 for my car, I would be psychic or something".
You can guess what happened. The guy came later that day to tow my car, and after he loaded it up on the flatbed, he took out his wallet and said "how's $120?". I smiled and said sounds good to me.
Could it have been just a coincidence? Sure. But...It's just so unlikely. I've definitely had quite a few "Synchronicity" events in my life though.
Coincidences don't have causes. That why they are coincidences.
The odds of that date showing up are 1 in 365. It's really not that significant.
Although it should be obvious that the Jews have been planning 911 for decades. I mean look at these bills. Some of them were minted before the WTC was even built!
How many examples can you find of other landmarks being destroyed? :Like the Statue of Liberty or the Golden Gate Bridge?
It makes for a striking image
do NEVER mention the swiss AGAIN
The three main characters of The Big Lebowski, The Dude, Walter and Donny are all archetypes of what white males will become in the NWO.
Dude- drug addled burnout who know whats going on, but ineffectual
Walter- veteran, anger isses
Donny - faggot millenial
>Didn't the Saudis do it?
why dafuq would they print their plans on the dollar bills?
terrorists saw it and were like "lol false flag the ameriki haram gov't"
what the hell is this??
This is correct
to leaves clues that only the most intelligent people can find
These people are either welcomed into (((their))) ranks, or watched intensely if they are determined to be a risk
Everyone saw it (meme flag) and was like “wow what a faggot I hope he suck starts a shotgun”
it's old symbolism of the falling tower
>Donny - faggot millenial
check my 911
jews did this
More TBL red pills. One of my favorite films.
Quran predicted 911
Read text on the 11th part of the quran in chapter 9
Talks about falling buildings and skeptics of his existence.
South North Tower have 110 Flooors and 109
he doesn't get lebowski... how sad is that?
literally horns on his head
last digits 209= 19 x 11
Over it are 19
19 idiots into the two Towers
It's a laurel, retard
clearly evoking images of Caesar
what an elaborate plan
It would have been really funny if they fucked up and missed it by a day.
kubrick started making '2001' the same year as the towers were started going up
the millenium hilton, intentionally misspelled with 1 n instead of 2 (1 tower instead of 2)
exactly. selecting the day would be a coincidence in and of itself. the day and the year?? yeah fucking right
It´s not about the date of the towers collapse,
it´s a very important symbol than they conmemorated with the 9 11 autobombing.
do they pay you shills to post this schizophrenic bullshit everytime there is a legit discussion on 9/11? nobody even reads this shit
You should.
This people are very strict with the numbers.
Shill detected. You can’t silence truth.
This universe is an enormous joke we're playing on ourselves.
After all the "coincidences" I've seen. We're being fucked with on a cosmic scale.
We do it. We steer history with our actions and reactions but the way it's so damn persistence down to the number. As if it never mattered you were always a part of it. I just can't be fucked anymore I'll take on whatever comes.
You fucking wish you were that important..
>not knowing they're 2 sides of the same shekel
tower 1 stood for 33 years, until Atta, age 33, crashed into it
Where is the pron of the sweetie chick?
What does the $50 bill look like? You skipped one.
Give me the quick rundown. I don’t have 7 fucking hours to kill
Yeah but at least we’re getting WoW classic servers. Can’t get that shit irl...
The Back to The Future coincidences were pretty cool.
Samson pulled down the pillars to bury how many philistines?
Sept 11, 1991
Bush Sr. makes a speech proclaiming the beginning of, and I quote, “a new world order”.
Don’t think there’s a connection with Lebowski, but a 9/11 connection nonetheless!
>what caused this coincidence
>caused coincidence