These people aren't mentally well
ITT: Libshit SCOTUS meltdown
How do we know those are real people posting, and not paid shills.
Nice catch. How fitting.
Paid shills are all busy false flagging as alt-righters. Not even (((they))) are foolish enough to pay screeching retards like this.
>the left can't me-
As opposed to throwing shit on a restaurant that exercised thier right to refuse service based on sincerely held beliefs?
These people are just mental. Inventing their own worst case scenarios because current reality is not bad enough. I think they drift around in a fantasy and are unable ot actually process reality.
>Arrested for distributing a biological weapon.
what a well thought out and clearly level minded comment from an obvious mentally stable individual
kek awesome
>wanting to smear bodily fluids, scream, generally just act like a monkey sperging out
>because you didn't get your way
>it's a woman
completely unhinged
What is with these people and period blood? Why are they so obsessed with their genitals and bodily fluids? Are they young children? And how is smearing your cunt blood on concrete steps going to solve anything?
Freaks that somehow see the word abortion in the constitution.
There is no bottom to their depravity.
So brave. S o strong. Like wow. I'm in awe.
Everything leftist women are against they apparently solve by smearing it with period blood.
>gun violence?
>apply period blood
>tax cuts to the 1%
>smear period blood on it
>immigrant children detained?
>hit em with the ol period blood problem solver
we should save up our sperm and launch a trump bukkake on them haha
attempting to expose the supreme court to a host of STDs
SCOTUS more like SCROTUS am I right?
this is what I came to Jow Forums for
Trans women don't have periods so this is actually very transphobic.
Get ready boyos, crying about Roe v Wade is going to replace muh caged beanlets.
What is it with leftists and their obsession with smearing feces and/or menstrual blood as a form of protest? Kinda weird.
They're really pushing this Roe v Wade shit. How likely is it that it gets overturned? I highly fucking doubt it. Seems like fearmongering.
They’ve been crying that roe v wade is about to be overturned since the 80s and yet here we are handing out abortions like candy on Halloween
found the homo!
Its not getting overturned ever. No matter how much conservatives hurrangh and liberals fearmonger its the law of the land. Its here to stay.
>oh hell no
looks like someone is engaging in a little digital blackface
If she has here period she does not need roe v wade
Also it is not getting overturned.
It is illegal to not serve someone in that town based on political affiliation.
May God have mercy on their souls
Imagine what it must be like when even your larps aren't "radical".
These people are absolutely pathetic.
The most restrictive it will possibly get is some restrictions after the first trimester. Which was how it was sold to justices when they argued for it.
>we won’t be ripping babies apart and pulling them through a vacuum in pieces
>proceeds to do even worse shit
Why are childless liberal women so obsessed with their own vaginas?
No. It actually isn't. Lol.
this is assault and possibly sexual assault
the people who deserve to have this on them (Anita sarkeesian, that annoying white blonde NBC jew faggot with the forgettable name) deserve to have acid thrown on them,so compiling semen is rather pointless
There's no chance whatsoever it gets overturned. They're just trying to galvanize the left into voting since killing babies is so sacred to them.
>My sacred right to slaughter the niglets in my womb
Jow Forums = Russian psy-ops
Jow Forums incites in service to the Russian-Syrian-Chinese-NK-Iranian alliance
unaccountable gangster states who maintain strict control of internal media, including heavy-handed restrictions on internet content; Jow Forums expects enough young readers to be too dim to notice the disconnect, the profound contradiction therein
Jow Forums serves nations whose political class work hard to keep their citizens in a state of ignorance and servitude; while in the west, hard right wing cranks can run for office and propagandize on-line, and a 28 yo self-proclaied democratic socialist & Israel-critic just won a primary
Jow Forums serves nations who threaten their neighbours with aggressive acts
in their service, Jow Forums, every day, provides deceptive & fake news, and counterfactual historical revisionism and freakishly stupid CT's
in their service, Jow Forums, every day, sows confusion, strife, distrust, promotes callousness and dehumanization, agitates for mass violence
in their service, Jow Forums, every day, uses hypersexual imagery as bait
Jow Forums imagines itself to be hip and edgy, a courageous seeker of that which lies "behind the curtain"
image source:
Daily reminder Roe v. Wade was replaced by Planned Parenthood v. Casey over 20 years ago.
Jow Forums addicts admit that they feel they are being robbed of years of living well, while Jow Forums content creators vigorously pursue ever more addictive psychological tricks in order to ensnare especially youths with unfortunate family and educational experiences; addicts experience a loss of the sense of agency and individuality that is crucial for healthy societies
simultaneously not 2% of the articles & comments touch on real accomplishments in regard to learning, culture, family formation, healthy business activity = providing valuable goods and services
Time is drawing nearer: a society that wants a future can not tolerate extreme abuse of free speech rights -- dyscivilizational agitation -- in service of foreign adversaries
it will be necessary to shine a bright light on Jow Forums management, moderators, and avid posters
at the very least, to name & shame them, and to inflict upon them a well deserved social death
image source:
They are projecting what they would do with all that power. They can’t imagine that someone would gain that power and not abuse it
Absolutely primal
We need to be on extra red alert that they dont try to Weekend at Bernie's that nasty goblin Ginsberg. I mean granted, they would be hard pressed to find someone ugly enough (that bitch Ginsberg would make a train jump track and go down a dirt road). Unfortunately for us, the left has amongst their ranks, thousands and thousands of complete dogs to choose from.
She won’t be having period blood since she won’t be getting an abortion :^)
I'm a conservative lawyer and I think it's far more likely Roe gets overturned than other people let on.
If you read the subtext of recent decisions, there's been a strong willingness to overturn precedent if the original case was "poorly reasoned" even if it results in significant legal shifts.
The reasoning in Roe is absolute bullshit. The notion that a right to an abortion is hidden within the constitution is complete shit. It was a bunch of judicial acrobatics designed to arrive at a conclusion. Were someone like Gorsuch to be facing a Roe-like case he'd absolutely overturn it.
Roberts might puss out were a case to come forward, so you may need 6 "conservatives" to actually overturn Roe
>While political affiliation is a protected trait in the District, the same cannot be said for Lexington, Va., where Sanders visited the Red Hen. According to the ACLU, only the District, Seattle and the Virgin Islands specifically protect people from being refused service because of their political affiliation or ideology.
Womp womp
Isn't the constitution a "living document"?
If we don't like abortion in current year, can't we just get rid of it?
Yeah the court could just come up with whatever bullshit interpretation of the government interests that they want to, and thereby overcome their burden. Even at strict scrutiny, there is nothing really stopping any court from just throwing some slop down on the page, and then concluding that it was a compelling government interest or whatever etc.
Exactly, abortions will still be available and the restrictions placed on it will be lenient and reasonable. Yet they act like the most apocalyptic option is the biggest possibility.
This whole problem started in 63 when the CMHA or Community Mental Health Care Act was signed by JFK it was a bill encouraging the shut down of large state run institutions for the mentally ill and focused on community care. They more than likely released hundreds of thousands of mentally ill out into gen population and let them live and breed basically creating an army of braindead democrat voters for the party for years to come
That’s our next operation! Put me in the screen cap!
Does ejaculating inside a woman when their menstrual cycle is at 100% period increase the chance of fertility or decrease? I believe its increased conception but just fucking gross period blood. Disgusting.
T. Health class wasn't my strong suit.
pol got Donald elected which means all the countries you mentioned
get shit
>scream at trump through their vaginas
I'm not really even surprised.
Shit's enough to make a man go gay.
>the lady in Row v wade Keep her baby
Fire up the helicopter weve got some work to do
And not a single hardon was erected.
My take is, they can't inflict actual harm so they use shock and disgust as a substitute. At least they say they'll do it, lmao.
Considering the circular formation they're clearly cosplaying as the large hadron collider.
fuck off kid go back
what a cohencidence