When are you Americans going to stop being weak? Yet another shooting today because of your insanity! About time you hang those guns in like courageous men.
When are you Americans going to stop being weak...
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i love shooting desu
Rollins is a faggot
And so are you
What, you can't deflect bullets with your massive pectorals?
fucking faggot
>nigger with a shitty high point breaks into your house
>try to wrestle him, proving I’m the strongest
>get my fucking brains blown out when I could have easily grabbed my 12 gauge and blow his nigger ass out the door
Heh, at least I’m not weak
I like how they use old pictures.
When you get rid of the butter knife epidemic plaguing Britain, we will turn in the guns. Deal?
"That's why our politicans and military are protected by men with stern looks and liberal quotes."
This fucker thinks he's batman
I would have loved to have bullied Rollins
Less vans, don't get in them. Full of pedophiles.
This shitbag ran from an armed robber and got his friend killed
Nice slide thread faggot
Guns is what protects us, as Americans, from Government-performed genocide. Look at Europe, even in the last 100 years, millions of people living in the home of the enlightenment and the birthplace of democracy have been murdered by their own governments. Yet in America, with the execption of Native Indians (who were disarmed by democrats) no such event has ever taken place.
You have the mind of a child.
Your country sends people to jail for hate-speech.
Fuck off and literally kill yourself, scum.
I literally don’t care.
First it will be the guns, then knives, then forks and spoons. Don't believe me? Look at the UK.
Rollins is a big fan of bullying the weak, eh?
you're right, guns are tools of the weak. that's why they belong in the hands of the people, not just the powerful. holy fucking shit.
Tell that to the niggers who kill your people, not to the men who protect you against these criminals.
But you need to be pretty smart to build a gun, and even smarter to learn to shoot it, and even smarter still to learn what kind of bullet to use, how to maintain it, windage, practice, etc. Versus what? Mindlessly slamming your fist into something that has upset you? Rollins pls.
old broken down nigger
I would never delude myself into thinking I'm strong if I ever have to face the government because they turn tyrannical or an armed robber inside my home, so I'd rather keep my gun and my security within my reach, you can keep being 'strong' while I shoot you.
Be righteous like a nun and hand in that gun!
Guns should be banned
-male who loves to rape women
Replyall faggots, you’ll be fucked when dotr comes too, niggerlovers.
Rollins abandoned his friend after a couple niggers with GUNS ran up on them and shot the guy to death, so it looks like he's not strong enough mentally or physically to defeat a gun.
>my shitty gun will protect me from a swat team or the military
Yeah, that's what every American redneck thought until they got stomped by the might of the US government.
I don't take advice on matters that involve my freedom from bongs
>Doing something
Begone homo
Do you not remember that white nationalist that got head blown off by a sniper?
Bill Cooper the conspiracy theorist that got shot down by a swat team?
Guns sure helped them, buddy.
people like him don't own guns because they're not mentally strong enough, he'd blow his brains out in 24 hours. Have you ever heard Rollins talk for an extended period of time? Loose cannon is an understatement
>Have you ever heard Rollins talk for an extended period of time? Loose cannon is an understatement
Sounds like you're describing the average American male on this board.
>tfw tell Rollins to come at me
>blow his brains out with a .357
Hard to call it weak when it completely invalidates your physical strength nerd
>I compensate for my small Jewish mutilated penis with a gun, so I'm really tough!
Time for you to hand in that gun, you don't need it have fun!
>Give us your guns
>Or will kill you with guns
I'm sure it will work out.
Remove the flag mate i'm not buying it, how is it possible to type hang instead of hand. But if its a freudian slip i agree, you should hang yourself
Kek this guy gets it.
My point is that you'd never stop the government, your premise that "weez ned dem gunz to fight da big gubmint!" is wrong. If the government really wanted to hurt you, you'd get stomped.
>inb4 but the military and police are gun lovers!
The government only needs to paint you as a danger to the nation and the patriotism of the military/cops will kick in and you're dusted my friend.
Weak man with gun kills "strong man" without gun. Argument ended.
Just admit you want guns because they make you feel brave and all powerful. Admit you get an ego rush and it makes you feel alive, when otherwise you're a loser.
>I'm such a little bitch I can't fight you man to man
Henry Rollins is a faggot kike
But they won't. You can't change America by threatening violence.
So what the fuck do you care, then, if they'll be instantly smashed? Doesn't that solve your precious problem of "weak" men with guns, you goddamned pussy?
The 2A doesn't say "but only if some basedfag thinks you might win".
You either own yourself, or you don't.
Didn't Henry shoot and kill his roommate?
Good to see Rollins is ok with women having no means to defend themselves against much larger men trying to rape them
Henry Rollins is pro-rape. Spread the word
Who is he anyway?
>muh honor
Better alive than strong, Britain. Maybe one day you'll understand that before becoming majority Muslim. Oh wait, too late.
I bet he wished he had a gun when some alleged armed robbers shot and murdered his roommate
LOL How did those "brains" help his buddy that got smoked by niggers with guns?
>Maybe one day you'll understand that before becoming majority Muslim.
That's caused by a lack of values, one of those values is a lack of honour.
Not an argument. We're not required to have a reason you find acceptable, bongfag.
>be british
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through every speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my TV license because indocrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free healthcare
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I hve to pay for my e-mail license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to mansplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>my beheaded body is paraded through the streets while everyone chants "fuck white people"
>the Guardian and Telegraph says they're worried about my public execution because it might cause islamophobia
>be buried in Highgate cemetery
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month
Used to be lead "singer" of Black Flag. Full on commie jew who pretends to be white, but hates whites. He has a radio show on KCRW where he play 70s/80s punk and other crappy stuff he likes
So it's true, guns make you feel powerful, help you role play as a bad ass. Small penis syndrome much?
No, we are not getting rid of our guns. It is what keeps us safe from the threat of government tyranny. All one has to do is look at what the European Union has done with Article 13 to realize why an armed population is essential for liberty and freedom.
Christ, you guys are being condemned to prison over controversial social media posts.
>less bullets
isn't it "fewer"?
>be British
>wake up
>be superior to Americans
You're homeland is being invaded, you're gonna wish you had guns pretty soon.
With guns they legalized niggers and faggots, without guns they'll turn it into Venezuela, Brazil and South Africa rolled into one.
>No, we are not getting rid of our guns. It is what keeps us safe from the threat of government tyranny.
Ignore this proxy troll
When did this happen? Must've been in the 90s when I was in the Persian Gulf serving my (((country)))
Henry Rollins must fucking be Batman or something. The rest of us aren't so lucky and need to be ready just in case the dindus come kicking the door down at 4 am.
He's very sad.
Henry Rollins makes me cringe. He's like a teenager trapped in a 50 somethings body. Tries so hard to be edgy, just comes off gay.
Nice try, schlomo. We're keeping our guns because fuck you, and your demands for an acceptable reason.
We have the right to be armed. That's the only reason we will ever need.
Try not to be too scared by my big, scary revolver, strong guy.
Isn’t this the faggot who watched his friend get shot in the head then ran away like a bitch?
Actually no, I won't. You know why? Our invaders don't have guns. But guess what, your invaders make up almost 50% of your population... AND THEY ALL HAVE GUNS.
You will NEVER make America majority white, unless you want ENDLESS civil wars.
Meanwhile, a couple of thousand British soldiers could clear every non-white out in a week and get 5 daily breaks for a cup of tea and biscuits.
>Guns are tools of the weak
Wish I had pecks that could stop a bullet.
filter works great for ID's
Eh, Batman used guns. Even in that last movie.
You need your gun to not be scared of me, you coward.
hello shareblue
>Our invaders don't have guns
>Meanwhile, a couple of thousand British soldiers could clear every non-white out in a week
Them delusions tho
no u
I guess stronk men escape out the back door while their friend is being held at gunpoint by a dumb nigger? Good job, Henry.
I didn't see it.
Only response necessary to anything this faggot says
Can't handle the fact your gun rights have actually killed your nations demographics?
Dammit now I gotta find this story
Henry Rollins is a fucking retard who lives in what is doubtlessly an incredibly exclusive circle.
For the rest of us, there is no bodyguard or security to form a circle around us when Tyrone shuffles up behind us while we're using the ATM and "axes" us if we "gots a sekind" to "tok" to him.
It was weird. Like he had guns on the batmobile and flipped a bad guys car, dragged it for a bit, then used it to crush another car full of people.
You can't handle walking down your own streets in your native homeland because Sharia patrols rule the streets. FOREIGNERS are controlling YOU.
Go pay your tv license and go pray "at mosque"
Yep. Our founding fathers were weak folk. They should have politely asked Britain for independence instead.
The out numbered and the weak need a voice, happens to be the sound of a gun can talk over anything.
faggot op btfo
Henry Rollins has always been overcompensating. Reading "Our Band Could Be Your Life" makes it clear that he was a prissy high-maintenance bitch.
And Black Flag was much better before him. He doesn't deserve the attention of credit he gets. He just knows how to attention-whore.
*OR credit
Nailed it