They are looking for suitable husbands and want to have kids. They are experienced from countless relationships and due to their education level and success, they also are quite independent, so you don’t even need to guide them through life.
Why are young white men not pursuing successful women in their 30s
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>American and (((Israeli))) researchers
Fuck off with this slide thread shit kike, we're tired of stupid threads like this and, "HURR DURR WHY DO MILLENIALS RUIN THIS???"
because 20 year olds are infinitely hotter than 30 year olds
y no post link to article. y such a german cuck.
And there I thought the idea is to increase white race fertility. The worst white males can do is not have babies with these 30-something white women who want kids.
>Women take jobs that men used to have
>Can't find as many men with good jobs
white males get with white women. They both do it in their 20s. It's not like "30s" is some demographic that gets denied. Women in their 30s are women who dumped their men to sleep with someone else, repeat for over a decade.
> come there's no guys with a better job than me
adding that I fell for the uni meme, I got a fucking MBA, good job, good salary, own a seaview apartment in a major american city, go to the gym daily, have a few friends, I'm 34 and I fuck chicks between 21 and 25. Until I meet a 30+ who looks 20, and will remain fertile till 40, they're not even in my mind.
I like my partner devoted to me, her pussy tight, and her biological clock with actual time left.
However, should I need to hire a strong empowered sales rep, who will work from 8am to 9pm, with no social life, no kids, nothing, it will be one of these 30+ chicks.