How did things get this bad? Was Bill actually that good for white southerners and others in the white working class?
Tell me about Bill Clinton and the 1992 election
Based Texas
I remember the election, kids in elementary school used to watch debates and were encouraged to discuss politics as a backdrop to learn about civics and American history. Sounds pretty radical huh?
Clinton was very charismatic and confident, there really was no chance he was going to lose. As for his policies, he had quite a bit of bipartisan support throughout his career. Politics were barely newsworthy in the 90's, something nerds watched on C-span.
Three way race with Clinton getting 43% of the popular. If not for Ross Perot Bush senior would've have a second term.
Democrats realized they couldn't win elections unless they adopted the same stance as the Republicans as being "tough on crime".
and by "tough on crime" I mean shitting on blacks and hispanics
HW was a fucking disaster. Reagan also gave California away to the democrats
Wrong. Bush's approval rating was in the 30s on Election Day. In a two way race Clinton would still have won, but the Electoral College margin wouldn't have been nearly as robust.
HW Bush lost the election more than Clinton won it, same with 1996.
>Reagan also gave California away to the democrats
He did a pretty decent job as president other than this. I really can't forgive him for it.