ANOTHER mass shooting and still the NRA and gun owners will fight against common sense gun reform. This has to stop. My children should not have to be afraid of getting shot at school because some gun obsessed psychopath is hiding behind the Constitution and refusing to give up his weapons for the greater good of this nation.
This will keep happening unless all of you on the right stop clinging to some outdated and misinterpreted document and start having meaningful conversations about what can be done to solve the gun issue.
Cracking down on guns won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Doing what is right isn't always easy, but it's always right.
Gun grabbers will be shot. Gun confiscators will be shot. PROPOSERS OF GUN CONTROL OF ANY FORM WILL BE FUCKING SHOT! THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.
Daniel Wood
Thomas Sullivan
Jackson Powell
Speaking of muskets, any of you fine lads know what was the first firearm capable of hitting a target reliably at 200 meters? I know the French and German rifles from the Franco-Prussian war could but I wonder if there was something else earlier
Asher Mitchell
This happened in a gun free zone. That is against the law. How can that be?
>ANOTHER mass shooting and still the NRA and gun owners will fight against common sense gun reform What do you mean by "common sense gun reform"?
>My children should not have to be afraid of getting shot at school because some gun obsessed psychopath is hiding behind the Constitution and refusing to give up his weapons for the greater good of this nation. What hard evidence supports your assertion that giving up our weapons will be for the "greater good" of this nation?
>This will keep happening unless all of you on the right stop clinging to some outdated and misinterpreted document and start having meaningful conversations about what can be done to solve the gun issue. What makes you think only people on the "right" believe in the individual right to bear arms? In what way is the 2nd amendment outdated and misinterpreted? What do you mean by the "gun issue"? Are you talking about mass shootings or all gun related violence? What do you propose would solve this issue?
Logan Foster
Alright, contact me when the military goes back to using muskets.
Brayden Gutierrez
I'm afraid of your contempt for my country. All the people in your meme are liberals - yes, even the guy that killed black people. Those that hate liberty are a threat to my country so I will not be giving you my guns because you hire or encourage somebody to shoot people. In fact you will make me get more. I await revenge for 6-14-17.
Honestly, you don't sound stable enough to own guns. See, this is the part that is scary about the second amendment.
Why would I do that when it is much easier to be active politically? Unlike you, I love this country and want to see your kind brought to justice for allowing mass shootings to happen every day.
Easton Cox
Here's your 'Freedom of the Press', twat. Times have changed?
That the best you can do? Question my patriotism? Funny guy you are.
Isaac Moore
>What don't you understand? How many levels of irony you're currently on
James King
Are there some kind of 'occupy republicans' memelets or something, because I'll tend to disagree with everything these insufferable propaganda things say just because they exist.
Noah Turner
Cool. I'll use that one to put holes in your chest.
Robert Ortiz
Neither did the internet, automated printers, phones or radio yet the 1st Amendment applies to them.
Liam Reed
The only person with gun control today was the shooter. That’s why it was a massacre, dumbass !
You're right, the Second Amendment is meant to apply to state of the art arms. Going on this logic we should actually all have a stash of claymores, RPG's, and predator drones. It's actually supposed to be arms MORE powerful than what the military has.
But given how times have changed, it's probably best just to say semi automatic assault rifles and high powered sniper rifles are the limit.
Nathaniel Murphy
They've corrupted and gutted all 10.
Henry Flores
Illustrates a point though even if it does open up other cans of worms.
Jace Evans
Have you ever considered that your bigoted views are outdated? If a man owns a gun in the privacy of his own home what does it have to do with you? Sclopetiphobes aren't welcome in modern society nor is anyone who would deny a man to have his gun. Even if a man was to marry his gun it still isn't something that you get to have a say in. Next you'll say women are dangerous and should be banned. It's 2018. Get your act together you facist twat.
Adam Ross
Exaclty. If there were laws in effect to prevent that shooter from getting that gun then this would have never happened.
NOT the right of the MILITIA The right of the PEOPLE
Jaxon Carter
Yes but the entire U.S. does not so the shooter can go to some shithole pro-gun state like Georgia and get his weapons.
They were talking about the PEOPLE in the MILITIA, not the people in general.
Ryder Evans
Even if it WAS only the militia...
10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
So damn near everyone is in the militia.
Logan Harris
Nobody stuffed a kid in that roastie gash of yours.
Isaiah Sullivan
MD has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. All firearms are required by law to be registered. Self defense is against the law in MD as well. If someone breaks into your home you are required to go to the furtherest corner of your home before you can act.
Joseph Brown
Eat a dick, nigger.
Chase Rivera
This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Wyatt Jackson
>common sense gun reform
Will trade for "common sense" voting requirements.
Joseph Campbell
keep supporting human slavery and get shot like the fucking piece of shit you are. You are lucky we dont torture you before we put your lights out.
Yet another unstable, unhinged gun owner. What a surprise.
At one time they were. Back in 1776. Now we have a standing military so there is no longer a militia.
Charles Long
>Hey, stupid, this kind of gun did not exist back then. What don't you understand? So? Cannon did, and so did privately owned warships.
Logan Richardson
>inb4 "the government has missiles so you shouldnt have guns" >and then inb4 "we lost vietnam" cringe
Asher Foster
Jaxson Ross
Please kill yourself.
Lucas White
Wrong. 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes is still a law on the books.The militia still exists and like it or not it probably includes you too.
Matthew Hernandez
Wrong. Any able body man 17-45 is considered a part of the unorganized militia. You can be legally drafted and we can use your cucked ass as a meatshield and Twitter won't save you.
Joseph Sanders
So you agree we can have muskets(which will fuck someone up WAY more than an AR), cannons, and warships?
Parker Cooper
Jack Perez
Because this was a white guy pol is deflecting all over the place.
Christian Garcia
Only as long as you are a part of the milita(which we no longer have).
It's simple, all you have to do is turn them in. That's literally it. Most places will even buy them back from you for $100 per gun.
Kayden Scott
Your children are not my problem, and if you have the shit judgement to let the state raise them for 12 years in what is objectively some of the shittiest education in the first world, then you don't really care about them that much either.
Why should I be punished just becuase you want free state daycare in a shitty urban indoctrination institution?
If there's a civil war i'm buying more guns, but i suggest you don't
Hunter Edwards
that's the thing, i'm going to have guns no matter what some jew in a robe thinks
Bentley Bell
i am actualy surprised they put nonwhites in that pic.
William Price
Don't reply to spam, it sure is cohencidental that there was a shooting in a Democrat controlled city in a reliably blue state after Trump had such a good week.
Parker Barnes
Would you prefer it if they were taken from you without compensation?
Didn't think so.
Christian Jenkins
You don't seem to understand our Constitution. They very document that allows you the freedom to talk about taking my rights away. Oh, the irony.
Cooper Perez
every single one of them was an american citizen covered by the constitution,.
Isaac Smith
>1 post by this ID STOP REPLYING
Julian Ross
just duct tape some pvc pipe to a piece of wood with an endcap and a springloaded nail