How do we fix Zoomers?
They don't even know blockbuster carpet smells like or the feelings of going there.
Are we losing humanity?
How do we fix Zoomers?
They don't even know blockbuster carpet smells like or the feelings of going there.
Are we losing humanity?
Zoomer culture is just touchscreens and fortnite memes. Man, how do we fix this gigantic mistake of where society is going?
A'yo, a'yo it's Loc baby
A'yo it's Loc baby
It's Loc, it's Loc, no joke, no joke!
I'm the man in the place, punch you in the face, a gun in my waist!
It's Loc baby, a'yo w'sup Loc?
It's Loc, no joke, it's Loc, it's Loc, no joke, no!
Let me see you wave yo' hands in da' air!
And wave em' like you just don't care!
Let me, hear ye say
Loc is the man
Loc is the man
It's Loc baby!
Destroy smartphones.
it's all destroyed now
Zoomer named "Kylie", is a guy and totally offended by the word faggot.
>20 years old
>got rich on crypto
>retired now
>"it's easy bro"
What THE FUCK is that word you just made up? What does it mean? Its FUCKING STUPID to start a thread about something you just made up and expect anyone to know what THE FUCK you're talking about.
Zoomer is the generation after blockbuster.
they are named Skylie and hate people who say faggot.
So, people who wernt around for blockbuster, who are called skylie and who are offended by faggot? Thats a pretty small demographic
The binding cultural retail store of blockbuster is what unites all non-zoomers.
>Tfw 5 year old zoomer shouting "Build the wall" is more politically astute than 70 year old Boomer parents who get their news from Cooperfag and the maddyke.
Zoomers are the ones offended by saying retard or faggot.
They all eat tidepods and are virgins.
What if someone thinks (or assumes) Im gay tho? Like, its pretty offensive to think that I would want another mans dick in my ass
This kills the zoomer.
Oh, so genZ then
>that 30 year old boomer who has nostalgia for going to the netflix store to get a VHS disk movie
no one cares, gramps
This meme is funnier than the 30yo Boomer one. Well done sir
replace genz with Zoomer and it's 10/10
Wait, are you telling me that the next generation coming up doesn't know what Blockbuster late fees are like, even when your mom promised you that she dropped the N-64 version of Golden Eye into the outdoor "drop box" before midnight today ???
Zoomer Culture is homogenous between all ages now. From 5 to 25 it's just the same memes.
They don't even have goths, punks, etc anymore. It's just twinstabook memes.
How is dabbing not covert Obama sieg heiling?
Zoomers have already failed as a generation by failing to come up with their own internet board culture like boomers gen x and millennials did, probably because of their 26% faces
>Are we losing humanity?
God I hope so
Internet ruins culture
Every "hip" meme that nigs come up with is said by 10 year old white kids. "I fuck with that" is used by 50 year old jews and 8 year olds a week after a black person says it in the hood.
Look at dabbing.
Culture is at an all time low worldwide.
Mandatory testosterone injections and only allowed to sit for 3 hours a day. No electronics. Physical altercations between men are made legal as long as no weapons are involved.
>Internet ruins culture
Pretty sure Jews were around before the internet user.
Fuck is zoomer?
I loved my job there as a teen. My gf worked in the movie theatre at the time too. Ahhhh, memories.
Gen Z Boomer
I think we need an amish model. They pick and choose technology based on what improves their lives.
We need micro-societies that don't connect to bigger shit but can still take advantage of some technological benefits.
The unfettered move to world tech is basically letting facebook/youtube control culture.
Not saying this is different than 4 tv channels, but we need something different. While there are ways out of the mainstream culture and people do diverge it's becoming more sweeping.
never been inside a blockbuster/video rental.
zoom zoom, zoomer
Unironically the best post I read all week.
Something to give back masculinity to men. Anything. It's so depressing to watch them stuck in a perpetual victim mindset like a woman.
What do we do when Zoomers outlaw the words faggot and retard?
If you don't know, you probably are one.
Half of this place is GenZ and GenX
Zoomers have never seen a blockbuster aisle
>Starts vacuum
>Opens a can of Diet Coke
>Takes a sip
>Gets vacuum stuck on a loose thread
>"You better get up and help your father!"
It's mostly gen Y. Millens will rule the White Race and will have stem cells to keep us ruling as X and Z are fucking cucks.
What the fuck is a zoomer?
name for Gen Z and those who haven't been in a blockbuster.
Zoomer just sounds better.
I'm Gen Z and I remember going to Hollywood Video, does that count?
I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, Micheal.
>these little faggot 90's kids with their blockbuster memes
Having to put up with you My Llennial Ponies is torture. But since I'm part of the Xilent Generation I'll have to endure.
ask a previous blockbuster employee anything.
They were excellent to employees in my experience. 401k shit, insurance, full pay for everything including overtime, you got to watch rental movies before actual physical release (provided you returned them before release date), free rentals for unlimited time spans (cry more gamers), and yes, talking about moves and games was part of the job.
>oy vey we must divide and conquer these troublesome goyim!
Zoomers are mostly non whites, they should be first in the oven
>please rewind
Zoomers will never know this level of kindness
>that 46 year old zoomer who watches movies on his phone
>not getting a divx tape
are you even trying?
>dumb 85 IQ Zoomers aren't capable of instantly determining that zoomer is an intuitive combination of gen z and boomer
Maybe you fucks should stop playing Fortnite in class and actually pay attention.
>is an intuitive combination of gen z and boomer
maybe in the islamic state of the united kingdom of cucks
I agree with this completely.
My brother got married and the thing that stuck with me about the whole affair is how his now wife was upset because her wedding wasn't going to be like the ones on Pinterest
Post things Zoomers will never know:
>the dial-up sound
>video taping Saturday morning cartoons
>151 Pokemon
>wholesome white values
yeah TV did just as much to destroy culture but over a longer period of time
the internet created a culture dissolving singularity
>the plastic case things came in
>being able to tell your customers to fuck off because they were being cunts, and your boss would laugh and give you an extra shift/day off depending on what you wanted
>Having a good boss
>My Llennial Ponies
>superheroes being a niche interest
>Y2K hysteria
>large groups of neighborhood kids playing tag or riding bikes
>working up the nerve to ask a girl for her phone number
>passing notes in class
>the fuckin macarena
>plastic lightsabers for 20$ and D batteries
>Orbitz drink craze
>chinese football
This is the weirdest way for Literally Shaking propaganda distributors to try and wedge the generations before civil war 2 starts.
You fucking shills do realize this is a method of bonding, right?
If one of use remembers something the other doesn't, explanations have to occur. then, "oh, yeah, I DO remember that!" or "shit son, I'm sorry you lost that."
Multiply this times everything you fuckers have made us lose.
shut the fuck up
good point
You ok? Back hurt?