Italy Yes!

Attached: F4DDBF4C-4520-4501-BEFE-6A4862D8F42A.jpg (640x804, 160K)

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Salvini is a hero

what are Italian boomstick laws anyway? My guess is average western yurop: only for hunting or shooting at range if you are member of some gun club. But I really dunno

Italy is home to the world's oldest arms manufacturer, Beretta. It's only right they should be well armed.

Bring on the M12s!
>I want one so bad

Attached: Beretta M12.jpg (736x525, 93K)


Italian scatterguns are sexy as fug

many of them were shit tho
>9mm gun designed to shoot down planes

Attached: cuck gun.jpg (800x800, 33K)

>italy yes
it should be italy no, since this is not a cucked thing. fucking newfag

That's enough to take down a shitty biplane tho

The march of rome only had thirty thousand people marching in it. You can do better now, itally, you have gunz