/esg/ Ethnostate General



Thread for discussion of a white ethnostate, a homeland to be carved out for the hardworking white man.

Discuss the possibility of said ethnostate here, and how it should be run?

What type of government would we have?

What laws should be set in place?

My personal opinion is that all white children of the future must have a home away from the toxic cultures of the other races, and a good work ethic and a set of important skills must be instilled into them.
Laziness and slacker mentality will bring about a downfall, and an exercise regimen should be highly encouraged to keep us prepared for any attacks on our way of life.
(Goldblattsteins, Negroids, Beans, The Government, Commies.)

Oregon, Washington, Idaho (NWF)

- Mobilize our people
- Contact groups like NWF
- Donate to the project (building supplies, food, tools, etc)
- Do your share of work, No slackers.
- Acquire land (countryside/rural)
- Buy gold, but take care that (((Goldstein))) doesn't come around trying to steal it.
- Meet up and prepare for settling

Vital information:
See you on the boards, Hail Victory!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Welcome! What is /esg/ you ask? It is a vision of the future that we have, a dream that we have all dreamed, to create the traditional white community that we have all been seeking. While we have achieved great things by organizing online and focusing our efforts on the macro level, this is not an all encompassing solution.
The truth is, if we truly want to see a return to traditionalism with a white community, we are going to have to build it ourselves. Previously these discussions have been centered around the goal of settling the Pacific Northwest, meeting up with similar groups such as the North-Western Front. But it would be foolish to put all of our eggs in one basket; rather than a singular goal and settlement it will be much more productive to shift our focus to regionalism.
If you believe that the PNW is the best chance at establishing a community such as ours, you are certainly free and encouraged to do so. But for some of us we are not willing to abandon our homes or heritage. Thus this general is for the establishment of communities of like-minded individuals in various parts of the country. Each individual community formed will be free to further shape their own manifestation of settlement, choosing how it will function and how the ideological schools will develop.

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>But 'X' region is better
That may or may not be true and some areas will certainly have certain advantages over others, however some people will not so easily relinquish the land they call home. Good luck convincing a confederate southerner to abandon his home and move to the PNW. The solution to this is to encourage them to found their own community in the south.
>Where else could the ethnostate be?
No one can force you to pick one area over another but the purpose of this general is for the discussion of potential locations that can be agreed upon. You are free to live wherever you want, and if you have loyalty to a city or state that is not the agreed upon location, that is on you. Remember that we have strength in unity, your choice to settle outside the regional ethnocommunity is your choice, but it makes the endeavor less likely to succeed.
>Abandoning cities and pozzed communities is just running away
White flight is natural and still occurs with those who would deny racism. People want to be with those like themselves and we are doing just that. The success of our venture will show the viability of our movement; if we truly believe in the ideals that we are discussing here we must lead by example. No one is going to do it for you, you must exert your will upon the universe to enact meaningful change. Remember, all change starts with (You).
>The government would never let you secede
That is not the overt intention of this plan. Things may develop down the road, but we are NOT establishing a community outside of the control of the government. We are not going to get Waco'd and be very fucking wary of anyone suggesting anything that would lead to a Waco situation, like actually forcing a certain religion with local authority. We are not a cult and we are not doing this as separatists. Once again, things change and there's no preventing that, but at least wait for an opportune time instead of LARPing.

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>How could you even organize something like this online on a Mongolian throat-singing forum?
We are not organizing this as a group, we are individuals who are collaborating as individuals. A group would almost certainly lose steam and fall apart and bring in those who are incapable of acting independently. I have a vision for my future that is independent of whether or not this plan succeeds. I am going to build my homestead, that is independent of any group dynamic. The goal is to discuss your plans here with your peers to determine where the consensus would be for such a community. You are still free to go build your homestead in an independent location, but again, that removes potential from the success of this plan. We will not establish this community in a day, month, or year. We will independently make our progress towards the realization of our plans, trickling in with steady growth. That being said, anyone and everyone is absolutely encouraged to plan together if they wish, but the purpose of this general is much broader in scope than that and the emphasis is placed on encouraging individual settlement.
>It will never happen, you are all LARPers and NEETs
This plan will certainly not succeed if that were true, but remember this is an independent effort. Only those who are strong and capable will be able to forge this path while the weak will be weeded out. Once again, the success of this venture does not have any affect on whether or not I will go through with my own plans for a homestead. Hold yourself accountable for the fulfillment of this plan, not whether or not a group will succeed. That breeds defeatism and apathy, by virtue of holding yourself accountable the group becomes stronger, more motivated, and more likely to succeed.

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Topics for Discussion:
>Areas of settlement
This will take many a thread to build regional consensus and a fair bit of time. Be patient, this is a long journey we are embarking on. A list will be created to keep track of potential regional settlement locations.
>Specific community policies
This has the possibility of being contentious and there will certainly be variation between settlements, you are encouraged to be rational and civil. Do not fall for tactics meant to divide. Once communities actually get set up such variations might exist from one community to another.
>Personal plans and progress towards the fulfillment of the ethnocommunity
Keeping the flame alive with stories of success and making plans will make keep people interested and motivated. You are reinvigorating the spirit of our shared dream are keeping its eternal flame burning.
>Self Improvement
Honestly /sig/ should be merged with /esg/, we need an all encompassing movement and this general takes /sig/ to the next step of organizing communities. Reminder that the weak will not be able to achieve this goal and it will require many different skills. Take a little time each day to learn one.
>Whitepills and /comfy/ posting
Any artwork, landscapes, music, ideas, news, or anything else that lifts one's spirit is wholly welcome here. We are not giving up and this movement is tangible, physical proof that we will not give up. Stay positive and encourage one another, one day this will not be a dream but a reality. This is absolutely achievable and it starts with (You).

Remember to look for /esg/ and to make a thread when you do not see one. If you are looking for copypasta material search for it in the archives.

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Anything in excess is bad. Smoking too much might make you a nigger, but so does drinking too much. We are against degeneracy, you can certainly smoke weed and not be a degenerate. Building a settlement is hard work and if someone can do that while habitually smoking weed, that person is obviously capable of moderating their use in an acceptable manner. This community isn't going to happen overnight and the weak will be weeded out by virtue of the fact that it requires a hardworking and responsible man to build something like this. There will be no hangers on who skirt by off of the efforts of the group. We are individuals coming together to form a collective, we are not individuals joining a collective.
Mushrooms were used by many pagan religions and even in Christianity. You will find Christian artwork that depicts magic mushrooms in association with understanding divinity. The use of psychedelics is seen throughout European history and is absolutely apart of our heritage. Those red caps with white spots you always see in folklore are amanita muscaria.
Both Christianity and Paganism have a long history in Europe and both should be accepted and tolerated. The Third Reich embraced religion and spirituality of any kind that did not interfere with the good of the state. I think such a philosophy should be adopted in our ethnocommunities, so long as it maintains European roots.

These are not issues that should completely divide us. We have strength in unity and anyone capable of contributing to the community has the right to be a Christian or a Pagan. There is not one form of traditionalism and we are embracing all manifestations of the European spirit.

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- Two Anons have found two good towns for beggining communities: Mossyrock, Washington and Pomeroy, Washington
- The Traditionalist Workers Party, as well as the Northwest Front has been notified on our mission and asked to see how we can all work together to achieve this
- Discord server created: NxeeaG
- Buying towns or developed land lots is the next focus until word comes back from TWP and NWF

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For those of you new to this, I would like to say that we can build off the Northwest Front's Idea and follow up with the Northwest Imperative while creating a new movement and a new state. The Northwest Front is old and outdated but the organization is a mold that we can break into.
Please bare with me here, these ideas I have for our ethnostate are purely theoretical in practice but vital for the success.
First off, Identity:
We all realize that the Ethnostate is a vital and important part for the survival of our race, we have the location set up but what we don't have... Is a name for the actual Country we shall create. I'm going to tell you my ideas for a flag/name of the country, but there's some more important ideas that I need to talk about.

English is getting old. Don't you find it funny that the American people fought such a brutal and bloody war for their independence yet still use the same language of their oppressors 239 years later? English has to go. We must make a new language for our nation but teach our children to be linguistically immersed. I'll get back to that in a moment.

The Metrics System:
VERY important, the metric system is a scientific system that is much easier to understand than American's system of measurements and it must be utilized to put us on par with the rest of the world. I have no clue why we even invented our own unit system but the fact of the matter is, it's terrible and it needs to go.

The flag:
There are two flag designs right now that really do pop (pic related) but I'll tell you about the one that makes much more sense down below.

The name of our new Ethnostate... I've been thinking about this for a while. We know it will be a republic state with National Socialist tendencies. That has been known for years. But the name? It's kind of been undecided. Even the North West Front's name for the republic is kind of off putting. People want a country and a flag to rally behind, not just an idea. This is very important and I've come up with multiple names:

The Northwestern American Republic of Promland - Named after Prometheus (I like this name the best)
The Northwestern American Republic of Luxland - Land of Light
The Northwestern American Republic of Tyrland - Land of Tyrsfolk

Now I do like this flag best, but the Northwest front is an organization already established with a flag and a name for the ethnostate. We can change it, we all know the appeal of optics and identity in a movement and Harold's are.. Well they're pretty low brow. We can change things but only AFTER we get off our asses and make the damn move.

Now I'll talk about language below.

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