
2 days left faggots. You better get on to buying gold, whoever wins the election will fuck things up for everyone, especifically AMLO

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Nobody cares about Mexico

any mexibros care to give me their opinion on this?

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Save this shithole and vote bronco

You should, all candidates have something to say about ilegal immigration
It's a priceless work of art

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So brother how goes it, I'm fixing some paper work to return after some years here. Should I return or wait it out?

How worse can it get from the present state?

>bronco is at 1%

Its Mexico, it can get worst.

They said this about trump

AMLO is gonna win, huh. I tried to do research this morning to look up his policies but all (((google))) results were glorifying him and saying how great he is. I think US and Mexico relations will be damaged even more than they are now if he wins

They have 1 term limit for presidents, so they can experiment a lot, eventuallly something will work. For now only people with a lot of money and celebrity-populism appeal work. But down the line they will try someone like Duterte.

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If it's bad right now imagine it after we go full blown socialism, brought to you by the eternal candidate AMLO. That fucking boomer will fuck up bad. The country already has a somewhat socialist system, there are hundreds of institutions that give put gibs for anyone, absolutely anyone that is mexican get something out of this institutions, but the people have no idea they existed, or they take the gibs and sell them for money.

eepa eepa andale'!

the problem is the culture around politics, there is a saying in Mexico "si no tranzas no avanzas"
If you don't cheat you don't win. This is the mantra of almost all politicians that are alive in Mexico.

Stay mad Kike

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hello fellow mongrels how is everyone doing?

You unironically thing this rat is a nationalist? Bitch doesn't even want to use our own resources for ourselves

I'm so sick of the government, nothing ever changes in Mexico its always status quo there ever since the Presidential dictatorship ended.

I think that Mexico just being a "democratic republic' is a foreign cancer to us. we never practiced Republican traditions, how could we maintain a republic diligently?

>Post a picture of Amlo in the body of hitler
>Amlo wants to be the new Lazaro Cárdenas, a commie
You are confuse my friend

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Socialism, Communism. Its Internationalist bullshit Mexico needs its own Ideology. I think that Mexico needs Sinarquismo

"Adolfo Hitler y Hermann Göring tenían otro objetivo al mandar a sus hombres a México: aprovechar sus ricos yacimientos petrolíferos. Desde el mes de mayo de 1938 Alemania recibía importantes flujos de crudo, proveniente de la República Mexicana. El presidente Lázaro Cárdenas le vendió petróleo a Hitler, a la Italia fascista de Mussolini y al Japón del emperador Hiroito como una medida para salvar su decreto de expropiar el energético a las empresas británicas, holandesas y estadounidenses.

Cuando el Presidente ordenó la nacionalización de la industria petrolera, el 18 de marzo de 1938, Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos reaccionaron con un boicot a México y exigieron a sus aliados que no le compraran crudo a la empresa recién creada por Cárdenas: Petróleos Mexicanos. Adolfo Hitler y Benito Mussolini rechazaron el boicot y gracias a ello se convirtieron en los salvadores de la paraestatal mexicana. El petróleo mexicano que recibía la Alemania nazi, era procesado en sus refinerías de Hamburgo, donde se producía el combustible que utilizaba su fuerza aérea, la Luftwaffe."


Should've shot that spic in the back. NYPD style.