Why do parents buy this for their under aged daughters?
Why do parents buy this for their under aged daughters?
Lucas Moore
Other urls found in this thread:
Carson Parker
Anthony Jones
Juan Nelson
My sides. It's true though.
David Garcia
Their 26 year old boyfriends buy it for them dumbass.
Henry Fisher
Identifies owner as black belt in sucking cock.
Lincoln Ramirez
I saw a fucking seven year old girl wearing one of these the other day. Actually want to choke her parents to death for buying it
Jeremiah Hernandez
Because millenial parents right now are the most leftist, liberal cucks out there so they feed their Gen Z kids all the liberal diarhea seen today.
20 years from now they'll regret it.
Lincoln Edwards
>May Allah bring dark hours and disaster upon you.
I laugh every time.
Nathaniel Hill
I said under age