Reporters and jew

reporters and jew
communists btfo!

they have been villianizing hard working americans, activly praising a land invaision of our country from the south, and attempting to overthrow the legitimate president of the united states. they should all he put into prison.

fuck you kikes journolists.

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It was a false flag. Faggot.

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This topic was made by some leftist who thinks this board is populated by illiterates, wasn't it? Literally no one talks this way here you imbecile.

shill detected. i dont have a twitter. fuck you kike

>efg in your trip

your fucking EFG

They identified the shooter as 39 year old through facial recogniziation software.

What if it comes out this guy was a leftist upset the right was going on a winning streak so he decided to false flag? Took off his fingerprints so they can’t trace his real life as a hardcore left wing nut.

fuck you! you sound like a commy im a 27 year old boomer

Oh and for your information this country is already maximally galvanized and the racial demographics and dropping IQ make your shitty little propaganda effort pointless. These games every time there's a shooting are like rain drops in the ocean.

t. phoneposter with autocorrect

Nice false flag then

Oh you checked your meme reference card eh?

>make thread about jews btfo

>get accused of shilling

welp, time to leave Jow Forums. have fun with your twitter threads


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fuck you shill

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They were first reporting him as a 20 year old

False fucking flag.

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>tfw journoniggers that have done nothing but destroy their country finally achieve entertainment value via being cannon fodder

>huffpo and other self-important leftists are currently here
>at the same time really stupid over the top caricature level anti-jew topics appear so those leftists can report on it


fuck you im on my toilet!

Or, you know, the police in the US are training for things that happen rather often?


Spotted the zoomer

maybe i made it so sholomo paper and company can fucking read it? what are you a fucking college aged girl? do you drive a fucking prius?

i bet my payroll is larger than your total net worth
btw the ben shanahan that got written up in the new yorker for being on the loser demoshits campaign a while back is the son of the copy editor. it wasnt even a real story. completely fabricated

Now the media is going to go with
"This is what happens when you attack the media. Impeach now "

Get a load of this zoomer

oy vey what a cohencidence..
so many cohencidences these past 100 years.

Has anyone gotten them to blame Sam Hyde yet?

FPBP, the intelligence agencies are pushing for a civil war in order to create weakness in the US and take control. It happened in "Latin" America already, they're doing it in our homeland now

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The US is already being weakened by endless third world immigration. They don't need to start a civil war, one will happen naturally if things continue as they have been.

why would someone target such a small town newspaper. probably a disgruntled employee.

if he had a political leaning then he's pretty retarded

Because they’re not assets of value as opposed to the mockingbird participants like Tapper.

>what's accelerationism

>For the first time, someone in public accuses me of being a Trump supporter. (An Asian girl no less.)
>Tell her yes I *am* a Trump supporter.
>Her: omfg
>Me: wtf...
>Come home. "Hmm, maybe something happened in the news."
>See this.

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