Is it impossible to have a large family this day and time?

How realistic is it to be a white man and have a lot of children? Do you really need to be rich? Any anions have a lot of kids (or pretend you do on this laotian tap dancing board).

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It's not only possible, but many people do it even without government assistance. It will require a lot of sacrifices if you're not well off, which most couples aren't willing to do

You should be free to have as many kids as you want, so long as the state isn't the one footing the bill.

You just need to start young.

This girl probably had her first at 18-19 and she had one ever two or three years until her 30s.

well... not exactly what you wanted since i'm a spic buuuuuut i do come from a family of 7. Short answer both parents worked average jobs, combined income was about $65,000 a year. 2 rooms for the boys (4 of us), 2 for the girls (3). Parents took turns cooking, clothing was a lot of hand me downs and old navy/target, we were expected to get jobs and buy or own cars and pay through college.

A little rougher than a family with just 1 or 2 kids, but not impossible or uncomfortable. I think the biggest thing that helped is we were all max 3 years apart so we grew up viewing sharing and living together as normal and rarely ever had fights over stupid stuff.

It's really hard having more than 2 kids without losing your mind. They are always talking and moving around. They beg and cry. They smell and touch things they aren't suppose to. Don't expect your kids to be preprogrammed at birth to save the white race, dumb cunt.

no, not impossible

most people nowadays aren't willing to degrade their standard of living so they refuse

Ugh, sounds like my girlfriend's sister and her little brown husband. Whites will have one kid so that they can live a life of comfort while browns will eat fast food and wear scrubby clothes in order to stuff 7 more baby browns into one little house.

Fucking build the wall already.

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I knew quite a few 6+ kid white families growing up. Ranged from middle to upper middle class. All legit too, no "6 kids from 7 different fathers" nigshit. One commonality was they were all Catholic.

This is easy to do, you just have to start young. You can have huge white families if you start making babies when she's 16, which is what we did forever until age of consent laws.