Police Issue Warning After ‘Doki Doki’ Online Game is Connected to Teen Suicide
The game is just one of many that some fear will negatively impact the mental health of at risk players.
Police Issue Warning After ‘Doki Doki’ Online Game is Connected to Teen Suicide
The game is just one of many that some fear will negatively impact the mental health of at risk players.
Video game Doki Doki Literature Club starts as a high school dating game.
But it has suicide "as a main feature", a coroner has warned.
An inquest will be held in to the death of 15-year-old called Ben Walmsley from Bury, whose father said the game "dragged" his son in.
Laura Dale, from game news website Kotaku UK, discussed the game's claim that it is suitable for over-13s.
if that boy killed himself over an ironic weeb game, was he really worth living in the first place? What kind of an existence was he leading that he'd give his life for a freaking 2D woman?
>Killing yourself over a vidya shitpost
peak beta male
>Laura dale
Let's not forget this thing either!
And here lads is the effects of too much right wang control.
BBC really brought out the weeb experts on this one.
Isn't $he so wonderful, goy?
Maybe have a controlling dad who won't let his son enjoy the games or anime he likes caused him to commit suicide
>mfw DDLC will be banned in the UK in my lifetime