Hey faggots, we're being raided

We're about to see a massive wave of tumblrite cancer, coupled with the influx of summerfags. These boards are about to get a whole lot more unbearable, so brace yourselves and get your infographs ready

Attached: raid.png (1357x643, 243K)

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false flag. Jews are saying that Jow Forums will be raided on july 4th. I have a feeling jews are planning a false flag on july 4th.


hahahahaha they're raiding Jow Forums

Just post gore and they will go away

They're raiding everything, user, even fucking mlp and the maths/science board

Attached: maths and science.png (2048x1928, 362K)

Maybe that would have worked 4 years ago, but good luck not getting banned with these kike mods roaming around

Who would want to raid this shithole board? You can barely post anything here as is without being called a shill or jew.

Yep. All of the tumblr vs. Jow Forums shit lately is fake

I'm sure all 4 people who will take part will be scared off shortly after they get here